***Saturday Roll Call***

on 11/7/08 7:33 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning PA!!!

Well I am up unable to sleep anymore so I thought I would post the roll call.  Hope no one minds!!

As for me today is probally a stay in the house and putter around here.  I may get a jumpstart on my grading of the tests and projects but then again maybe I will just order a movie and snuggle up on the couch as I am way congested AGAIN!

Hubby wants to take a drive to Pottstown to look at houses for sale...but we will see how I feel and if the weather clears for a drive.  Other than that it is a pretty boring day but I will take it after the hell-tastic week I had.  Glad the week is over and I can relax over the weekend. 

Anyone have any good books to recommend?? I am done all the books in my house and need something new to read before I go crazy....recommendations please!!! Thanks!!!

Hope everyone has a great Saturday!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Pam Hart
on 11/7/08 8:01 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Laura and Pa!!

I am soooo glad it's Saturday!  We are officially here one week!  And it's been one heck of a week.  I knew moving on Saturday and starting work on Monday would be tiring - but I didn't think it would be THIS tiring!

Anyway - on to today.  I am lucky enough to now be living about 15 minutes from Liz, so I am going to her cooking class/support group which I absolutely can't wait for.  It will be a nice break from the week, and wonderful to spend time with all my great friends and meet some new ones!   Not to mention have all that wonderful food that is safe for us!

After that I don't really have a plan.  We did go food shopping yesterday and there is some ground meat in the fridge I need to make up.  Perhaps I will do that.

And this evening I'd really really like to watch a movie w/ hubby.  I've said that 3 nights in a row now...and we still haven't gotten around to it.

As far as books, Laura.  I don't know what you like to read.  However...I LOVED

"In an Instant" by Bob Woodruff.  It is the story of the ABC news anchor who was on assignment a few years back in the war zone and his convoy got hit by a roadside bomb....he suffered a traumatic brain injury...he wrote a lot of it, and his wife wrote a lot of it.  Very moving story.

The Deep End of the Ocean is also another great book - although sad.  I believe it is based on a true story, but it has been years since I've read it.  It's about a child who is abducted from a hotel lobby while his mother is checking in for a HS (or college?  can't remember) reunion. and their life there after.

To Kill A Mockingbird is my all time favorite book.  I've read it about 15 times...and would read it again in a heartbeat.

Good thoughts to everyone!


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/7/08 8:17 pm - Pittsburgh, PA
Good Morning everyone...and good morning Laura!

Sorry I don't have any good book recommendations for you.  I think the last book I read was Duck for President  to my preschool class.

Sorry to hear that you had a terrible week!  Do get some rest today...hopefully next week will be better.

I'm off this morning (with my daughter) to get my allergy shot, then I'll pick up my mom and head to our church.  They're having a huge Christmas craft sale.  Mom's battling early/mid Alzheimers and has been asking (and asking and asking) to go to this event.  Hopefully it will be a nice morning out for all of us.  At least it will get her out of the house and moving around for a few hours!

I have a question for all of you...but first an explanation...

I am at the pre-pre-pre WLS stage, just scheduling my very first appointment with the dr.  I was only able to set the appointment for early December.  Because I'm a teacher, I'm hoping to try to arrange my WLS for early June, so that I have the summer to recuperate.  Do you all think this is enough time, to get the 6 medically supervised diet visits, tests & authorization from the insurance company?  I was concerned about the time frame, so I set up an appointment with my PCP (next week) to start the diet.  I figured that I could try to switch over to the WLS dr's office for the rest of the visits.  Does this sound possible?  I know it would definitely be better to do the diet with the surgeon's office, as they have a nutritionist, therapist, etc.  I'm just trying to fit everything in before June.  Comments?

Well, I'd better get moving!
Have a wonderful day, everyone! 
Hope you don't mind this newbie chirping in on the roll call.

Pam Hart
on 11/7/08 8:23 pm - Easton, PA
We LOVE newbies chirping in on ANYTHING!

I understand your issue with the timing of the surgery and the school teacher thing.  I'm thinking the 6 mos supervised diet with your primary would be fine.  Make sure they document that they had you on some sort of eating plan...whatever they reccommend...and document your weight, their teaching, etc etc etc.  I'm not sure how this is financially - but perhaps meeting w/ a nutritionist outside of your surgeons office now would help?  I'm not to sure on any of this...I was "lucky" enough to not have to do it for my approval.

As far as your approval goes - that's a little hard to say.  Each insurance company is different.  Some give approvals (and/or denials) very quickly...some don't.  My surgeon's office wouldn't schedule me until they had the approval...and once I had the approval...I needed to wait almost a month for a date.  However, by reading the posts...I know some surgeon's office's schedule surgery without an approval and people kind of just have to *hope* that it comes in on time.  I'm sure these offices know what they are doing...but it seems weird to me.

Good luck!

Oh, and LOVED the comment about the last book you read!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Laureen S.
on 11/7/08 8:44 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Laura & PA Friends!

Books to read?  Hmmm, what kind do you like?  I have to admit I am mostly a fiction reader, love Koontz, Cromwell, Patterson, Steele and the list goes on, just came out of a 2 year readers block and have been averaging a book and a half a week since, behind on all my favorite authors, so yesterday one of the things I did was go to the library, return 2 books and get 2 more. . .

