Surgiversary of another kind....11 years

(deactivated member)
on 10/27/08 11:42 pm
Grab a fresh cup of coffee, because I am about to ramble on and on and on 

I realized in the car on the way to work, that 11 years ago today, Tuesday, October 28, 1997, I was laying on the operating table in the hands of an amazing surgeon (you would never know I have a scar across my neck unless I pointed it out to you).  It was discovered on that day that my thyroid was full of cancer.  Cancer that ALL of the doctors, etc, insisted I didn't was less than a 1% chance they said.  That was the day that my journey TO obesity, the weight gain that occured after that!!  Today, I weigh about what I weighed that day....but of course, my body looked a whole lot better at 27 than it does now at hanging skin....I could run in shorts and a sports bra (on my treadmill of course, NOT outside) and nothing juggled...nothing stomach was not rock hard, but not saggy either.  My arms weren't sculted, but I wasn't embarrased to show them either.  Gotta love what weight gain and aging does to your body! But, that's really not the point of this post.  Skin can be fixed, muscles can be toned, fat can be burned.  And, I continue to work on that.

I don't remember life before the cancer.  It has become "normal" for me.  Sometimes a real pain in the neck (yes, pun intended), but overall, routine. I will have to suppress it for the rest of my life.  I will forever be hypothryoid and be on medications, and have follow up visits with an endocrinologist and an oncologist and have to submit lab work.  It may become detectable again...most post op thryoid CA patients I have met, have had it return 10 or 20 years down the line, or have had other cancers occur.  I am heathier now than ever.  It has helped shape me into the person I am...just like other hardships have done.  I never took on the "why me" or "poor me" mentality. I think my experience is why I HATE hearing other people whine about insignificant things.  It is what it is, so grow a set of balls and deal with it.  It was harder on the people around me , than it was on me.  It didn't really scare me...although, I will admit, there was a time or two, late at night that I would become scared...what if it spread, what if it developed into a more severe case....what if....but over all, I was a real trooper. It really opens your eyes to "yes, it CAN happen to me."  I was strong then, and I am even stronger now.  What doesn't kill you , makes you stronger...yes, it does!

Cancer makes you really appreciate what you have.  It makes you realize, that looks, a dress size, money, fame don't really matter in the sceme of things.  What? The scale doesn't read the "ideal" number I have in my head??? Am I healthy?? Yes?? Well, then f*ck the number on the scale, I are HEALTHY for God sake!  My jeans aren't a size 2 like the person next to me?  But my blood pressure and cholesteral are perfect, my Gerd and insulin resistance are gone, my labs are fantastic and I am as healthy as a horse and have people that love me??  Then damn the jean size to hell. (I am NEVER going to be a size 2 btw!) We all need to enjoy life and not worry about not having the new car we want or the relationship we wish we had or the newest Guchi bag (did I even spell guchi right? LOL) really doesn't matter.  It could all end without notice....we were never promised tomorrow, so make the best of today.  Would I like a rock hard body and my very own spread in Playboy...sure I would  But it's never going to happen and that's OK....I am healthy and alive and enjoying life. 

OK....I am stepping down off of my rambling platform.  I actually need to get some work done since they are paying me to work and not ramble!! 

Have a great day...hug those close to you, love and accept the person you are right now (cause you are pretty awesome) and appreciate the little things in life, because that's what really matters.

on 10/27/08 11:48 pm - PHILA, PA
Beautiful Post Heather!!!
and so very true. I am glad that you have overcome your cancer and have a new journey in life
Best Of luck!

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(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 3:23 am
Thanks Nancy.  How are you feeling btw?  Are you really in  your 5th month already??

on 10/27/08 11:49 pm - Perkasie, PA


(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 3:23 am
Mary Benford
on 10/27/08 11:53 pm - Emmaus, PA
 We're so very fortunate to have you with us...  I'm even more fortunate because I, along with the majority of us, can call you my friend.   

"Have a great day...hug those close to you, love and accept the person you are right now (cause you are pretty awesome) and appreciate the little things in life, because that's what really matters"   <---   You couldn't be any more correct.  

We love you very much HG, and celebrate you, your accomplishments, your successes, and your life.

     Success is a journey... not a destination!     

(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 3:24 am
Love you too!

Pam Hart
on 10/28/08 12:15 am - Easton, PA
Maybe it's because I'm 27 and deal with hypothyroid issues...maybe it's because you're such a fabulous friend to brian and I....maybe it's just because you're so elegant with words and the truth of everything you said.

Beautiful post - as I sit here crying.

Many more years of successing!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 3:26 am
Thanks Pam.  My grandmother is turning 90 in a few months...I plan on getting just as old, if not older. 

Liz R.
on 10/28/08 12:24 am - Easton, PA
Heather - congrats on being cancer free and healthier then ever!

I too had drama surrounding my thyroid. I was 22 (barely - had surgery 6 days after my birthday) to remove very large, pre-cancerous cysts and tumors from my neck. So 6 years have gone by for me. Mine were actually detected after an x-ray of my neck after a car accident and showed that my windpipe was diverted. I too immediately gained weight. I am off my meds now on a trial run, I still have a piece of thryoid left.

Well after all that rambling...

Congrats on the heathlyness and the being cancer free!!!

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