A touching moment in class today

on 11/7/08 12:28 pm - Drexel Hill, PA

Hey everyone,

Well, "hell" week  is over, thank god  !  You know, something really touching happened in class today and I wanted to share,  Now this is probably going to sound corny or stupid or geeky or too "schooly" - and I'll probably run on and on and might even upset some of you totally by accident - but it truly was almost a "sitcom" type "aweeeee" moment for me that just about brought a tear to my eye. 

Little bit of background - what was making me so busy these past few weeks was that my MBA team was doing a full financial evaluation of a publicly traded company.  We had to write a report (20+ pages) and give a 20-30 minute presentation.   We had to conclude with a buy, sell or hold rating and estimate the stock value and company value - just like the analysts do on Wall Street.  You need to know how to do this kinda stuff when evaluating Mergers & Acquisitions; the course I start after Thanksgiving.  As luck would have it the company that we got to evaluate was Weigh****chers (NYSE: WTW).

Alright - so, part of the evaluation is to discuss the market and the future of the market.  I found some awesome slides from the CDC that shows how Obesity has just spread like wildfire across the USA since 1985.  (if anyone is interested - here is the link:
http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/obesity/trend/maps/index.htm )

SOOOO - after the medical doctor in my team (yes, one of my team members is the Director of Pediatric Critical Care at a local hospital) presented the series of maps it was *my* turn to go into the future growth potential and "numeric" evaluation.  Here is what I said, or something along these lines,
"As you have seen the obesity epidemic that faces the world today is truly astonishing.  We, as Americans, are getting larger, therefore the market potential for WTW is getting "larger"", then I made a slight off the cuff remark, since almost all class members have commented on my weight loss,"well, some are trying to get smaller", with a quirky smile on my face  ...

after I said that one of my classmates in the front row clapped, then another, then another....then the WHOLE CLASS was clapping in acknowledgment of my personal weight loss...I was STUNNED  and just smiled.  All I said was, "why thank you very much" and I sort of bowed  my head in acknowledgment.  I then went right back into the presentation, ever the professional :), saying something along the lines "As I was saying this epidemic posses an excellent growth opportunity for Weigh****chers.  Let's take a quick look at their past 5 years revenues compared to meeting attendance and overlay that with the obesity trends to see if there is potential for revenue generation.....baa blaa blaa".

I've *not* told my classmates nor my team, even, about the WLS I had this summer.  The applause, in the middle of the presentation,  was both a very touching and slightly uncomfortable situation. 

Would you believe, during the Q&A section, the topic of WLS came up, from the audience - with respect to if WTW v.s. WLS v.s. lifestyle changes and such...of course it was one of those "I think Americans, in general, are more apt to go the easy way out and opt for WLS versus committing to the WTW regime of point tracking, meetings, and increased physical activity.  How can you justify the revenue projections and share price...blaa blaa blaa"...

Now, this person is a good person that I respect but they are simply ignorant, like so many about what *we* go through.  Anyways,  I kept my mouth shut and let my doctor teammate answer; to which he said "That is a great question.  You know WLS requires even more of a lifestyle change and commitment level than Weigh****chers...blaa blaa blaa", he continued to perfectly describe what *we* go through (with a few errors but I wasn't about to correct him).  I jumped in at the end and said, "Weigh****chers, in fact, could even view the WLS community as another untapped market that we did not consider.  While the WLS community would not use the same point system that WTW uses WLS patients undergo the same emotional and physiological changes that Weigh****chers members experience, perhaps even more so.  The group meetings and motivation that WTW provides is an excellent fit to the regime that a WLS patent undergoes, as Dr.XXX just described."

I digress.....

It was a good presentation and I hope to get an "A".  It was a touching moment, albeit a bit uncomfortable but  I wanted to share with all of *you*...*you* know what I'm talking about.  I guess I  really am looking different enough to warrent some applause from the non post-op WLS community - you know, just normal people.  Since *we're* here to support and encourage each other - it's 2nd nature for us help each other out and congratulate each and every WOW moment.  That's not to minimize the encouragement from all of you....**** am I digging a hole?  No offense - I love you all, keep it coming :), please. 

Anyways, it was nice.  Almost made the late late nights working my @$$ off and not seeing my family worth it somewhat.

If anyone wants the 4MB PowerPoint presentation I'd be happy to share :) and can explain in easy to comprehend language at the next Wednesday meeting.


Pam Hart
on 11/7/08 12:54 pm - Easton, PA
I personally didn't find anything offensive about the post and congrats!

And you deserve an A++ without me even seeing the presentation.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/7/08 12:59 pm - Drexel Hill, PA

Awe, thanks Pam. 

Can't wait to hear about how your new job is going. 

Mary Benford
on 11/7/08 5:19 pm - Emmaus, PA
Great post Greg :)

I'm glad "hell week" is over for you, and it really sounds like you put a lot of effort and time into your presentation...  which of course will pay off big time I'm sure. 

I also didn't find anything offensive about your post, because people's opinions about WLS are a reality.  Everyone is going to think whatever they want to think...  but you and I  know how hard the whole entire process is.  Nothing about having this surgery is easy, and the only people you have to convince themselves of that are you, I, and the rest of our gang here.  We know the personal struggles eash of us haave, and will have in the future.  People who are willing to lend an ear, and truly listen to you once you've decided to open up about your surgery ( *if)  are those who genuinely care.  Once I decided that I was going to tell people how I lost all my weight (when the "I just cut back on some things" wasn't cutting it anymore) I got a whole spectrum of responses...  Some that I completely wasn't ready for..  but again, it's their opinions, and really, who am I to critisize them for that?

