OT: Update on my niece

on 11/2/08 1:59 am - Boothwyn, PA
Hi everybody - we just heard today that Leah has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This diagnosis is coming from her family doctor and the tests they ran - she will still need to see an RA specialist but right now can't get in to see him until January. They're starting her on prednizone and naperson (sp?) for the swelling and pain.

This isn't the best diagnosis we could have received, but hopefully with proper medication she can have a heatlhy, productive life for herself and her family.

Thank you all again for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes - it means more than I could ever put into words.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/2/08 2:30 am - Levittown, PA
Hi Kathy,
I am glad that your niece finally has a diagnosis of Rheumotoid Arthritis. I was 22 when I started having joint pains and went thru painfully testing for carprel tunnel and there are such advanced medicines now out there such as enbrel and humira. After 3 to 4 doctors I found a great rhumatologist who took agressive actions so that I would not have further joint damage. I am currently on Methrotrexate and Humira combination and with my WLS surgery and losing about 85 pounds am on really a low dose of Methotrexate. Please advise your niece to do her research and look for a Rhumatologist that will work with her and does not take her concerns lightly. I am 40 right now but if my diagnosis was done correctly from the beginning I would not have fused wrists as I do today. But I have always said better late then never knowing what was wrong with me. I wish you niece a lot of luck and hoping she gets to see her RA specialist ASAP.


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


Dennis Belk
on 11/2/08 5:00 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Kathy,
I'm so glad things are moving forward for your niece. It was great seeing you yesterday at Barix. We all had a wonderful day and I'm hoping your niece can look forward to the same.

Take care,

Gail M.
on 11/2/08 5:26 am - Scranton, PA
   I am going through a similar thing with my 19 yr old daughter.  In the past couple of months, her right knee blew up to the size of a cantaloupe.  we went to an orthopedic doc and he stuck a needle behind her knee cap and drain tons of fluid from it.  He sent to fluid out and also did a MRI.  The fluid came back with a high WBC so he sent us to a rheumatologist. 
  The same thing happened 2 more times within a month in a half.  It breaks my heart to have to go to this rheumatologist and watch my daughter go through the pain of having her knee drain.  I can do a paracentesis on my patients (same thing but in the abdominal cavity) but when you see your child go through it, it brings a parent to tears.
  Anyway...they believe she has the start of RA but no positive diagnosis.  The rheumatologist thinks that we just have to keep watching it and see what happens.
   Is this like your neice?  How do they know if it is definetly RA?  I wish they can tell my daughter if it is or it isn't!


on 11/2/08 8:48 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Hi Gail - I'm so sorry to hear what your poor daughter is going thru, too. Leah's problems started in her hands with stiffness, then swelling, then it moved to her ankles, legs and feet. I don't believe they've drained any fluid from her, tho - she hasn't complained of fluid on her knees. I think they determined it was RA thru her bloodwork - we're still waiting for more information, tho.

I'll be on line today researching RA and everything that goes along with it - my mother is beside herself with worry right now - Leah has always held a special place in her heart and this is tearing my mother up. I keep stressing the important of finding a GOOD RA doctor and not letting this PCP treat her for this - right now the meds they have her on will only help with the pain and swelling, but they won't do anything to attack the RA itself.

I'll be praying for you and your daughter, too - this is a mess, isn't it...


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
(deactivated member)
on 11/2/08 7:00 am

I'm glad they found out what was going on so she can now address it.  As Shilpa said, encourage her to do her research....to take charge of everything...and find the best doctor for her.

Thanks for the update.

on 11/2/08 9:26 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Glad to hear that you finally have a diagnosis. Now she can see a specialist and they can come up with a plan for her. The not knowing what is wrong with you is so hard.

It feels like I know you so well from the boards. But it was so great to finally meet you in person on Saturday. Hope to see you again next month. 
on 11/2/08 10:52 pm - PA
Kathy -

I am so glad that your niece finally has a diagnosis and they can begin to help her. It may not be the best diagnosis but it is definitely not the worst either. I hope she is feeling better soon :)

OT.....It was great to finally meet you on Saturday!! Hope to see you at the next one too :)

<3 Stefanie    

way-of-life.gif image by SissyLalaSamantha
on 11/2/08 11:16 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Thanks Stephanie! Just went out and looked at your pics - you and your daughter are too beautiful not to smile more!! She's a cutie - your pix are great!! I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you in person, and thank you again for asking if we could move over to the next group - I got so much more out of that one.

and I think my stinking stall has finally broken!! Weighed myself this morning and I'm down 5 lbs so I'm down 145 total now!! Still don't know if I'll hit my big goal of losing 150 by my anniversary date in February but as long as the scale keeps moving down I'm a happy camper!!

Hope to see you in December!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 11/3/08 2:47 am - PA
Kathy - Congrats on another 5lbs!! Glad your stall is broken!! And another 5 by February is definitely going to happen for you! Actually it will be more than 5 by then :) Thanks for the compliments but you know what you were saying on Saturday about your pictures...well, that is how I feel only 10 fold! LOL See you next month :)

<3 Stefanie    

way-of-life.gif image by SissyLalaSamantha
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