A Cool tool that we should have in our kitchens...
one of my all time fave chefs that was on the food network was Sara Moulton... well she is back... but on PBS... and while looking at her site- http://www.saramoulton.com/weeknightmeals/shows.php?cat_id=3 she has this cool tool posted... it is called the Food Cuber... http://foodcuber.com/index.php and you can order from their site (it doesn't look like anyone in PA sells them) http://foodcuber.server101.com/home.php ...
I am sure some of you are going why is this soo cool... they are trays that come in 1/2 cup, 1 cup and 2 cup sizes... thin**** cube tray but bigger... great if you have leftovers... freeze them and then you know you have 1/2 cup or 1 cup etc... I am thinking in a few weeks to get the set of all 3... that way I can use the 2 cup one to freeze broth etc... there is so many cool things we could do with these... esp with the holidays coming up and all of the leftovers etc...
btw- from what I have seen from Sara's recipes they look like they are perfect for us... and a lot of them don't need changes to them... and what few do it is mostly adjusting the fat... and I am adding her new cookbook to my wishlist- Sara's Secrets for Weeknight Meals- http://www.amazon.com/Saras-Secrets-Weeknight-Meals-Moulton/ dp/076791659X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1226205597&sr=8 -1