OT: Job Corps anyone?

on 11/5/08 5:22 am - Middletown, PA
Since my daughter decided to quit school and stay home with the baby, she never got her high school diploma. (not a decision I supported by the way, she NEEDS a diploma!)
She has been looking into the job corps with a little bit of pushing from me. From what I've read, it's a great program and they will help her get her diploma along with skills she can use to get a job afterwards. They may help her with extra schooling if she decides to do that as well. While she is away, I'll be taking care of my granddaughter. I keep thinking only another year and a half and my babies will be adults and I can have my life back again. I don't mind helping and taking care of Addison (who is almost nine months old already!), after all, she is the light of my life and I love her more than anything else in this whole world.
My worry I guess is how this program really works. Krystian has a meeting next week to talk with someone about going into the program, but I was wondering if anyone had any real experience with the job corps? Was it good/bad?
My hope is this will be the wake up call she will need to get her act together and be the adult she needs to be so I can go back to being grandma to Addison. (It kills me everytime I leave the house and she is crying "meemee") I sometimes feel selfish, but I don't want to be mom to her and that's what it feels like I'm doing right now. So job corps is what my daughter needs to become an adult and take responsibility of her life.
on 11/5/08 6:21 am - Lancaster, PA
my ex step son was looking into it but he was not motivated enough to do all that they require. They do have high expectations and requirements of you, but the pay off is huge if you finish,
on 11/5/08 6:34 am - Philadelphia Area, PA
Pardon my response if it seems harsh, but if shes a mother with a young child and not in school shouldnt she be getting a job and not job corps?I dont think a moms place is away from her infant for an extended period of time.

Patricia R.
on 11/5/08 2:21 pm - Perry, MI
Job Corps helps young people become employable.  She will gain the skills she needs to hold a job and be successful at it. 

BTW:  There are many mom's serving our country in the military, deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.  This is the 21st century.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/5/08 11:18 pm - Middletown, PA
I'm not taking your response as harsh, but here is the reality of the situation.
She is 18, no education, no job and a baby to take care of. Her choices are 1.. go in the Job Corps to get that education and job so she can take care of the baby, 2, get a GED and hope to get some type of job that isn't working at McDonalds and make enough money to move out on her own or 3 stay home, become a welfare mom and YOU AND I can support her. Sorry, no offense, but that is NOT an option.
She has looked into the GED program and that is one option, but she also thought JobCorps will help her see what the real working world is like, while her daughter is young enough to stay with me for a few months and she might be able to come home on the weekends, depending on where they send her. Job Corps also has a program for single parents, however, that waiting list is very long. So she would basically go into the regular program until there is an opening for the single parent apartment.
on 11/5/08 7:35 am - Philadelphia, PA
Can I ask how old is your daughter? I work for DHS in Philly and have had many dealings with JOb Corps - both the reisdential program and the program in philly. Job corps doesnt play around they are serious if you are serious, they will kick you out of the program quickly, they do not work weith kids with behavioral or mental health problems. How far has she gotten in school? What about an alternative high school? we have a few here that are for older students to finish school quickly or even a GED program. feel free to PM me if youd like.
on 11/5/08 11:22 pm - Middletown, PA
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately, in the Harrisburg area, I or should say we, haven't found to many options for her. The Department of Education actually is the one who mentioned Job Corps. She actually finished 10th grade, quit in 11th and would be graduating this yr if the school would allow her back, but they said they would put her back in 10th grade since she completed that in a home school environment.
on 11/5/08 11:48 pm - Philadelphia, PA
The residential job corps programs are pretty tough seeing as they are mostly located in the poconos. Can she take the GED test? I think that would be a better idea for her seeing as she has a small child. Even though you would be there for your granddaughter, it would be very hard on both your daughter and the baby if she was to go away to job corps.  Well I wish you the best and I highly recommend GED testing for teen mothers.  Again, good luck.
Patricia R.
on 11/5/08 2:22 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning,
I am not too familiar with the Job Corps.  I do believe that if your daughter is motivated, she can be successful at it.  I hope she grows up and begins to take on the responsilities she needs to in order to be employed.

God bless.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 11/5/08 6:11 pm - Easton, PA
I understand your frustration and you are NOT being selfish.  Your daughter DOES need a diploma.  And does need to "grow up" if you will pardon that language.  My brother did get his HS diploma, as well as a Bachelor's I might add, but due to the addiction problem he has suffered through...is not doing anything with his life currently and needs to "grow up" as well.  My biggest fear was that his girlfriend at the time would wind up pregnant and be in a situation much to your daughters right now.  I understand how you feel to a degree.

You are also right that you don't want to be "mom" to this little girl - and that's an ok feeling to have, and a correct one at that.

I don't know anything about job corps but I was also gonna suggest a GED type program.  Hubby has one (due to a surgical procedure he couldn't graduate HS so he went and got his GED the same year)

Wishing you all the luck!!  And Addison is 9 mos old already??  How time flies!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
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