Feeling Blue

on 10/30/08 12:42 am - Levittown, PA
Hi Everyone,
I am feeling so blue today. I was just told yesterday that I have 60 days at my current position and then I am being let go from my company. I know I should be grateful that I am healthy and that my husband works at a good company with benefits but I also have all these mixed feeling like anger, hurt and feeling anxious about the unknown. I did not eat anything yesterday and today only have had one cup of decaf coffee. Its just that I am 40 years old and feel like how long can I keep doing this?? Who will hire me in this economy?? I know my fears are unreasonable and I am kind of rambling here but you will have to forgive me because I feel so lost. I have a college degree and have been working at a good pharmacutical company for awhile and I know my fears are unreasonable but I can't help it. I have never been downsized before maybe that is why I feel so anxious I have always prided myself in knowing that I am marketable and know how to get ahead in the business but I am no young chicken anymore and most companies now want to hire fresh faced college kids that they can pay next to nothing. I am so confused and hurt I am sorry to go on and one but thanks for listening.


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


Laureen S.
on 10/30/08 12:55 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I can totally understand your concerns and fears, and 40 is not old and you'd be surprised at how many companies rather have seasoned workers.  I know when you are going through something of this nature it is hard to believe, but everything happens for a reason in our lives, though while we are experiencing it, it may appear to be the worst thing that can happen to us, though very often though there is something better waiting at the other side of whatever it is. 

No doubt, the economy is tough and a good majority of us have those fears of financial insecurity, however, from your post, it sounds as though you need to focus on the good parts, which you are trying to do, I just want to tell you don't go into panic mode, keep faith that somehow this will lead you to a better position and at least they gave you 60 days notice. 

Perhaps you need to look in the direction of something you would really like to do and pursue that avenue.  You're healthier than you've been in years, you have a supportive husband and I'm sure that if you dig deep down, you will find the confidence that will sell yourself to your next employer or perhaps go after the dream you have hidden within yourself.

Most of all take care of yourself now, protein, vitamins, fluids and exercise. . .

Hugs and best wishes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 10/30/08 1:11 am - PA
Hi Shilpa,

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through this right now.  I work at a big pharma company in NJ and it's definitely and industry issue.  I've been in the industry 10 years and have seen som much change and there continues to be so much going on in this environment and it's creating huge ripples in each company.  I just wanted to point one important thing out to you.  As far as your age - you're forgetting one very important thing.  The pharmaceutical industry is very specialized.  College kids don't have the experience.  So they may be cheaper but in today's industry the experience ALWAYS weighs more in the hiring process now.  It's VERY costly to get a "new" person up and running so one with experience is worth extra money because there is less true "down" time because of their background.  Keep that as your focus when interviewing/making calls.  You have a lot to offer, experience, positive attitude and that can only propel you to a more successful position than your last one.  It's time to leap frog!  You CAN move beyond this and be more successful BECAUSE of your age and experience.  Please believe that!

on 10/30/08 1:23 am - Boothwyn, PA
Hi Shilpa - I know this is a very difficult and scary time for you, but through it all please remember to take care of yourself and try to eat healthy and maintain your daily protein goals - that's first and foremost the most important thing you can do for you.

Downsizing is never easy and while we shouldn't take it personally we always do. I've been thru it twice - once by choice and the other not - and one wasn't easier than the other, trust me. I was 41 my first time around and 43 or 44 the second - and I was terrified each time. I have no college degree, just lots of experience, plus I was carrying around all that extra weight, so I was sure nobody would ever hire me, but I did manage to get back into a great company I had worked with before and this job is the best I've ever had, and even tho I'm still an admin its in a totally different environment.

You're going to mourn your lost job, almost like a lost friend - and that's okay - you'll go through a lot of emotions with this - anger, frustration, hurt - but in the end things will work out for you and I would bet you end up with a better job or something totally different that you love even more. Whatever happens I wish you all the best.

Now go have a good cry - trust me you'll feel so much better!! And then life will go on....


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 10/30/08 2:12 am - Philadelphia, PA
I am sending you a PM.
Arlene E.
on 10/30/08 4:40 am - Philadelphia, PA


I am sorry that you are hurting.  This situation sucks and must be so stressful.  Like others have said, remember to take care of yourself.  Right now it probably feels like you'll never get another job.  After you get over your anger, you'll be able to move forward and try finding something else.  Who knows??  It could even work out for the best as often changes do.


(deactivated member)
on 10/30/08 12:16 pm
Shilpa...I am so sorry this is happening to you. You are entitled to all the feelings you are experiencing.  As someone mentioned....downsizing seems to be a common thing in the phara industry these days.  Not that that will make you feel any better of course.  My biggest fear is losing my job...I have only myself to fall back on and it scares the **** out of me. These days, there isnt a single on of us immune to possible lay offs.  There is something out there for you, although, I understand how hard it must be  to see the light at the end of the tunnel at this point.  Hang in there.  You know we are all here to support you.

Dolores O.
on 11/1/08 7:16 am
Hi Shilpa,

I'm so sorry to hear about your news.  But God works in ways we cannot understand and I believe strongly in my heart that ALL things happen for the greater good.

I pray that you don't allow your anger, upsetment and bitterness to keep you down for long.  You are entitled to those feelings and no one can tell you otherwise how you should feel or act.

I will be keeping you in my prayers that the good Lord opens a job for you that will be beyond your wildest dreams and desires.

I will email you later tonight.



on 11/9/08 12:34 pm
Hi Shilpa,
What more can I say that all of these wonderful people have not already said,  I have not know n you very long but there was something about you that I instantly liked. I too truly believe things happen for a reason.  You are still young. You have a lot of experience.  I bet before too long you will  find another job. I know others will see in you what I did instantly. I wish I knew someone, or someway that I could help but I am at a loss.  Just please don't give up on yourself because not one of us will. 
I hope to see you at the next meeting.  I missed you at the Saturday meeting.
Take Care and Best of Luck to You!
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