***Election Day Roll Call***
I woke up and had to do something downstairs, so I got on the computer for a few minutes.
Anywho, Tuesday has me getting to the polls before they open. Four years ago, I made the mistake of waiting till evening to vote and stood in line for over an hour. Not this year, I intend to get there and vote before I head to work.
School will be a professional development day, as the kids have off for the day. After school, I head to a doctor's appointment. Then, I am heading to an AA meeting in the evening.
I hope everyone has a terrific day. Remember to vote.
Albert Schweitzer

Hope you are feeling better today Trish.
Well tomorrow is the big day. I've been so busy with work I didnt have much time to prepare for this. I'm on clear liquids today. Luckily my surgeon doesnt make you do liquid diet long before hand. Just yesterday and today. I just ate some green jello (There's always room for jello!). I have beef and chicken boulion and crystal lite ready to take to work with me today. After work we will go VOTE. I'm hoping to find time to get my nails done today and then I'll come home and start packing and wait for the phonecall that will tell me what time I have to be there tomorrow.
How is your day shaping up?
Diane (Almost on the losers bench)
It's 5:45 and I will shortly be getting in the shower and leaving for work. I was a good little girl and packed a lunch last night so all I had to do today is grab it out of the fridge.
I will be at Cedar Crest today from 8-4:30 I'm not sure about morning traffic - and without traffic it takes about a half an hour - so I am leaving an hour a head of time hoping it will work out ok.
When I get home it will be dinner. Hubby is supposed to unwrap all the pictures/wall decorations for me today and then in the evening we are supposed to get to work on that.
Two of our friends *might* be coming over this evening - I'm not sure yet. Guess I'll find out when I get home!
So that's about all in my boring life.
Everyone have a wonderful day!

That pic was taken in Michigan in August when I was visiting my daughter and the Munchkin. We were at the zoo, and we were looking at the critters. My daughter just sent me a bunch of pics over the weekend, and I thought it was a good shot of my favorite little girl and me.
I am hoping that my daughter and her family come home for Thanksgiving so that I can get a new pic of us. I miss that little girl to pieces.
Sorry to hear about your voting snafoo, but it could happen to anyone who moved recently. Be sure to register in your area as soon as you can so you can be eligible to vote in May. That is when the PA Primaries take place.
Hope your new job is going well. Are you in Orientation right now, or did they already throw you to the wolves? Do you get to work days, or are you still going to be graveyard shift?
Have a great day.
Albert Schweitzer

Hey Trish,
Right now it is all classroom orientation. Mon, Tue, Wed was/is ALL classroom time. It's also day like hours...either 7:15-3:45 or 8-4:30 or whatever that days schedule is.
Thursday I meet w/ the unit director. I think I actually go to the ER that day....but I'm not expected to do anything except follow a lucky nurse around and watch over his/her shoulder the whole time. I've had to do that before...and it plain ol sucks. I might not know the system - but I do know how to be a nurse! I digress....
Then after that most days are strictly clinical days meaning on the unit. There are a few days (about once a week) that you are 1/2 in the classroom and 1/2 on the unit.
Most of that is days (for the next 6-8 weeks). They might be 3 days a week 7a-7p...or they might be 5 days 7-3. I will find that out in the coming days and weeks. I was HIRED for nights, however. So somewhere around the 6 week mark they will put me on my shift to orientate with them.
Eventually my perm schedule will be 7p-7a 3 days/week for 3 weeks out of the month and 4 days a week for one week of the month (the extra day one week is to even out paychecks or something like that...)

Pam good luck!well today has me with 6kids since all schools are closed we are doing arts and crafts and pizza party making snow globes pictures frames and door hanging stocking all xmas presents for their parents but here is the problem i have been fighting a cold since Sat night so i hope they all are well behaved lol the ages three 3yrs old and 7,9,11 help me wont be home till after 7pm and have to try to vote before i get home
have a great day everybody!
That's my excitement for the day - work and voting, when I get home I have a couple loads of laundry to do and I have to load the dishwasher. Might try the crandberry sauce recipe for my cooking class this weekend. Hope to see some of you there - see my other post for more info!
Gene took us to vote before he went to work since I still can't drive. This is the first time since we've lived in this neighborhood that there was actually a line for voting at 7am.
Today I'll write my paper and get my power point presentation together for my Thursday evening class. When Gene gets home from work he'll take me for my weekly blood test.
I think I'll make some broiled flounder, baked potatoe, and spinach for dinner.
I am not used to being home and not being on the go, the recovery from my hysterectomy is really tough and not being a fan of daytime TV does not help

Hope you all have a great day and don't forget to vote
