............"The Sun Also Rises with WLS".........

on 10/5/08 4:25 am - Philadelphia, PA
Victoria Bowen is a pioneer in the GBS world.  She heads up many support groups on line and recently she put together this Bulletin Board.  It only comes out once per month, but there is some valuable information to help and sometimes remind us of some tips on our journey. 

I c & p the entire Bulletin Board for this month.  The opening gives the request to join address.

I do hope that you enjoy

............"The Sun Also Rises with WLS".........
..........T H E   B U L L E T I N   B O A R D.....

The Bulletin Board is open to new requests.
If you have a recipe request, please send
email to:  [email protected]

I will also be posting cooking trivia and
tricks & tips, medical news and updates.
I hope you all enjoy the new format.

............................TIP OF THE DAY...................

All About YOU: What Your Mouth Says About Your Health
Here's one way to check your health: Open wide and say ahh.

Yup. Your mouth, more than any outward part of your body, speaks volumes
about your well-being. Here’s what the state of your teeth and tongue
can tell you . . .

Beyond Cavities: The Tale of the Tongue
Traditional Chinese medicine uses the tongue for most diagnoses. If it
looks quite fat, you could have an overactive thyroid. A beefy, red
tongue may point to anemia. Bumps that look like small hairs? Better
work on your dental hygiene. Blisters? Might be a drug reaction.
And the Story Behind Unhealthy Gums
Red, swollen, bleeding gums signal gingivitis, an early form of
periodontal disease. And gum disease has been linked to a host of other
health problems, from heart attacks to erectile dysfunction. Here’s why:
Gum-invading bacteria may trigger an immune response that promotes
bodywide inflammation and arterial hardening, which restricts blood flow

.................RECIPE OF THE WEEK.......................


Watermelon: 3 Juicy Benefits
A cool wedge of watermelon on a hot summer day? Refreshing, for sure.

Bu****ermelon is more than just a seasonal treat. Here are three great
health reasons to dig into this juicy fruit:
It's loaded with lycopene. Watermelon juice actually gave tomato juice a
run for the money in a recent study of lycopene levels. That’s good news
for your body, because early research suggests that lycopene may be a
cancer crusher. 
It can make your skin pretty. Watermelon is loaded with a key compound
credited with helping skin's healing and regenerative processes. Say no
more -- bring on the melon! 
It's practically calorie-free. With fewer than 50 calories in every cup,
watermelon is one smart way to satisfy a sweet tooth. And with a
whopping 141 grams of water per cubed cup, watermelon will keep you
hydrated, too.

...................RECIPE REQUEST............................

Pastaless Zucchini Lasagna
For those of us who are carb sensitive, I have a wonderful recipe for
Pastaless and Sugar Free Zucchini Lasagna
6-8 Zucchini (sliced thinly across length)
1 can Redpack Crushed Tomtoes
1 packet Splenda
1 1/2 cup Parmesan Cheese
2 Large packets of grated Mozzarella Cheese
4 eggs
Garlic (fresh or powder)
Fresh Chopped Basil
Fresh Chopped Parsley
48 oz. tub of Low Fat Ricotta Cheese
6 diced fresh tomatoes (pref. vine ripened)

Mix Rocotta,garlic,eggs,parsley,basil and 1 1/2c. parmesan in a bowl and
set aside.

Add 1 packet of splenda to the canned crushed tomatoes (your sauce).

In a large Lasagna pan (large aluminum disposable is fine) alternate
layers of zucchini, sauce (thinly spread), riccotta mixture, fresh
tomatoes, then mozzarella, then repeat.

Bake covered with foil in 350 degree oven for 2 hours.  Then bake open
for additional half hour.

Let set for 1 hour before attempting to cut.  Drain any excess fluid
that might accumulate in pan.  Believe me, it even tastes better the
next day.  Enjoy

..............PROTEIN DRINK RECIPE.......................


Chocolate Banana Crunch
Mix one serving of chocolate whey according to directions. Then, add one
banana and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds. Then,
add four low-fat chocolate wafers, blend at low speed for ten seconds,
and server.

.....................FOOD FUNNY..............................

Kid's Food Jokes

What did the mother ghost tell the baby ghost when he ate too fast?

Stop goblin your food.

..................K I T C H E N   T I P......................


Left Over Halloween Pumpkins:
  Scoop out seeds and strands if using a new pumpkin. 
Stand pumpkin upright and cut down the middle. Halves should
be able to fit on a baking sheet. Place one half pumpkin, or two
if they fit, cut side down on the baking sheet. You may sprinkle
a little water on the sheet first. Bake at 350F for 30-60 minutes,
depending on the size. When done, the skin darkens and the pumpkin
begins to collapse. Check for softness with a fork or knife. It
will go in easily if done. Remove from oven, cool about 20 minutes.
Scoop pumpkin flesh away from skin. Discard skin then puree in food

   Toasted Pumpkin Seeds

1 1/2 cups pumpkin seeds
2 tsp. melted butter or oil (olive oil or vegetable oil work well)
salt to taste
  Options To Taste:
garlic powder
cayenne pepper
seasoning salt
Cajun seasoning blend 

  Preheat oven to 300F. While it's fine to leave some strings and
pulp on your seeds (it adds flavor), clean off any major chunks.
Toss pumpkin seeds in a bowl with the melted butter or oil and
seasonings of your choice. Purist will want only salt as a
seasoning, but, if you're feeling adventurous, experiment and have
fun with seasoning blends. Spread pumpkin seeds in a single layer
on baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes, until golden brown,
stirring occasionally.

