***Thursday Roll Call***

Pam Hart
on 9/24/08 5:44 pm - Easton, PA
It is 3:38am and I feel like I have been at work for approximately 12 billion hours.  Tonight the clock is just not going fwd.  Ho hum.

Right after this I will be  headed the ss office as I have all my documents now and spoke to them on the phone and will be there before they open in the morning to hopefully get everything processed for my new ss number.

I am hoping to be home by 11am but that might be a bit lofty of an ideal.  It is the state after all.

After that it will be some more research on finding a house to rent and what not....

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 9/24/08 7:18 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Pam and Everyone,
Good Luck at the SS office.  I usually have to sit at least 45 minutes before getting waited on when I go. 

This morning I am getting ready to head to school.  I was exhausted last night, and I have no clue why.  After school, I will get some grub, and then head to my Ladies Bible Study at church this evening.  I enjoy the fellowship and study time.

I hope everyone has a great day.  Take your umbrellas, coz we are expecting a Nor'easter sometime later today.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/24/08 7:39 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Good morning all! The week is SLOWLY coming to an end. It's been a long one! At least for me, it is. But oh well.

Today I will be getting the kids off to school, and heading to work. The "evil" doctor is on vacation this week so it's alot of busy work, answering phones and catching up on charts and stuff. Nothing fun but at least my co-workers are fun.

After work, it's off to the consignment store. After I lost my son, I took all my maternity things to get rid of. Tonight I am picking up things that didn't sell as now......I will need the clothes again! So even though I had hoped to make some money, I now hope there are some decent things left for me to have!

Then home for dinner and packing. The kids go to dad's this weekend and BF and I are heading to Pittsburgh tomorrow after work for the weekend. I wish I could say I was going there to do something exciting or going to a game, but it's just another racing weekend. He has a big race out that way so we are just staying out there. It should be fun though.

Hope everyone has a great day!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 9/24/08 8:50 pm - Culpeper, VA

Today is another day of appointments.  Since I lost my Workers Comp benefits, things have been extremely tight.  It's not that we haven't been strapped before, it's just frustrating to have to keep going through it again and again.  So my frustration levels keep having to be suppressed.  I do believe alot of our illnesses come from stress so I am trying hard to keep stress at arms length. 

Hopefully, Monday, I will get this cast off.  That will help alot.  Anyway, I am going to try to get my sweet hubby up.  He isn't a morning person lol

on 9/24/08 9:11 pm - PA
Good Morning All -

I am already at work and feeling a bit off this morning but not sure why. I am only working til 12 and then I am heading home b/c hubby has an interview and we are sharing a car right now. Please keep your fingers crossed, we really need him to have a full time job with medical benefits, I have been paying $800 monthly for our insurance. I would really like to drop that coverage soon. Anyhow, once he gets home I will go to the gym. I am also hoping to touch up some paint in my bathroom. We are showing the house to a family on Saturday that I really hope will buy. My house is very handicapped equipped and they are a family that needs it. So we will see. Hope you all have a great day. - Katie

Progress not perfection




on 9/24/08 9:58 pm - Levittown, PA
Good morning everyone.

Today has me dropping Connor off at school.  I've already done some work this morning and e-mailed it over to my office.  So if I do nothing else, at least I can say I did some work.  But really I have a couple more transcripts to turn in and then I'll be good to go and free for the weekend to do whatever I want, which doesn't happen too often.

Basically that it's.  Pretty boring day, but sometimes we need boring, no-stress days!!!  Especially me :)

Have a great one everybody!!



on 9/24/08 10:13 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - I'm back at work today - its becoming a haven to me. Things have been very frustrating at home lately.

I took off yesterday to take my mom for a pet scan and then to the oncologist, only to find out that after running from the pet scan location to the hospital (across town) to pick up her cat scan reports, drop her off at the dr's office, run back to the pet scan trailer and give them the cat scan reports (so they could compare the two), then back to the hospital for mom's dr's appt that they wouldn't be able to read the results of both reports and have it over to the doctor, so she had to reschedule. I was not a happy camper - after all that running back and forth and wasted gas and time she still hasn't seen the oncologist. Now she's scheduled for Oct 6 late in the day, so my husband can take her and I can go right from work and meet her there. I want to be in on this appt - I am her caregiver and need to know what's going on.

My older sister who is coming up to stay with her when we're on our cruise told her to reschedule when she's here, but again, she's not the caregiver - I am, and I need to know exactly whats going on with her and what treatments if any they want to give. I guess I was pretty annoyed at how everything turned out yesterday and then having my sister call and say 'Oh, she'll take care of everything when she's here' - yeah, whatever! She comes for one week and is a 'saint' because she wants to do this? If she wants to be a saint she can take my mother for a couple of months and give my husband and I a much needed break. We've had my mother for 16+ years without one good break. We're due.

Okay - sorry for ranting, but lately it has been extremely difficult around my house. My mother has become very demanding and constantly telling me what needs to be done around the house - its MY fricking house!! And I'm 51, not 15, and over being treated like I'm a child. I'm also over the fact that she is constantly baiting my husband into arguments over every little thing anymore - the Phillies or even something as stupid as 'Dancing With The Stars' and who should be kicked off!!

OMG - sorry - I was ranting again...I'm just feeling extremely frustrated or annoyed or something lately and I'm not sure what to do about it.

I also have to tell you all that I'm not thrilled about seeing my sister - she's the non-supportive one in my WLS and I know there are going to be a lot of snide remarks because I don't eat like I used to or drink like I used to - she's already made them - and she hasn't seen me since April, so I know there are drastic changes in my appearance and I'm probably going to hear about that, too - she and my mother will talk about how I'm 'starving' to death and not eating, etc., etc.

OK - I promise I'm done now...thanks for letting me rant.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/24/08 10:26 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Rant away! Sometimes it's best to "*****" here so you don't do or say something you may regret to someone! Sounds like it's been a tough time and you are getting drained. Try to let as much of it roll off your back as you can. You can't control other people's actions, only your own. Hope today is a better day for you!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 9/24/08 11:42 pm - Lancaster, PA
This morning I had an ultrasound scheduled and I slept right through it. I am hoping that they dont charge me.  I had better call and be nice. I have my 2 year follow up appt with Dr. Brader today. I am happy because I have tons of questions, but kind of sad because I am not where I wanted to be weight wise at this point. I was tempted to go on liquids this week so I could drop more weight before i saw him. BUT that is the old way of thinking and I cannot live a lie. I have to go in and tell him what my struggles are and see if they have some advice on how to kick start the weight loss. and UGH i know he is gonna say YOU NEED TO EXCERCISE UNTIL YOU SWEAT!!!
Lesley G.
on 9/24/08 11:59 pm - Allegan, MI
Hi all,

Today marks my one month surgiversary!!!  I am so happy!  And of course I am very happy with my decision to have WLS.  So many people told me that the first month would be hell, but I don't think it's been bad at all.

I'm at my office this morning, but I'm going to take some flex time this afternoon.  I need to go shopping so I'm going to head over to Oxford Valley, and since I'll be in the neighborhood I'm going to stop at Barix to weigh myself.  After that I'll go to the gym and get a workout in, and at some point take some official one-month progress photos and measurements.

Have a good day all!
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