***Monday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 11/2/08 4:53 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I woke up with a headache, so I thought I would start the Roll Call.  What a crazy busy weekend I had.  I hope everyone is ready to have a great week.  Good luck to Pam on her new job this week.

Monday has me trying to make my AA meeting in the morning.  Then, I go face those kiddos.  After work, I have a dentist appointment.  Ouch!  After that I have my group.  Never a dull moment for me.

Everyone have a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/2/08 6:16 pm - Delmont, PA

I hope you feel better Trish.  It's 2 days before my surgery and work has kept me so busy I really havent had time to worry about it.  Today I'm going to be drinking protien shakes all day to empty my stomach.  Tomorrow I will be on all clear liquids.

I work from 6AM - 2:30PM today.  After I go to Magee hospital for my pre surgery physical.  I had the blood work done on Saturday.  After that I hope to find time to get my hair done.  Also hope to find time to get my nails done before Wednesday.

I pretty much know what I'm going to pack for surgery.  Just have to find the time to do it.   I worked SOOOOOOOOOOOO much this weekend.   I really ran myself down doing so.   I worked Friday from 6AM-3:30PM.  I went home and slept 3 hours and went back to work that night at 10:30 and worked till 7AM.  I went and had my blood work done and then passed out on the couch for a few hours.  I went back into work that night and worked from 5PM Saturday night till 7AM Sunday morning.   I came home and slept till noon and then stayed up till 7 last night and passed out.   I'm going to need this surgery just to get a rest from work!

I hope you all have a great day. 

Diane (Soon to be on the losers bench with you)

Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Pam Hart
on 11/3/08 8:59 am - Easton, PA

I am sorry I didn't say anything when I orignally posted.  I meant to....but at 6am this brain of mine just doesn't function well.

Good luck with the surgery - and my gawd woman...you are right...you will need surgery to relax.  But remember not to wear yourself to down...you don't want to get sick before surgery and have it cancelled.

You'll do great!!

Can't wait to have you sitting on the bench with us!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Pam Hart
on 11/2/08 7:30 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Trish and "fellow" Pa'ers!!

Feel better soon, Trish.  And thanks for the well wishes.

I am getting ready to go to my first day.  Today is all conferences - no clincial.  I don't even think I'm going to the Cedar Crest location.  The place I have to go to is in my car - I have to look at it.  I meant to get all of that completely organized yesterday - but ran out of time.

As far as moving - everything is unpacked except for pictures/wall hangings etc.  So we are in good shape!

I am having a lot of problems with my cats however, and that is stressing me.  I have one very timid (I call him neurotic...when he gets nervous in the past he has pulled out his fur...) so he's not adjusting well.  In fact - for the past 48 hours he has not come out of the bedroom - and has eaten less than one can of food and very little water.  I'm more concerned about the water intake.
To make matters worse - I have a very dominant cat as well.  Generally they get along - but now whenever he sees the timid one - he attacks him.  I think because it's a new place he's trying to re assert and reconfirm he is the dominant one.  If they spoke english - I wish I could tell him the little one already knows this and he doesn't need beatings to get that in to him.  I cried last night over it - Brian says it will get better - i just hope it does and soon.

Well sorry for ranting on Monday roll call.

I can't wait till I find my "schedule" and settle into my routine - I miss seeing what everyone is up to.

Oh - and one last thing.  Thank you very much to Dennis for stopping by last night despite his incredibly busy weekend.  It was very very nice.  And to Liz for sending me the text to make sure we were ok!!  Not to mention all the posts in my reply to "we are here"  I appologize for not answering all of them....just haven't been online.

Love to all,

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 11/2/08 7:47 pm - PA
Good Morning!!

Thought I'd chime in.  I don't think I've ever posted on this thread before and figured I'd jump in here with all of you.

Pat...good luck at the dentist.  I always get nervous about going to the dentist.  But it's a necessary evil...LOL!!

Pam, congrats on getting everything unpacked.  The pictures and those type of things will come later.  So far it sounds like you are really getting things done.  Make sure your taking care of yourself too.  Your poor cats.  I have four of them and yes, they can be worrisome.  I have one that is definitely the boss.  Have you thought about putting the dominant one in a room and shutting the door and coaxing the shy one out for a bit.  Maybe this would help.  I can always get my cats to come running if I shake their treats...greenies....they just love them.  Once they get around your new place and put their scents on things I think all will be better. 

