is too much protien bad.
This topic seems to bounce up every now and again. From right out of the gate I was getting in double my protein (Yes - double). The way it was originally communicated to me was ..'you have to try to get in as much as 78 gms of protein a day...' In my head - I thought well if I have to get in as much as that - then more than that would be good. Wrong. I learned that double is not good as it can overly tax the kidneys. Period.
I addressed this issue of too much protein converting to fat calories with 3 different nuts and all told me that it was a myth - however all three did tell me to becareful of the effect on my kidneys. I also learned that our protein "goal" given to us at surgery is just a number calculated by your gender, height and weight - nothing more - so basically (in their words) its an 'estimated guess'.
For me - at surgery I was told 78 gms of protein per day. I routinely get between 99 and 135 per day (the average is 120 per day). I have addressed this on a regular basis with the nuts, Dr. Boe and my PCP. For me - all are in agreement that based on my activity level that it is good for me. I run 6 - 8 miles every day and core train 5 - 6 days a week, plus now I have added spinning 3 times a week. They said I need the extra to keep me going and now at almost 11 months out - I am starting to see how well this is working for me.
Bottom line is - the number given at surgery is an estimate. Double is bad. Too much taxes your kidneys and if you really arent sure ask your doctor. Personally, I think you will be fine and you are doing great.
Kim Z
I addressed this issue of too much protein converting to fat calories with 3 different nuts and all told me that it was a myth - however all three did tell me to becareful of the effect on my kidneys. I also learned that our protein "goal" given to us at surgery is just a number calculated by your gender, height and weight - nothing more - so basically (in their words) its an 'estimated guess'.
For me - at surgery I was told 78 gms of protein per day. I routinely get between 99 and 135 per day (the average is 120 per day). I have addressed this on a regular basis with the nuts, Dr. Boe and my PCP. For me - all are in agreement that based on my activity level that it is good for me. I run 6 - 8 miles every day and core train 5 - 6 days a week, plus now I have added spinning 3 times a week. They said I need the extra to keep me going and now at almost 11 months out - I am starting to see how well this is working for me.
Bottom line is - the number given at surgery is an estimate. Double is bad. Too much taxes your kidneys and if you really arent sure ask your doctor. Personally, I think you will be fine and you are doing great.
Kim Z