I'm one today!
To all of my wonderful OH family,
First off - thank you so much for the well wishes that Laureen started in a beautiful post. Your words are heartfelt and are very very much appreciated.
A year ago today, at about this time...I was already on my way to Barix. I weighed 219 pounds, after losing 16 pounds on a self inflicted liquid diet. I was a bundle of nerves and raw emotion. I was short of breath when I walked up stairs, had severe back pain after working all night, was generally hypertensive, recently diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, didn't sleep well due to sleep apnea, and was a pre diabetic. I couldn't run after my friend's children for long if at all and very rarely wanted to go out. Shopping was a nightmare and although Lane Bryant was a staple for me, I would go past stores in the mall and just stare into windows, looking at tops and jeans and pants and bathing suits I so desperately wanted to wear but "would never be able to". I did not socialize with friends all that often - and if I did - it was either at my house or their house. Very rarely out in public, unless of course, it was to go eat.
In the past year I have lost a total of 107 pounds. I went from a size 22/24 to a size 2/4. I weighed 235 and now weigh anywhere between 128-133 depending on the day. I work out after working all night. I have energy to spare. My back and joints do not hurt. My fasting blood sugar is within normal. Although a repeat sleep study was never done, a 24 hour halter monitor (cardiac) showed no reasonable sign that I had any sleep apnea (by looking at pauses, or lack there of, in my heart rate while sleeping). I completed a 5k in July which was a feat in and of itself, and then was able to go to a party afterwards and not just collapse on the couch. My most recent blood pressure reading was 106/60 or something like that...beats the hell out of 144/96 any day no doubt. I can cross my legs. I had to move the seat in my car forward to reach the steering wheel. I don't have to worry about booths at a restaurant. I love to go out with friends, try new things.
I do like my body - although I still struggle with body image and what I really look like. I still don't know who people are talking about when they say "That tiny nurse over there" or "That thin girl in the pink shirt" I get taken a back when people say "You are so tiny...you are so thin....I'm surprised how strong you are for how little you are" Me?? I pull jeans out of the dryer and think I have shrunk them - only to find out they slide up with ease. I look at dresses and say "oh I wish I could wear that" and then somebody (normally hubby) makes me try it on - and OMG I CAN wear that.
I believed I was confident a year ago. Today I understand what confidence truly means. On this year anniversary I embark on another journey. I put in my resignation at my place of work and tonight is my last night. I cried last year about surgery and this year no doubt I will cry again about leaving my co workers. Both are the fear of the unknown. However...I know I would have never ever had the "guts" to apply for such a big new challenging job with an additional 107 pounds on me. Did the extra weight make me worse of a nurse? No, it didn't. It did, however, make me less of a person in MY eyes. My eyes only, mind you....but mine all the same.
I have celebrated good times with all my friends and have had you carry me through bad times. I did have a bowel obstruction and truth be told - scared me beyond what words can express. It still scares me. I understand it is a potential complication for life after surgery - and I knew that going into surgery - but it is scarier once it happens "to you".
I am definately an emotional wreck today - about everything, the past post surgical year included - but all in a very very VERY good way.
I could not have done it without each and every one of you. Everyone has taught me something I didn't know a year ago. Everyone has given me a laugh...a shoulder to cry on...an ear to talk to.
Thank you thank you thank you.
Here's to many more years of successing!
I am forever thankful to all of you who I have met on this board.

I hope we've been the same for you, during good times and bad - you've had a very amazing, incredible, and yes, stressful year, but now you seem to be settling into your new skin and are embarking on a new life and I wish you all the best life has to offer.
Continued success to you in all things you do.
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland