***Thursday Roll Call***
Hi everyone!
I haven't been posting much and I've missed you all. I feel like I'm back on track now that I have insurance through work. My last class is in 3 weeks. I cant believe it.
This morning I'll be heading into work at 1:15AM to write my HBC order and then work awhile learning a new department. (I must be crazy) I'll get out of work at 9:45AM and then go pick up my daughter from work. My life has been super crazy lately but I'm loving it.
After work I'll probably nap a few hours. I can't sleep the day away or it will mess me up going to bed for my Friday. I have to be back at work at 6AM. I will be one tired puppy later in the day.
Hope you all have a good one.
Good to see you posting, and so glad to hear your insurance situation is resolved. That is wonderful news.
I am up late, struggling because of the steroids I am on for my ear thingy. I hope to head to bed in a minute and get some sleep before work in the morning. I have been having a marathon week of evenings out after working all weekend. Somewhere in all of this, I am still enjoying teaching my classes all day. Of course, Tuesday, I did tell the kids that I stayed up late to watch the Eagles game and that I was tired and cranky. I laughed and told them that if they had won I would only be tired.
Thursday has me heading to school again. After work, I hope to get my allergy shot at the allergist's office, right near Barix by the mall. Then, in the evening, I will be attending a Ladies Bible Study at my church in Langhorne. If there are any women in the area interested in joining me there sometime, let me know. My church is about three minutes from Barix right near where Maple Ave (213) meets U.S. 1, by the Dunkin Donuts off the highway. You all are welcome.
Gotta go night night.
Albert Schweitzer

Catch you later.
Albert Schweitzer

I am here at work - 6-4 *YAWN* Exhausted after another rough night. After work I have to go get my B12 shot, then home to straighten up quickly as my Mom is coming over around 6 so we can go get my cousin from the airport. My other cousin is getting married on saturday so the family is drifting into the area. She is coming from NM. It will be good for my Mom to have her around - they are very close and only get to see eachother about once a year.
That's the extent of my oh so exciting day.
Tomorrow's friday!
Today has me dropping Connor off at school, of course. And then I'll come back and get a shower. My best friend and I are meeting at the Oxford Valley Mall to do a little shopping. I'm excited, because I always HATED the mall because I never wanted to walk the whole thing and I didn't want people staring at me. Now I can't wait to walk the mall. And now I don't have to worry about people staring at me for a bad reason. I've got good reasons for people to stare. So get to staring :)
After that it's back to transcribing and then probably making an easy dinner and then relaxing.
Well, have a great Thursday everyone!!

I don't know if you felt my eyes across the room last night - but I stared at you ALL NIGHT LONG. I know I told you - and I'll tell you again and again - My GAWD woman - you look phenomenal. I mean....phenomenal phenomenal. I couldn't get over your transformation when I saw you last night - and thank goodness your face has basically the same features....cause otherwise I definately wouldn't have recognized you.
Shop the day away!

Today is my Friday this week - off tomorrow on a vacation day. Good friend's son is getting married tomorrow afternoon so I'm getting my hair done tomorrow - time for a 'refurbish' anyway, so might as well do it for a special occasion. It is finally growing back in - man did it get thin! But the major fall-out has stopped and I have all this whispy stuff thats growing in.
Not much on my agenda today - work, and tonight getting my nails done. Other than that a fairly quiet day.
Hope everyone has a great day - Kathy
It was great seeing everyone at Barix last night. Today has me off to the gym for a 9 AM class and then to my favorite mall, K of P, to meet with someone about a part time tutoring job and probably some shopping. After that, I will go volunteer in the Obama campaign office near my home.
Have a great day and enjoy this gorgeous weather!!!!!
Good morning,
Today finds me starting my life over - again. Those of you that were at the meeting last night know what I'm talking about. Those that weren't, well, let's just say I've had a real tough last 3 months.
Since I live in Elkton Maryland and I don't have any farming skills, that means trying some other means of looking for a job today. There is virtually next to no industry down here whatsoever. So, unless you're a mechanic, a restaurant manager or a farmer you're basically SOL finding a job. Or, at least that's how it's been so far.
Tonight, after eating dinner at home, since we don't get the Phillies on TV down here (the stinking Nationals and Orioles), I'm going to head to a bar in Delaware (about 10 minutes away) to catch the Phils tonight. And, no, I won't be drinking. Especially after the motivation I received last night.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!