***Monday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 10/19/08 7:12 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
It is a cold Monday, and we know who the Phils are playing in the World Series!!!!  Go Phils.  Beat the Rays!!!

I am getting ready to get to my AA meeting.  Then, I have to go teach those kiddos.  After that, I have to go to my sister's to deliver 8 baskets to her house for the Special Olympics Dinner Bingo tomorrow night.  My living room looks like basket central.  After that, I have a group session to attend.  I am tired just thinking about it.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 10/19/08 7:39 pm - PA
Good Morning Trish and PA -

Today has me working and then going to the gym. It will be a busy day at work, Mondays always are....I have some advising stuff to do for work tonight and somewhere in there I need to write my resignation letters. Anyway, busy busy for me today. Have a great day. - Katie

Progress not perfection




on 10/19/08 8:43 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good Morning PA!

Today has me off to work and maybe lingering there a bit longer than usual as the inlaws arrive today...LOL Just kidding!!

Not much on my agenda..just working out work and sleep!!! Hubby is sick as a dog and I really do not want to catch that. But I'll be nice and take care of him!!

Hope everyone has a terrific day!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Liz R.
on 10/19/08 9:06 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning All! It is freakin cold out this morning! BRRRR! It was 26 degrees when I left the house and I had to SCRAPE my windshield - I Hate winter....

Well I am at work, then have to run a few errands - the bulk foods store, CVS then home - I am just exhausted - another busy weekend in the record books.

Hope all goes well - Laura hope hubby feels better so he can field his parents!

on 10/19/08 9:07 pm - Riverside, PA
Good Morning PA,

I have another busy day ahead also.  The family is slowly waking up to a chilly start.  It is getting harder to crawl out from under the warm covers especially since we haven't turned the heat on yet!!

I will be off to work shortly (I work pt @ Geisinger 4 hrs/day), then need to get some rx filled and in the mail to my daughter at college. Need to make mucho reminder phone calls for the band booster concession stand volunteers.  The stand gets crazy on game nights.  I need to get minimally 18, optimally 22 parents committed and I don't think I have that many signed up.  Then off to Sams Club with my co-chair and my youngest son to replenish food/supplies.  I am amazed at the quantity of food we go through.  It will probably be  8pm or later until we have everything put away at the stand/school.

I need to get my plans together for a Halloween mailing to my daughter Kaitlyn at college and also another get well card off the my brother-in-law who had emergency open heart surg recently.

We also will have a contractor working here at the house to finish all the work not done 5yrs ago by our original contractor that put on our addition.  We fired him. Real long story on that one but am glad that things are moving again.

Take care all,

303/275/199.4/150    ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!      

on 10/19/08 9:12 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Good morning. I am at work and tired! Had trouble getting motivated this morning. LOL. Today will be a busy day with the new doc, then home to do some chores. After cleaning up a bit and making something to eat I will run to pick boys up from scouts and then back home to hopefully relax and go to bed early!

Hope everyone stays warm today!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 10/19/08 9:51 pm - PA
Sitting here at work sipping hot tea trying to warm up after braving the cold to get to work today!  I used to love it when it turned this cold.  No jacket, crisp air, LOVED it.  Now I just want to bundle up in flannel everything and burrow under the blankets until spring.  LOL.  Busy day at work today and then homework tonight.

Pam Hart
on 10/19/08 9:58 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all!!

Today I have to get laundry separted and over to my parents house to do.  I also have to make a bunch of phone calls while doing the laundry and work on a mailing list while I'm at my parents to send out change of address info to family and what not.  I could do that here - but I packed the stupid roladex we have....didn't think I would need it...ooops.  Thankfully my parents have the list we used for our wedding which will take care of the bulk of people.  I will be busy while I am there.

We may go out to dinner w/ some friends tonight.  Hubby hasn't made those arrangements yet - and theoretically they are HIS friends...so I'm leaving that up to him.  He will call me if and when he figures something out.  If not, we'll have dinner probably over my grandparents house as it is their anniversary and my parents anniversary tomorrow - so people are invited over there tonight for a small get together.

Have a good day - try to keep warm!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 10/19/08 10:16 pm
Good morning everyone.

I spent the weekend at the shore with my extended family on my dad's side.  Windy and cold, but the house we rented was right on the beach, so I guess that was expected.  Hey, the house is on the market in case anyone is interested....for a mere $1,899,000.00 MILLION!!  Pocket change!!  I thought I might make an offer...but don't think they would accept $2.00

Anyway....we had a great time walking on the beach...went sea shell hunting with my soon to be 5 year old nephew.  We took walks on the board walk, rented a "peddal car" as my nephew called it.  My BIL and I did all the work and Alex told us how to drive LOL  It was fun, but working against that wind was a great workout!!

Today I am working as usual, then off to Karate class and then to the gym.  I might have to collect some sticks and make a little bond fire on the floor in  the family room to stay warm tonight.....it was 48 degrees in the house this morning.  Shivering burns calories doesn't it? LOL  I have yet to crawl under the house to see where the oil tank guage is....I can't afford oil for a couple more weeks, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I don't run out. 

Have a good day and stay WARM!!

Pam Hart
on 10/19/08 10:39 pm - Easton, PA
Brian and I could go in with you on the house....perhaps double your offer would make them think twice, no?

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
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