****Sunday Roll Call****

Patricia R.
on 9/27/08 2:59 pm, edited 9/27/08 2:59 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Pennsylvania and Friends,
I am up late again.  I am still wrestling with the crappy sinus allergy symptoms, and just trying to get things done on the weekends I work.

Talk about a crazy Saturday.  After I got home from work, I had to see my friend who sells Avon to pay for an order, and all I really wanted to do was watch the end of the Phillies game.  Then, when I did get the game turned on, the 8th inning was ending, and the phone rang just as the 9th inning started.  It was a dear friend who lives in Oregon who had surgery recently.  So, I turned the game down and we talked.  Then my son tried to beep in, because he is in New York and the game was blacked out on the Internet and Fox was showing the Milwaukee game in New York.  He was having a fit because he had to go to a bar and watch the game on his Blackberry.  Of course, I went nuts when the final out was thrown. 

Well, Sunday should be much calmer.  I will be working at the hospital.  I have my children's group, then my adolescent girls, where I am teaching some of them to crochet.  I enjoy this part of my weekend job.  In the afternoon, I have two adult groups, where we play Outburst, and then I have the adolescent boys, where we play board games.  During the summer, I do more therapeutic type work, but on weekends, I try to make the time more enjoyable and less intense.

After work, I will be home tidying up, and getting ready for work on Monday.  I have a light week, because I have Tuesday and Wednesday off due to Rosh Hashanah (sp?).

I hope everyone has a terrifically blessed Sunday.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/27/08 6:23 pm - Delmont, PA
Smileycons!Good Morning Trish and All!

Well yesterday I worked 10 hours on my day off (eyeroll) and went to the olive garden for dinner.  It was a great day but I'm exhausted.  Today I work from 5AM till 1:30PM.  I'll write my HBC order and then clean up my department the rest of the day.  I really dont have many plans after that.  I do need to walk the dogs but that will have to wait till I get some quality relaxation time!

Well thats all from my neck of the woods.  Hope you all have a fantastic day.


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
on 9/27/08 9:33 pm - PA
Hello All,

I  will be working on my final assignment for my Finance class - YIPEEEEE!!!!!!  Then I have a week off (THANK GOD) before my next class starts.  I need to get the kitchen cleaned up, empty and clear out the fridge and make a bunch of things for me to take as meals to work this week.  Not to mention the PILES of laundry that I MUST get through.  Then I need to shop for stuff for  care packages for my son and daughter and get them ready to ship.  A long walk and then some relaxation time (if there's room of course!).  Then getting an outfit ready for tomorrow for work and off to bed!  I hope everyone has a great Sunday.

on 9/27/08 11:41 pm - Perkasie, PA
Good morning,

Lately I am so tired. I mean, just want to sleep ALL THE TIME. I slept 12 hours last night, but as always I woke up sporadically. I have to do my workout, Disco Sweat or Sweatin 4; not sure yet. Then try and study w/o falling asleep. Then get the girls at 1, and I have work tonight from 5-9:30 and CLOSE jewelry dept. by MYSELF. Are they nuts??? Wish me luck.


Jan K.
on 9/27/08 11:45 pm - Was Jenkintown, PA but now NYC, PA

HYJACK - to Cheryl,

Curious, are you taking B-12?  That can help with feeling tired.  Be sure you are getting in your vitamins and proteins.  It really makes a difference.


         You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
                                                                                 --Mahatma Ghandi 
                                 Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom

on 9/27/08 11:48 pm - Perkasie, PA
Hi Jan,

Yup, I take the sublingual every day....maybe I'm just not eating enough or I'm too stressed trying to do everything.


Jan K.
on 9/27/08 11:57 pm - Was Jenkintown, PA but now NYC, PA
Okay, maybe it's just the weather too.  That can make people feel tired and all.  Glad you are getting your vitamins in.  I didn't for a while during the beginning and wow, did that make a difference in me.