...............MORSEL FOR THOUGHT.......................


Today's Quote

Values are like fingerprints. Nobody's are the same, but you leave 'em
all over everything you do.

-Elvis Presley

..................ARTICLE OF THE WEEK...................


The Protein That Keeps Your Arteries Young
It’s lean, it’s laden with fill-you-up protein, and it helps keep your
arteries clear. What is it?

It’s the mighty bean. Yep. Beans have it all -- including the ability to
reduce the amount of artery-clogging fat in your blood.

Lower Lipids
In a study, people who ate a half cup of cooked pinto beans every day
for 12 weeks experienced a drop in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Which means beans could do great things for your heart health.
Researchers theorize it’s the antioxidants in beans -- called
polyphenols -- that may help lower blood lipids. 

................GBIC MEMBER SUBMISSIONS..............


RealAge Tip
6 Foods That Knees Dig
  For more youthful knee joints -- or anything that bends -- consider
what’s in your kitchen.

These six foods could be your best medicine: berries, ginger, avocado,
flaxseeds, omega-3-rich fish, and soy. Research shows they help stifle
joint-damaging inflammation, according to John La Puma, MD, author of
ChefMD: The Big Book of Culinary Medicine.

On Your Menu
Try this joint-friendly daily meal plan: whole-grain cereal or oatmeal
with berries for breakfast, a turkey and avocado sandwich or a soy
burger for lunch, a handful of walnuts or flaxseeds for a snack, and
wild salmon or tilapia for dinner. 

More Picks (and Pans)
Some other diet do’s -- and don’ts -- from La Puma :
Make a fruit bowl . . . with orange and grapefruit chunks. Vitamin C can
thwart cartilage loss and slow osteoarthritis progression. 
Sip tea. It’s chock-full of anti-inflammatory compounds. 
Nix red meat, and skip the sugary and starchy stuff. Proinflammatory
substances in these foods -- like saturated fats in red meat -- could
spur joint pain or make it worse. 


The Multitask Mineral You Need to Know
What mineral helps heal your wounds and support your immune system and
may even thwart cancer cells? Hint: Go to the end of the alphabet.

Yep, zinc -- last in the alphabetical roll call of minerals, but a
first-place contender when it comes to antiaging power -- does a lot for
your well-being. But it may not work alone . . .

The Live-Longer Combo
Zinc protects against cell-damaging, cancer-causing free radicals. But
it could sure use a little help. Recent research confirmed as much. When
low blood levels of zinc were paired with low blood levels of another
mighty mineral -- magnesium -- bad things happened in a study of men
aged 30 to 60. Death rates for the group increased dramatically. The
reason? The synergistic effect of having too little of both
free-radical-wrangling minerals may increase the toll on healthy cells

Zinc Up Your Diet
You can get the zinc you need (12 milligrams a day) from crab, oysters,
pork, poultry, beans, cashews, and yogurt.  Or find a good multivitamin
with less than 15 milligrams. Too much of the stuff could stop other
important minerals from doing their jobs. For magnesium, seek out
soybeans, cashews, tomato paste, salmon, and spinach and you’ll be well
on your way to the RealAge recommended 400–500 milligrams per day.

RealAge Benefit: Getting the right amount of antioxidants through diet
or supplements can make your RealAge 6 years younger

..............MEDICAL UPDATES AND NEWS.............


RealAge Tip
Slim Down with This Vitamin
Lose a pound recently? Great! Then keep it off with this mighty
nutrient: vitamin C.

Research shows that your body needs sufficient vitamin C to burn fat --
and burning fat is key to keeping excess pounds away. So pop your C
supplement, or snack on some C-rich orange sections before your next
power walk.

A Critical Compound
People in a study who had low blood concentrations of vitamin C and
walked on a treadmill for an hour burned 25 percent less fat than people
with adequate C. But a dose of C brought fat-burning levels back up to
par. Why? Seems C is essential for creating carnitine, a substance that
turns fat into fuel.

How Much Is Enough
To keep the pounds you dropped from coming right back, you could start
your day with some grapefruit, have an orange after lunch, or fill your
dinner plate with C-rich veggies like red bell peppers, broccoli, and
brussels sprouts.

......................ARTICLES IN THE NEWS......................


Go Ahead, Eat a Big Breakfast
Hard to believe, but there could be a benefit to loading up your
breakfast plate.

Besides helping you eat less later in the day, a big breakfast might
also help you lose weight. But you have to be smart about it.

Load Up to Slim Down?
Okay, so you can’t completely overdo it at breakfast and hope to drop
pounds. But when obese dieters ate a big 600-calorie breakfast of
healthy protein and carbs (think scrambled eggs, diced turkey,
whole-wheat toast, and a banana), they lost significantly more weight
than dieters who ate only half that much. Why? Researchers speculate
that eating a large balanced meal in the morning helps stymie carb
cravings later in the day -- especially if you’re cutting carbs and
calories in an effort to slim down

......................EXERCISE TIP.....................


Park farther away at the shopping mall and walk the extra distance. Wear
your walking shoes and sneak in an extra lap or two around the mall.


My Main Website URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/vbowen
Gastric Bypass CookBook URL: http://www.angelfire.com/ok5/vbowencookbook
Gastric Bypasss Info-Central egroup URL:

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