Yesterday was an intensly busy and crazy day, I left home to get my bloodwork done at 7:40 a.m., as I hadn't gotten to it before 1 year post-op visit, after that I went to wait for PetSmart to open to get Dillinger his dog food and treats, then the gym, then TJMaxx to return something and of course see if there was anything else I might need or want, just came away with pumpkin spice coffee though, Target looking for something, stopped at a local pizza place to grab a slice of reg. thin slice they have there, to the Town office to grab my Permits package and as it's in the same building the library, then to the nail salon where I finally got my manicure which was 2 weeks overdue, stopped next door to Allstate to sign something for my renewal, BJs and then finally arrived home at 3:40 p.m. . . .  I put things away, walked the dog, series of phone calls about what we were doing (friends and I) for the evening and then walk out of the house to go out to dinner and a meeting.  Well, I get to my car, which is never locked when it is parked in my driveway, I have my pocketbook in one hand, a book I am returning to my friend in the other and realize that I have just locked my keys in the house. . .  I go to use my cell phone and it starts beeping because the battery is low, so hungry, stressed out, I call another friend who lives nearby, someone I was going to be picking up on the way to the meeting after me and other gal had dinner and ask if she can pick me up and take me to yet another friend's house who has a spare set of keys to my house (this friend is a nurse and still at work), you see I keep a spare set of her keys in my car, just in case I need to take care of her animals, so the other friend comes and takes me to get my spare keys, 45 minutes after this all began I get back in my house to find my roommate is home, after not being able to reach her to see if she was on her way home.  I cancel dinner plans, as it is too late now and I am starving, grab something to eat, after which head out to pick up my friend that I was going to have dinner with and head to a women's AA meeting. . .  after which we all hang out yapping in the parking lot for an hour (lol).  It's a long story, but I hope you are finding this comedy of errors funny, it was to me, but not while it was happening (lol).  

Well today, hopefully, will be a much easier day, have a dentist appointment to have stitches taken out from where my implant was started 2 weeks ago, then visiting a friend and tonight I am going with friends to dinner at one of the friend's houses and the Walnut Street Theater production of Hairspray. . .

Have a great day all, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/7/08 9:17 pm - PA

I typically get my reading in before I sleep and on the airplane every week and like most of what Laureen had suggested.    Up a little late this morning - but have a ton to get accomplished.   Going to go cut the grass and mulch the leaves first.  Then take one of the dogs for a 3 mile run.   Have to get in the grocery shopping all before noon.  At noon taking the kids over for a mixed martial arts class (they seem to love it) and get in an afternoon spin class.   By the late afternoon its back to another load or two of laundry and start some dinner for the family.  Maybe a movie tonight.

This has been my first week on the ground (no travel) in 10 months.  I was afraid I would find not alot to do - but heck my schedule keeps growing day by day.  I have maybe 2 more weeks then back in the air for me.   Good Saturday to all.

Kim Z


Laureen S.
on 11/7/08 11:09 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Hi Kim,

Good to see you posting here!  Hope you have an enjoyable time on the ground!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

IdaMae D.
on 11/7/08 9:22 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning,
I'm working on my readings and paper for my next class, it begins on Thursday.
I'm going to attempt to get to the pumpkin pie I'd planned to bake last weekend (it's WLS friendly - I've reworked all my favorite recipes from my mom's old 1950 Betty Crocker cookbook since Gene had his surgery, they are all now very healthy and sugar free)
As far as books go have you read Diana Gabaldon's Outlander series yet - it's an awesome series, I'm waiting for the next book to come out which they are saying is scheculed for 2009. I could not put any of the books down.
Then there is Jean Auel's Earth's children series, another series that I could not put down until I'd reached the final book and am in the process of waiting for her next book in the series.
Have a great day


Patricia R.
on 11/7/08 9:29 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Laura,
Glad you started Roll Call this morning.  I woke up and ran out the door before 6:00 to my AA meeting.  Just got in and did the dishes.  I am leaving in an hour for work at the hospital.  I had a busy week at school, and have to figure out how to get my grades done in the next week.  My house is a mess, and I am way crazy with my schedule to clean it right.

As for books, my favorite authors are Francine Rivers and Beverly Lewis for fiction.  I like Beth Moore and Stormie O'Martian for spiritual inspirational reading.

Have a super day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/7/08 10:17 pm - Levittown, PA
Good Saturday morning everyone!!!

Let me try this again.  My computer froze up just as I was going to hit submit.  Darn technology.

This morning I've gotten my shower and am all nice and clean and pretty for the day.  In a little while I will head to the bank to get some cash for gas and Connor's bowling league this morning.  After dropping Connor off at the bowling alley I will be heading to Liz's house for the WLS cooking class.  I was debating on whether to go or not, because I was at Macy's ALL DAY yesterday from 9:00 to 6:15 last night.  I was so exhausted and I thought my head was going to explode from all the information packed into one day.  But I had a good night's sleep and am ready for the ride.

Liz, I'll see you soon.  I may be running late.  Connor doesn't start bowling until 11:30.  But I will drop him off a little early and then head up.  It will probably take me about an hour and 15 minutes to get there.  So I may not get there until 12:30.  I'll see how the morning progresses.  And maybe even drop him off with Garry earlier. 



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