         You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
                                                                                 --Mahatma Ghandi 
                                 Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom

on 9/27/08 11:43 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning Trish&PA
today iam heading to rite aid to return something get the nails done,come back and do some more housework cause it is never done lol going to a friends for dinner and then my sons are coming over for a visit later

Pam Hart
on 9/27/08 11:47 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all,

We had such a long day yesterday it was ridiculous.  I came home from work at 8am - we were out of the house by 9am and started looking at pa places by 11am.

The first one was nice - but really small and pricey.  We are not taking it because it's not worth it.  The second one was a HUGE let down....we got there thinking "this is the place we are gonna get" and when we saw it we went "OMG....thanks we'll be in touch...." 

The third one is the one that is "killing me"  I love it.  It is still in construction so will be brand spanking new.  The layout is great - the room sizes are awesome....it's in a community....they take cats....and it just felt "right" even though we were walking into a sheet rocked mess.

Here's the catchers though.....a)  It doesn't come with a fridge.  That surprises the crap outta me.  How can a facility place not come with a fridge?  And don't they realize renters don't normally have things like that?  B)  (this is the bigger problem)  They initially wanted one month security - which is normal and fine.  But because we have cats they want an ADDITIONAL month security.  That would be due on signing the lease (which if we want a discount on the monthly rent needs to be done by Tuesday)  Then of course, first months rent on moving in (nov. 1)  So we are looking at coming up with 3 mos rent in 4 weeks.  Oh - and of course paying rent on the place we are living in now.  So really - 4 mos rent in 4 weeks.  That's a big problem for us.  The other "issue" is that it is a 35 minute commute to LVH.  That was within my radius, don't get me wrong.  Now it could be that I was up for 20 hours when we saw the place....but that 35 minutes seemed to take forever and I'm not sure I want to do that every day.

In the meantime - Brian fell in love with Emmaus (great town by the way - Norm and Mary and right)  He fell in love with Norm's house for that matter too ;)  We stopped by to see them last night which was great - and they allowed me to vent and gave me some really great ideas.  I will be calling that third place today now that I've had time to decompress. That is, after I talk with Brian and what not.

So on the way home we get a phone call....Brian's dad passed out and was being brought to the hospital.   This was a "bigger deal" than the other times because they are hell bent on us NOT going to pennsylvania because "they are so sick" and we had basically gotten them out of that realm...and here we are 2 hours away....and she had to handle this on her own (which she did and should be able to do) and so by the time we got to the hospital - that is all we heard.  At this point it was 9pm....I had been awake for 24 hours...and I told her "We are here now and that's all that matters everything else does not need to be discussed now" and walked away from her.  She's not happy with me.  Tough **** on her.  I refuse to be berrated and treated like a child and made to feel all my decisions are wrong when I know better.

So - we got home well after 1am.  Went almost directly to bed...and I have been up since 9am.  I am thinking of crawling back there because I am just so wiped from yesterday.

Today has me making the few phone calls...doing a little bit more research on places available in Emmaus (there's a new listing on craigslist as of last night), and possibly sweet talking an aunt into a loan.

We will also be going to see Brian's dad I'm sure.  He was ok last night in the hospital - the report we got from his mother (who is overly dramatic on most things anyway) was nothing near what had actually happened.....but they need to do some further testing.


Wow - I'm sorry for being so long winded today!!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Jan K.
on 9/27/08 11:49 pm - Was Jenkintown, PA but now NYC, PA
Hi Trish and PA!

Here I am from my hit or miss schedule of on-line.  Just checking in and checking up on folks.  Glad to see so many doing weel and being productive and active.

Today I need to do some financial reports for the nuns and then get working on my weekly lesson plans for my many kiddies.  I'm still busy as all get out but this second year as a teacher appears to be a bit more smoother than the first year!  Thank GOD!!!


         You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
                                                                                 --Mahatma Ghandi 
                                 Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom

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