He's Home From His Surgery...

on 10/11/08 12:07 pm - PA
Well, my husband started his journey on Thursday.  We were at Barix bright and early that day.  We were both nervous and scared.  He had Dr. Pupkova.  He felt she was a bit brash and was  not really thrilled with their interaction but he's happy to be home now (I picked him up this morning).   

We had a family walk today which was nice.  He does not want to eat though.  I gave him a little chicken broth and his vitamin and he went to bed...and has yet to wake up.  I know he is completely drained and just wants to rest...so I will leave him alone tonight.

...but tomorrow I will be annoying..."fluids...protein...walk..." 

It's been a really stressful few weeks leading up to his procedure.  He refused to tell anyone and wouldn't let me tell anyone.  I feel like I have zero support.  I finally ended up telling a couple of people I work with...mainly because I went to pick up our daughter and I was bawling my eyes out.  I trust these people to be discreet.  My husband is just such a private person and is so concerned about people's opinions.  Ughhh...  He should be proud of himself and the change he has made.

Anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi.  I will try to come in once and awhile.  Sorry this is so long.

I am hoping that I will now be inspired to get myself together ... now that he has.

All my best to all,


Patricia R.
on 10/11/08 1:44 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Nancy,
It is undestandable that you are feeling alone and isolated.  I feel that way sometimes, and I told everyone about my surgery.

Glad to hear things went okay with hubby's surgery. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 10/11/08 4:28 pm - Easton, PA

I didn't tell many people either.  It is a personal decision.  And although I am proud for all I do the stark reality is that many in the general public feel that only those people who you see on news stories about being in bed for 10 years and weight 800 pounds qualifty for the surgery and that it is the easy way out and you don't have to work your a$$ off.  The other portion of the public knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who had the surgery and they did horrible and either A) gained all of their weight back B)  ALMOST died from surgery C) DID die from surgery D)  DIED due to complications well AFTER the surgery or E) Grew 33 heads with 52 eyes off their left arm or some other ridiculous claim.

I'm a Dr. Pupkova patient as well.  I'm also a nurse.  She is very to the point and can be described as "brash" by some.  I'm surprised he didn't get that impression from her with their first meeting.   She expects the best from her patients and doesn't beat around the bush.  She also cares so deeply for her patients, it is amazing.  Coming from a nursing perspective....who spends many times trying to get in touch with doctors on behalf of their patients....and having them not call back....or not really care about what is going on....she is there for her patients through and through (assuming you follow her rules which are in place for the health and well being of those involved)  I can guarantee you that if your husband were to call about a concern not only would she answer the phone or call back within minutes...but she would be making follow up phone calls within hours and probably over the next couple of days to make sure things were going better

I'm glad your husband is doing well....he does need to walk walk walk.  As much as he might not want to...it will help his energy level.  It can be short - like during a commercial break around the house and then sit back down when the show comes back on (each commercial break) it just has to be something.  The fatigue stays with you for quite some time....but gets better and one day you wake up and feel "fine"  Protein will be difficult for quite some time to get in - even with shakes and supplements.  Fluids are most important.  He will need to find a way to help him work towards that goal.  I personally found taking a medicine cup marked with "30 ml" on it helped.  If he drinks one of them every 15 minutes....(or 4 and hour....) then over the course of 16 hours all 64 ounces of fluid will be in.  Also remember jello and ice pops count as fluid as does ice chips and what not.

I'm glad he has such good support and know you can come here for your support as well.  As you already know...the pa forum is a great place for support of any kind!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Ready4 AChange
on 10/11/08 9:33 pm - Upper Chichester, PA
Hi Nancy,
Tell hubby 'Welcome to the Losing Side" The first couple of weeks are going to be exhausting. For me just walking to the mailbox at the end of the drive way wore me out. Have him take it a step at a time. He will probably not want to eat much at first so make sure he gets in his protein . Protein helps heal ( that 's what my surgeon told my hubby)
Hope he feels better soon.

                                                                                                                                        ribbon.gif image by Ready4Achange Remember.......  Click to Give .....Hunger, Breast Cancer, literacy, rain f                                                                                         orest, animal rescue and CHILD HEALTH

on 10/11/08 10:02 pm
Hi I was with your husband at Barix.  Even though I kept to myself ,he did reach out to me and to say a few encouraging words.  He seems motivated and I am sure he will do just fine.  Lots of luck.
on 10/12/08 5:46 am, edited 10/12/08 5:47 am - PA
Hey all.  Thanks for the great words of advice and encouragement. 

We did another nice family walk this morning.  He is doing ok on his fluids and only needed a bit of Tylenol for pain this morning.   He hung out with our daughter for a little on the swing set today also.  He seems to be in good spirits .  He has the next two weeks off...then he is back to work.

Our daughter loves the protein shakes! 

He received a call from Barix this morning...just checking in.  That was nice.  He asked a couple of questions.

He loved all the nurses there.  They were very kind and understanding and "very cool".

   How are you feeling?

on 10/12/08 12:01 pm - PA
Dr. Pupkova called tonight  to check in.  He told her everything he was up to.

...had another nice walk today...  Our dog is LOVING it! 
Liz R.
on 10/13/08 2:24 am - Easton, PA
Glad to hear that all went well and that hubby is on the road to recovery!

Since he doesn't want to share his story with the world there are always us "insiders". What area of PA are you in? There are plenty of support groups around and I HIGHLY reccomend he find one that he likes!

Best of luck to both of you - I know that this was a hard adjustment on my husband too even though I was the one that had the surgery! Now he is a good little soldier and even reads labels!

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