***Wednesday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 9/23/08 5:38 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I keep waking up during the night.  Part of it is leg cramps and part of it is potty needs.  I am trying to get enough water in, but I still get the leg cramps. 

Wednesday has me heading to work.  We are having a fire drill today during my prep period, which means I have to go outside and watch children instead of being able to have the meeting my colleagues and I are supposed to have.  Then, I have detention duty after school.  I like this because it means I can give detentions to kids who are misbehaving.  After school, I have work to do in my bedroom, if I have the energy.

Hope everyone has a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/23/08 8:18 pm - Gettysburg, PA

Good morning all. I am doing alright this morning. Tired, but good. Just letting the kiddos finish up breakfast before we are off for the day.

Yesterday I had an ultrasound, and it went well. I am further behind than Dr originally said. Due date is May 9th now. But everything looked great so far. So I am hoping it stays that way!

Today is just work, dinner, homework for kids and various chores. Nothing too fun! LOL Hope everyone has a great day!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 9/23/08 9:17 pm - PA
Good Morning PA / NJ-

Last day in Atlanta for this week.  Just got in from the gym and heading over to the office to put in my 12 hours.  Some mornings are tougher than others - this seems to be one of them.  Enjoy the day!

Kim Z

Pam Hart
on 9/23/08 9:52 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning Trish,

I have a lot of busy work to do today.  First I need to get over the the town hall where we got married to pick up the elusive marriage license.

I also need to do some research - possibly all online - regarding replacement ss cards.  I am not an organized person.  I have been working on it and am getting better - but past habits have come to haunt me.  Because I now realize that I also don't have my ss card with my maiden name on it.  I'm not sure if they can replace my ssn w/ my married name if I don't have a maiden name one to show them. 

I did do a credit check on myself yesterday when I realized my card wasn't in my house (or not at least where I can find it) to make sure nobody is opening up accounts.  Which, they are not...but we have credit problems anyway so I always said I didn't have to worry about identity theft because people wouldn't be able to buy squat in my name anywho!  lol.  Actually - my score is a bit higher than I had anticipated....not great....but decent.

I also have to call LVH and schedule a pre employment physical and also a pre employment briefing meeting.

Oh - and I need to run to the bank and cash in some rolled coin.  $$ is pretty tight till payday and we have lots of rolled coin so I am using that - but I like to ca**** in because I feel like a dunce handing people in stores rolled coin.

I also hope to call Liz and see how she is making out.  I didn't want to bother her yesterday on her first full day home, and will be sure to post on her update if I get to speak with her.

Then it will be off to bed for me - hopefully all of that can be done by noon and I can get some sleep.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
(deactivated member)
on 9/23/08 10:01 pm
Hi everyone.

Another day of work...hopefully we will be busy so it flies by.  Tonight I start my pottery class.  I have always wanted to do this, but always made excuses not too.  I am hoping to get all my christmas presents made through this class and not go home with just a stinking ash tray LOL

Have a good one.

on 9/25/08 2:41 am - Boston, MA
Hi Heather!

I went to a pottery studio one night not that long ago...it was so much fun and very relaxing!  Hope you enjoyed your first night of your class last night :)  What a great idea!

Lisa :)
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/08 2:47 am
I did really enjoy it....but it was messy!!  I love making a mess and I am really good at making messes...I just didnt realize how messy it would be. I loved throwing the clay down on the wheel....great release for aggrevation.  I do have to cut down my nails though....i kept stabbing and slicing my work with my nails.  Oh the sacrifices we must make for our artistic sides LOL

on 9/23/08 10:26 pm - PA
Been very tired in the mornings and finding it hard to get up!  Work for today and then a first appt. with a therapist.  Hopefully we'll hit it off and I won't have to look any further.  Tonight I will do my 1/2 hour walk and then house chores before class from 8:30 - 9:30.  Then collapsing into bed!
on 9/23/08 10:43 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning everyone - I'm at home today - taking mom for a pet scan and then to the oncologist to see whats going on with her cancer. She has lung cancer - unfortunately its not something the can be operated on. She's been thru the chemo and radiation treatments but hasn't seen the oncologist for almost 2 years. She's on oxygen but still does pretty good. We'll see what he has to say today.

So this morning I'm doing the hardwoof floors and some general house cleaning - Jude went to Fuzzy Butts for the day so he won't be underfoot while I'm trying to get the floors done - that's always a challenge with him around!

Well, I best get my butt in gear...hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Melanie B.
on 9/23/08 11:07 pm - Doylestown, PA
work work work for me today with an occassional peek at Craigslist and eBay for treadmills and/or eliptical machines since I know this is honeslty the only way i am going to start exericising. The idea of joiinging a gym is not realistic since with my work schedule and 6 kids at home finding time to GET to afrorementioned gym is slim to none.

I'm getting excited for the OH event and have high hopes for it.


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