Thursday, October 16th is the big day.
I met with Dr. Herman today in East Stroudsburg. Here is what he said:
1. Because I have had no infections or cellulitis flare ups I must start out by going for 3 mos. of Lymphatic Massages 3 times a week and wear compression stockings.
2. I must stop smoking for at least 3 mos.
3. I must get my iron count up, he suggested that I double up on my iron supplement and take my peri colace to avoid constipation.
4. If I can't get my iron count up, I will need iron transfusions.
5. Once my iron count is up, he will do a debulking surgery. This is where they open up the area and remove the diseases tissue and excess skin. Then they do a skin graft to close the area. This would be done in several surgeries.
6. I would have to document to the insurance company all problems and need for this surgery.
7. Only if the surgery is unsuccessful and inflamation begins will the insurance company consider the lymphovenous fistula procedure which is done only as a last resort.
8. He suggested a medial thigh lift to get rid of most of the sagging skin which is draped over the lymphedemia.
So, my last cigarette was at 9:25 this morning, and now I have to start the process with my primary of finding a location to do the massage treatments and get this all documented.
I met with Dr. Herman today in East Stroudsburg. Here is what he said:
1. Because I have had no infections or cellulitis flare ups I must start out by going for 3 mos. of Lymphatic Massages 3 times a week and wear compression stockings.
2. I must stop smoking for at least 3 mos.
3. I must get my iron count up, he suggested that I double up on my iron supplement and take my peri colace to avoid constipation.
4. If I can't get my iron count up, I will need iron transfusions.
5. Once my iron count is up, he will do a debulking surgery. This is where they open up the area and remove the diseases tissue and excess skin. Then they do a skin graft to close the area. This would be done in several surgeries.
6. I would have to document to the insurance company all problems and need for this surgery.
7. Only if the surgery is unsuccessful and inflamation begins will the insurance company consider the lymphovenous fistula procedure which is done only as a last resort.
8. He suggested a medial thigh lift to get rid of most of the sagging skin which is draped over the lymphedemia.
So, my last cigarette was at 9:25 this morning, and now I have to start the process with my primary of finding a location to do the massage treatments and get this all documented.
I certainly hope that you are a candidate for the procedure, I'll be thinking of you. Hope to see you at Barix tonight!
Best wishes, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland