Screw that lady in Target...
Hi Jen,
I wanted to comment on your original post. People are just so damn angry, myself included at times,
I have been blessed with a quick wit and it sometimes gets me into big trouble. Too bad you couldn't have passed gas and then told her "just look what my fat ass can do".
Like another poster said I would only wish my ass was a fat as yours one day.
Keep up the good work.
You are BEAUTIFUL --"fat" (NOT) ass and all!!! I wish my ass looked like that!! You are truly a success and an inspiration to me!!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

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(The Profesional Ass Certification Specialist)
Nothing "fat" about that ass of yours!
Either I ran into the same lady in a TJ Maxx' by me this past weekend, or "fat ass" is the new expression of our times and since the woman was not saying it to me and the person I saw her say it to, was probably all of a size 6/8 so no fat ass there either. Go figure, someone could get killed if they make that remark to the wrong person though, like a PMSing or menopausal woman . . .
Hugs, L

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland