So I really am a junkie....

Pam Hart
on 10/28/08 2:20 am - Easton, PA
I've always admitted that I am a food addict.  Always was always will be.

Without going into to much detail...I've had a rough morning...and that on top of the stress of moving finally caught up with me.  Not to mention my husband's friend is running we haven't even left for pa which has me all worried cause I know exactly how much I'm gonna be behind on sleep.

So...brilliant over here decided to grab 1 piece of a two piece twix bar.  I've had sugar before - but nothing like that.  Oh, and then I ate the second one.

A couple of things.

A)  It didn't give me ANY satisfaction what so ever.  It didn't make me feel calm.  It didn't make me feel happy.  It didn't make my problems go away.  Before surgery yes, it would calm me down.  Now - not at all.

B)  It didn't taste good.  It was entirely to sweet.  I know why I took the first one - I was looking for comfort.   I can't answer why I took the second one - because it DIDN'T comfort me AND it didn't taste good.

C)  Yes I spent the next hour dying on the floor dry heaving and sweating with my nose and eyes running (good thing, come to think of, that the friend is running late.  Otherwise...that's what he would have walked into)

So...morale of the story...I dump...I still look for comfort in food...I no longer FIND comfort in food. 
And then I ended up crying like a 7 year old in my husbands arms.  Ya know what...a good cry is very much UNDER-rated.  That made me feel much better.  The stress is still there - but I've got 4 days left and can do anything for four days.  Right?

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 10/28/08 2:32 am - Perkasie, PA
Yes, you can do anything. You are very strong.

And you're not alone. I'm sitting here, wishing I could throw up.


Pam Hart
on 10/28/08 9:00 am - Easton, PA
Thanks Cheryl.  Good luck to you.  This is much harder to go through than it is to talk bout.  But at least we still both post about it.  Accountbility - it's worth something.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 10/28/08 2:48 am - Boothwyn, PA
You've been under so much stress lately no wonder you were seeking comfort - especially in food since that's where we always found it. But good heavens stay away from the sugars!! I'm so sorry you had such severe dumping - that amount of sugar would have killed me, but hopefully its passed now and you're feeling better (altho I always feel wiped out from those episodes).

Moving in itself is stressful - the packing, all the logistical crap, the movers, unpacking - ugh. The last time we moved all of our worldly possessions ended up in the moving van overnight because of a snaffu with our realtor - I had to call my sis and ask for a place to stay for the night - found myself running to Walmart for fresh clothes for settlement the next day - I was so stressed by the time we got to my sisters that they had a 6 pack of Miller Lite and buffalo wings waiting (talk about comfort food)!!

But your move is coming - you know its a good one - and the new job while exciting is also nerve-wracking and stressful, but you will get through it. The cry was probably the BEST thing you could have done for yourself - and its let hubby know how much stress you're under as well, so maybe he'll come out of his funk for you.

Talked to my daughter this morning and they've had stress dealing with her sister-in-law getting a divorce and she said she sat down yesterday and had a good cry, and it felt wonderful.

Hang in there - its almost over...Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Pam Hart
on 10/28/08 9:05 am - Easton, PA

Y Know Karhy Iwent through this exactly 1 year to the day.  I had sowrn I wasn't scared about the surgery -a nd I wasn't - until we pulled up at Barix and actually said to hubby - Please don't make me go in there.  I went in under my own power (he had actually started the car and said "you don't have to do anything you do not want to do"  Ithought about it for  second,walked in, got through pre admissionquestions and burst into tears.  Then the nurse brought me back for some Q&A qestions where I went into my hsyterics to the point Dr. P came out and gave me a back rub to stop by my sobbing.  That in and of itself is a testament to her care for her patients.

I got through that.

I can get through this.  ufnortunatly I think others are right - it will probably get worse.

Ialso called the ER to get coverage for myself tonight.  I did sleep in the car - but not very well - so I will be going to bed since originally waking up at 9am or so on Monday Morning...and now doen't have to be in till 3am due to an awesome favor a friend is doing for me.  That's cool.  I think all of the stres**** today in regards to knowing I won't be able to sleep.  At least now,I can sleep.


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Pam Hart
on 10/28/08 9:09 am - Easton, PA
Thanks so much for the kind words -they mean more than you can ever imagine.  I will keep that mantra in my head "it's almost over"

The qestion now (which is a stupid question I might add) is how t get hubby "in the mood  Apprantly sobbing and cowing is not the way to his "heart"  Don't get me wrong...he's very supportive...but I feel like I need a phsycial connection at this point.  I'm not convinced as of today and I "worthy" of nything...will the personal closenss help?  I duno but I sure can try.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 10/28/08 9:42 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Tell him what you need, Pam -- sometimes they get so wrapped up in their own misery that they forget we exist and need the physical aspect of our relationship more than anything. MY DH is much older than me so its not quite as important to him anymore as it is me, so when I'm feeling the need I just flat out tell him now - it beats feeling frustrated or unwanted! And I do think as we lose weight our libidos really kick in, or we just feel better about ourselves and more comfortable? Either way, TELL HIM - maybe he's holding back right now because he knows you're stressed and might not be feeling in the mood.

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
(deactivated member)
on 10/28/08 2:54 am, edited 10/28/08 2:56 am
Im sorry everything is so stressful.  It always seems to hit all at once, but you are one strong cookie (sf of course!) and you will get through this.  Just think...all the stress is bringing you to are going to be an official PAer....yippee!!  I am thrilled you will be living so much closer than where you are now.  BAD EVIL twix bar!!  Boo hiss on it! 

Oh...and you are not alone by the way.  About 20 minutes ago, I got off the phone with a terribly difficult (whiney and unwilling to help herself) client and I was a bit frazzled.....I went into the kitchen to make my very healthy lunch....and stood by the microwave eating about 3 or 4 small bites of chocolate cake that was sitting on the counter.  Yep...I'm a didn't taste good, it didn't help me de-frazzle...and it will probably make me a bit sick very shortly!

Pam Hart
on 10/28/08 8:59 am - Easton, PA
Boo hiss on the chocolate cake.  I hope you don't get to sick.  I was sick enough for two of us today...
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 10/28/08 2:58 am - Lancaster, PA
aw Pam I am sorry. Sometimes we just crack. You cracked. I am sorry that you are in pain and miserable. But you did learn something from it. so that is always good.

YOU CAN DO THIS. I have confidence in you
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