I have a busy day today but then again most days are like that.  Our three oldest ones are away at a music competition.  I am excited for them as I know they are going to have a good time.  I'll probably end up working downstairs in our family room for a few hours.  We are so close to being done.  Yesterday I went around and recessed all the nails into the trim work and today I'll Dap those and smooth that out and retouch the paint.  DH will probably lay the carpet this week.  I really want this done and over with.  We really need to extra room....the boys are getting bigger and it seems like our house is small so this big room will really be a blessing to us. 

Hope everyone has a blessed day....



on 11/2/08 8:42 pm - Levittown, PA
Good Monday morning everyone,

Well, I've already been out of the house by 6:50 this morning.  I had to drop my dad off to have a colonoscopy!!  My mother-in-law came over to be here when Connor woke up.  Then I got back and talked for a little bit with my MIL.  Then 7 o'clock I got a call that my dad was done.  I couldn't believe how quick it was.  So back out the door I went to pick him up.  Everything turned out great, no sign of cancer or anything bad.  So he was happy and relieved.

Now I'm eating my oatmeal and about to get Connor ready for school.  After dropping Connor off, I need to come back and get some transcribing done.  Wednesday is my turn-in and I have to get a lot of stuff done.

Well, have a great Monday everyone!!



Liz R.
on 11/2/08 8:45 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all!

Trish -good luck with the dentist.

Pam - I STILL don't have all of my things on teh walls yet! lol

Well today I am at work - pouchie is in a snit along with my intestines so I am going to take it easy today and to bed early tonight! I had a WONDERFUL weekend but it was crazy and I got far too little sleep!

Happy MOnday all

on 11/2/08 9:21 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everybody - I'll be doing a lot of on line research today (as time permits) looking for info on RA for my mother (and myself) so we know what my niece will be dealing with. I know there are marvelous new medications out there to help control RA now, so I'm hoping they get Leah on them soon - right now the PCP just has her on pain meds and something for the swelling, but its not really doing anything for the RA itself.

Other than that it'll be a normal day at work - off to the bank at lunch and PetSmart and that's about it. Tonight I'll be hitting the gym to shake up this body and new work-out routine!

Hope everyone has a great day and remember tomorrow to...


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Laureen S.
on 11/2/08 11:24 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Trish & PA Posters,

Hope your headache is ancient history now and that the rest of your day went/goes well, including your dentist appointment.

Pam, I was thinking about you before I logged on, how you will be staring a new job today and that it can be somewhat nervewracking, however, I'm sure you will do fine and within a short time you will be feeling good about the change.  Hope the kitty's adjust quickly, I remember when Dillinger and I moved into my house, I would take him out to walk him and he would make to get into the car, as if he wanted to go home, not to mention he would sniff every blade of grass and his normal walk, which before we moved there would take 5-10 minutes, began to be a 20 minute excursion and that was not a good thing, with me having to get used to a 2 hour commute, it took a while, but eventually we all settled in and hopefully so will your kitties!

I'm here at work and when I went to put my food in the refrigerator at work, I found all the food items I leave at work, were gone, seems they cleaned out the refrigerator on Friday and threw everything away, regardless of the fact that it had labels on it, which in the past meant they were safe.  I was not a happy camper, as they threw away my 100 calorie english muffins, my low-fat cream cheese spread, my fat-free half an half and a few other things, that I keep on hand for my dietary needs.  Oh well. . .

Anyway, I had a nice weekend, my construction project started on Saturday and the 1st Saturday Barix Meeting had a good turnout and it seemed that most of the attendees enjoyed it.  Then I went home and had dinner with Tony and we went to see a "bad cops" movie, it was kind of draggy in places and not really my kind of movie, so I told Tony, I get to pick the next one, yesterday I make a pot of gravy, watched football, had dinner with Tony and then just sort of relaxed, though because of the clocks being turned back, I was ready for bed before 9 o'clock last night. 

Hope you all have a good Monday!

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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