***Veterans Day Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 11/10/08 1:08 pm - Perry, MI
Greetings Everyone,
Today is Veterans Day.  I wish to thank any and all veterans in our group who have or are serving in the military.  I was an Army wife for four years, and have a great appreciation for everyone who serves.

I also appreciate that I get a day off from work.  This is my first day off since my birthday on the 1st, as I worked at the hospital the weekends.

Today has me resting somewhat, as I was diagnosed with cellulitus in both of my legs.  Back in the Spring, I had it in one leg.  Well, now I have double.  Then, in the afternoon I have a dentist appointment for some scaling, fun.  After that, I see my ENT for a follow-up with my sinus stuff.

I hope everyone has a terrific day, and sends our veterans some love somehow. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/10/08 6:25 pm - Delmont, PA
Smileycons!Morning All!

Hiya Trish,  I hope you feel better and that you really enjoy your day off.

I work today till 2:30.  Gonna shop after and get the food I need for my full liquid diet that starts tomorrow.  Boy I cant wait.  I am sooooooooo sick of clear liquids.  I really shouldnt complain.  The clear liquids and the bathroom issues have caused me to lose even more weight.  I was 227.5 yesterday and this morning when I got up I am 224.  I didnt update my ticker yet cause its moving so much daily I thought I'd wait a couple of days before I update again. 

Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.  I work overnight so I will try to sleep in as late as possible.

Hope you all have a great day!


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
on 11/10/08 6:40 pm - Culpeper, VA
Today is better.  I am able to move around better and have drastically cut down on pain meds.  I still can't drive until Thursday so I will attempt to do some wash today, wash my hair over the tub and that is about it.

My hubby has to work today een though he is a Vet so it's me and the dog to keep company.

Hope this snow is over. 

Hey!  Those of you that live in the northern part of the state and southrn NY state, what is the weather usually like around Thanksgiving?  We have some kids flying into Rochester late the night before and we are trying to convince their mother that they need a plan B if weather is bad.  Keep in mind, these are adult kids.  Oh well...

Pam Hart
on 11/10/08 7:18 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Trish and Pa!

And yes, thank you to all the veterans out there!

Today has me going to work.  From 8a-noon I am in the classroom.  Break from noon till one and then from 1 till 4 I am in the ER.  I really am hoping I get to shadow someone at this point - just to be out of the classroom setting.  We shall see.  Of course, the one and only other time I was in the ER the director met us in the front lobby - and led us to where we needed to be.  Today that will not happen - and that hospital is soooo big and the er is sooo confusing to me right now - hopefully I find the right spot to go to!  LOL

After work I am looking at a washer and dryer.  We were supposed to yesterday - however - the guy has it in some type of store (I'm a little confused on the set up here) and the store closed early cause they were slow.  So....I will be going there after work to try to not encounter that again.

Then it will be home, dinner, litter boxes....and to bed early as tomorrow I have to be in the er by 7am.  Blech.

Enjoy your day!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Liz R.
on 11/10/08 8:36 pm - Easton, PA
Good morning all!
Yes, all my love to our veterans. My father is a disabled vietnam vet and 2 of my cousins are vets as well. God bless you all and you are examples that freedom isn't free!!

I am here at work today my usual. Our shop is off - it is a union holiday so we are on a skeleton crew. Maybe the bosses will let us go early. Doubt it but you never know! After work I have to stop at my Mom's - tomorrow is her reversal surgery so any prayers would be greatly appreciated!! Then home to get a few chores done.

Have a great day all!

on 11/10/08 9:09 pm - Levittown, PA
Good Veterans Day Everyone!!!

Ditto with thanking all veterans.  My uncle started in the Navy right out of high school.  And his son, my cousin, just got out a few years ago after serving 20 years.  Garry also has a friend who has been in for 20 years and will be finally coming home soon.  Only to leave to go to Minnesota for a job opportunity.  So I thank all veterans and the ones that I know that are dear to my heart also.

Well, today has me battling a stuffy, sometimes runny nose, cough, and sore throat.  I hate colds.  But I usually get through them okay and without any meds.  So we'll see how today goes with that.  It's the third day of it.  I'm just letting it run its course.

In a few minutes I'll jump in the shower to get all nice and clean and pretty for my job today.  I'm heading to Bethlehem.  Hopefully it will be half decent.  I hate to ride that far and then it turn out to be a crap job, which the more I think about it, it probably is going to be.  But you take the good with the bad with my profession.

Then tonight someone is coming to see the house.  So I have to sweep and mop and tidy up the bathroom.  All the rest of the rooms are good to go.  Then I'm heading to Macy's tonight for orientation.  So I have a bit of a busy day.  But it makes the day go by faster, I guess.  But sometimes I like when the days go slower.

Well, have a great day everyone.  And, again, thanks to all the veterans out there!!!



Dennis Belk
on 11/10/08 9:23 pm, edited 11/10/08 9:23 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Trish, Pennsylvania and all of our veterans today.
I drove into NYC today and plan on attending tonight's Barix pre-op sg meeting. On the way in I heard a fine song from Trace Adkins, it's called "Arlington" and it helps to bring the meaning of today home.

Have a wonderful day Everyone and please remember to do the best you can today and always,

Laureen S.
on 11/10/08 9:28 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Day to All,

God Bless those men and women who've sacrifice helps keep our country and the world safe, the Vets of wars past and those who will be future vets!

Sitting at my desk reading posts and having breakfast, though for some reason, I got the full signal after only two teaspoons of cottage cheese, guess it's going to be one of those days where my appetite is not strong, a listen to the pouch and eating by the clock day, which has not happened too often for me. . .

Otherwise, nothing much happening here today, so I wish you all a wonderful day and if you have any struggles, prayers and positive thoughts for all!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

(deactivated member)
on 11/10/08 9:35 pm
Hey everyone.  I hope you feel better soon Trish and I hope everyone else is doing well.  Thank you to all of our veterans.

Life here has been a bit f*cked up, but I guess you will have this from time to time.  Life can't always be good.  You suck it up, deal with it and move on.  That's why it's so good to have great friends you can always depend on no matter what. 

On a positive note, I was promoted in my karate class on Saturday.  I am still low man on the totem pole, but at least I am moving on up!  This week is "bully" week in the classes...It's more geared towards the children's classes, but adults run into bullies/predators too.  It was rather anxiety provoking for me giving my history of being assaulted years ago, but I worked through it.  I am finding in those "play" situations "f*ck" usually comes flying out of my mouth...and since there are teens in the class, I really need to learn to NOT drop the f-bomb   It's not like they haven't said it themselves...or heard it...but no one else seems to have this potty mouth problem in class exect me  I am learning to replace that reaction with "NO!" instead

It's karate again tonight, then the gym.  Other than that, nothing special.  I have 3 more pottery classes and my projects have gotten slightly better, but I will never be a pro at this.  But, at least I gave it a try and can put the experience under my belt. 

Have a great day....and go try something new that you always wanted to do.  You never know what new passion you might discover.  Sometimes its the thing you least expect.

on 11/10/08 9:48 pm - Schuylkill Haven, PA

Good Morning all!!  I come from a long line of military personnal. Both my grandpops were in, my uncle  a couple cousins and my bf is retired navy.

Things here are off to a smooth start. The kids are at school. Ive been at work for over and hour. Getting busy here!!

Tonight  after work I will go home and change and go for my run. Then I will come home shower and get ready for bed. I have a LONG day tomorrow. I have new clients coming in tomorrow and then after work im having a tupperware bingo party!!!

Anyone looking for some tupperware let me know!!!


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