Don't get me wrong, I've had a few go-at-it sessions with ignorant people and their views about my surgery, but I've chalked it up to just that.  They're ignorant...  and really in the grand scheme of things, they're opinions don't mean dirt to me.  You'll find that there are people who are genuinely fascinated with what you've done, and others are "completely turned off" by it.  (Ask me about that whole situation sometime!)   You just listen to what people have to say, and move along with your progress...  sometimes things that people say will be an even greater motivation for you!  There's no better place to take out agression and anger and frustration than the GYM!!!

Anyhow, I commend you for wanting to "search out people's opinions" on the whole thing..  I know you're prepared to deal with their responses and reactions. 

ps- You deserved those applause from your peers, it shows they notice a difference in you already!!!

Take care,

     Success is a journey... not a destination!     

Pam Hart
on 11/7/08 8:12 pm - Easton, PA
What a great heartfelt response, Mary!!  That is an awesome way to view it....and an even better way to word it!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/8/08 10:56 am - Drexel Hill, PA
Hey Mary,

Thank you very much for your reply.  I certainly look forward to hearing about your experiences from friends/family/co-workers that may have surprized you in their reaction, be it positive or negative.

I wonder when the whole "i've been eating 6 small meals a day and working out at the gym" will no longer cut it.  Luckily co-workers see me bringing my lunch in each day, eating lunch at my desk, working through lunch, eating the 6 small meals, taking the stairs not the elevator, and going to the gym mid-afternoon (since I worked through lunch)....and some even have run into me at the gym while I was going full throttle on the elliptical ...

I try not to be an angry person anymore...and i have begun to use the gym or exercise in general as my form of relaxation. HA HA - in our gym each elliptical has a personal TV set, so I've begun to go down at a certain time and watch a show on the history channel while I workout.  Kinda makes me feel like I'm doing something "naughty" at work by watching TV in the middle of the afternoon.  Am I a rebel or what?  History channel one day, photocopying my face the next...where will the insanity end?? LOL..

Thanks again.

Shannon O.
on 11/7/08 9:48 pm - Reading, PA
This sounds like it was a great presentation... and from someone that tried WW to only fail at it... to me it is even better because of the statements that came up about WLS... I did WW for 6 months... counted every point eaten and used in working out... and I gained 25 to 30 pounds... that there was for me the breaking point to prove to my doctors that I was eating correctly my body was just stupid lol...

But, I also think it is great because a lot of people don't want to talk about kids being fatter and fatter at even younger ages etc.. and how that is going to effect the future... so you doing this might help someone in the class with their own weight loss or someone close to them... who knows... this might just save their life...

on 11/8/08 11:10 am - Drexel Hill, PA
Thanks Shannon!  Yes, we touched on the fact that the younger generation is also geting larger and larger - during the presentation the doctor in my team explained it as the "Nintendo effect".  We somewhat joked that in 5 more years it'll be called the "Wii effect".....I feel horible when I put my "businessman hat" on  but, from a financial standpoint, this youth will continue to provide WTW with more potential clients.

The WTW structure appears to be good, and, as a corporation, they are doing some very good things for the community with their charatable donations.  From a financial perspective they have growth potential - there present stock price is within dollars of when they went public in 2001-ish....and they just formed a join venture with Groupe Dannon and opened up facilities in China (just last month).  I'm not running to join up at my local WTW office - but I just might get some stock with any XMas money Santa brings me ;)

Regards and thank you for your comments,
on 11/7/08 10:27 pm - Levittown, PA

I am soooooooooo happy for you!!!  That presentation sounded great.  And if you don't get an A or an A++++++ I'll come down there and straighten their arses out!!!

Nothing in your post was offensive AT ALL!!!  I don't even know why you would think that.  Gloat all you want and keep gloating!!!!  The applause you said you got brought a tear to my eye...sorry, just an emotional chick thing...but you really did deserve it.  And I get emotional about a lot of wows that people have because I have had them also.  And to think about all the struggles we all have had in our lifetime, it's always good to hear about all the successing that people are having.

CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!!  Good luck with your grade.  I think they'd be stupid to not give you the highest grade EVER!!!!



on 11/8/08 11:30 am - Drexel Hill, PA
Hey Karen,

I just love making people cry.  One of these days you should ask me about my 1st puppy dog story, Foxy Lady (no joke, I was 13 and didn't know the Jimi Hendrix song yet).  Even more sad - ask me the story about the *best* pet my family ever had, the answer might surprise you .

Hey - thanks for your comments.  I'm really not worried about grades anymore.  This seemingly small statement has actually been a HUGE and HEALTLY change in my mentality and overall outlook/philosophy.  I used to be so goal oriented that, only recently, have I come to realize that it was unhealthy and, just might, have held me back.  Sort of a reverse effect....anyways, I digress.

Thanks for your comments.  I learned a lot in this course (and the MBA in general) and that is worth more than any grade letter they'll assign me.

Sort of like our WLS journey........I learn so much from all of you, each and every post, that no one will ever be able to take that away from me.  ALL OF YOU are *my* role models and teachers!  *You* all deserve the highest grade EVER!!!!

Thanks again,
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