***Saturday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 10/31/08 2:34 pm - Perry, MI
Gooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone,
What a wonderful weekend to be alive and on my WLS journey.  I got to go to the parade yesterday.  My family took me to an early birthday dinner afterward.  I got a ton of exercise walking briskly to keep up with my son all day. 

Today is my birthday, and I plan on spending it taking care of myself and enjoying myself.  I will get to my AA meeting.  Afterward, I am doing some cooking for myself and my sister.  She is having lap-band surgery on the 10th and I am making her some chicken broth and a gift basket with AnyWhey, sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast, a shaker cup, some sugar free Jello and some sugar free pudding. 

I hope everyone has an awesome day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 10/31/08 5:45 pm - Easton, PA
Happy Happy Happy Birthday Trish!!  I hope this coming year is the best to be experienced by you!!  You deserve every minute of it!

Today is moving day.  It's is 3:40 am right now.  My alarm was set for 5....but I have seemed to wake up at this hour instead.  I am contemplating going back to bed to try to sleep.  But the other neurotic portion of me is saying "get to work"  There's really not that much that needs to be done - but all I see is the stuff that DOES need to be done.  *sigh*  It has been quite some time since I have felt this pressured.

So, anyway....packing up the rest of the house...medicating my kitties (which is never fun)....cleaning a fridge and a couch my in laws gave us last night that we now find out is a piece of crap - hopefully the fridge still works...the couch might not even move...because apparantly her cats have marked it (they have been neutered...so really...they just peed on it.  And we don't want my cats getting that idea...so if I can't get the smell out....it's staying on the curb, end of story....I will not have my cats feel threatened as it is they will be upset in a new environment.)

The movers will be here "between 8 and 9"  and my parents will be here about the same time.  There is stuff they need to take in their car.

Wish me luck!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Laureen S.
on 10/31/08 8:26 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Hey Pam,

How well I remember my move from New York to South NJ and the panic that set in that last weekend before I moved my entire life to a new place, where I knew no one except for my son, I had just signed the divorce papers the month before, so no significant other to help out, but my bestest g/f, who I refer to as my sister from another mother stepped in and came helped me pack the last of things and on Monday morning, when the movers came, it went so smoothly that by 11:45 they were packed up and I loaded my sweet Dillinger into the back of the car and headed to my new life.  It seemed overwhelming and yet was so exciting, but I had the help of my friend, who came and spent a week with me at the new house to unpack and get everything squared away, and the feeling I had the following morning as I woke up in my new bedroom for the first time, was just so wonderful.  I hope that your move is equally full of joy and that in time, just like I do, you'll look back and think what a wonderful life I have had ever since that day.  It was not without adjustment periods and feeling like a fish out of water at times, but now my life is so rich and full and the journey of the last year has contributed to that 10 fold!  So go and may happiness find you and Brian, more so than life's realities, within your new address and home state!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Laureen S.
on 10/31/08 8:35 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Trish & PA Posters!

Happy Birthday, sounds like you could not have had a better one, celebrated early with the Phillies, their phans and your family and I truly hope that this year you will have health, happiness and abundance of life!

So I had my year post-op visit with Dr. P yesterday and the short of it was she is very pleased with my progress and the changes I've made in my life over the last year, for the long story, feel free to check out the post I made to my profile.  I am ok with where I am right now and look forward to reaching my goal sometime in the future.

Today is a big day, Barix' first Saturday meeting and I can't wait to see all the people who will show up there today. 

In the meantime I have a few things I need to do before I leave, as I have to meet up with everyone at 9:30 and that kind of puts me in a spot, since my yesterday was taken up by things I had to do which did not reflect household stuff, so I need to vacuum, change the linens, do a load of laundry, run to get my bloodwork that I didn't have a slip for yesterday's meeting with Dr. P and then head off for the meeting, after which I will I will be meeting Tony and spending the rest of my weekend with him.

Well guess I better get moving if I'm going to get it all done. . . 

Have a wonderful day, hope to see lots of you today at Barix!

Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Dennis Belk
on 10/31/08 9:22 pm, edited 10/31/08 9:24 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Trish, Pam , Laureen & Everyone,
Happy, Happy Birthday to you Trish. Have a great one today and yes it's another wonderful weekend to be alive in the journey.

Pam all the best to you & Brian today as you two join us on this side of the border. Welcome to the Lehigh Valley during the most colorful time of the year.

Laureen don't worry about this morning's challenge, the rest of our leader group will wait for you. We leave no one behind. We go together hand in hand.

Today Pennsylvania we celebrate Trish's birthday and the very 1st Barix First Saturday Support Group meeting. The buzz is big and we know the support and camaraderie will be too.

See ya there,

on 10/31/08 11:27 pm - Douglassville, PA
Happy Birthday Trish!

Good Luck Pam!

I'm getting myself ready for the Barix meeting. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Teresa O

RNY 4/1/2008


on 11/1/08 12:33 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Good morning everyone!
Happy Birthday, Trish!

This is my first time posting to OH and I'm researching the possibility of having WLS.  I've attended an informational meeting and am waiting to hear confirmation of my eligibility from the doctor.  Then, as I understand it, I'll begin the 6 month medically supervised diet as required by my insurance.  So...for now I'm just reading everything on the site!  I'm enjoying the before/after pictures...dreaming of finally taking off this weight to start enjoying my life and being more healthy!

After reading posts & attending the informational meeting...I'm a little less worried about "dumping" & hair loss.  I'm just mostly nervous about mealtimes post-surgery with my husband and daughter.  (I'm talking about way down the road, after I'm able to eat solid food.) Although he has the best intentions, he does not eat a healthy diet...and is usually the one to prepare dinners.  I'm going to have to take charge, or to alter what he wants to make so that it's better for all of us.  He doesn't have a serious weight issue & neither does my daughter...and we want to keep it that way!  I'm planning on taking him with me to all appointments & sharing all information with him so the he's better informed too.  I just have to remember that this is my life I'm fixing and I'm responsible for what goes in my mouth...no one else is.  Ok - enough on that!

So, I just wanted to introduce myself and to let you know that I'm hear...reading everything I can to know as much as I can about WLS.  This looks like a very supportive place with a lot of great information!

Patricia R.
on 11/1/08 4:34 am - Perry, MI
Hello Pat,
Welcome to the OH Pennsylvania Forum.  We have the best family of weight loss surgery patients in the country here.  There is an abundance of support, encouragement and love to be had when needed.

I understand about the lack of support that can come from your husband.  When I first started to take control of my eating disorder, back when I was married, my ex would be clueless about my dietary requirements, and offer me all kinds of junk I was trying to avoid in the name of good health.  Now, it is my mother who offers me stuff I can't have.  Example, I have not had real ice cream since the summer of 2006.  The closest thing to it for me is the Klondike Slim-A-Bear treats I occassionally purchase for a fix.  Mom has been told over and over that I cannot eat sugar, yet she will repeatedly offer me frozen yogurt.  Clueless.  As she is 82, I must be patient and forgive her occassional forgetfulness.

It is probably a good idea for you to take control of the cooking for a while after your surgery.  That way, you can ensure that your family is eating healthy.  The post-op diet for RNY is very healthy and I never really feel like I am being deprived.  If hubby needs to eat something dietarily disastrous, he can always fix that for himself, or get take-out on occassion. 

Please join in on the discussions and feel free to ask quesitons and whine or complain when it is necessary. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/1/08 4:54 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Thanks, Trish!
Thank you for the warm welcome!

I have so much to learn!

Pam Hart
on 11/1/08 8:14 pm - Easton, PA

Welcome welcome welcome!!

The pa forum is such a great supportive place!  We are one big "family" here and share in each others successes and hold each other up during difficult times (non weight loss surgery issues included!)

Thanks for joining us!!   You'll be a great addition to the family!!

And I really really REALLY love your line about "I am responsible for what goes in my mouth and no one else" That really shows a great amount of understanding and dedication this early out.  Remember to keep that mantra in your head!

Looking fwd to getting to know you better!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
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