It was another tremendous night of support and I received more than a usual dose. Thank you Everyone for all you have done and continue to do for this occassionally blue support group leader. Thank you Beth for the bouquet. Thank you to my BFF Shauna for being there after only 12 days out from plastics. Thank you Cheryl, thank you HG, thank you Nan, thank you, Chris, thank you Jim, thank you Susan, Dolores, Laureen, Eileen, Sheri, Dan, Stephanie, Lesley, Pam, Brian, Shilpa, Mary, Linda, Nancy, Mae, Arlene, Geeeeeez thank you Everyone... and you too Andy Kovatch. You've got some catchin up to do. I left the meeting with my usual natural high and I'm ready once again to tackle the rigors of life. Something we all must do.
Have a great month Everyone!
<3 Stefanie

1) Change the font color. No longer blue, remember? ;-)
2) Brian says you didn't look blue last night - same old brown dennis. He's to much....
Thanks for sharing with us and I'm glad you felt a little better after lasts night meeting. We're all allowed to struggle and feel blue - we are NOT allowed to pretend it doesn't happen. I'm glad we were able to get to be with you and have dinner and all that fun stuff and get some much needed support.
Who knows - when we finally get to pa - maybe we'll get to see a whole lot more of each other!

You know very well how I feel about you. You are the glue that holds our weight loss factory together. Once again, your thoughtfulness and kind words were on display for all to see. I hope you got a little out of the meeting as well to help cure your blues. I can't thank you enough for hanging with me during my tough times - and Lord knows I've had enough of them. Trust me, my good friend, your words did not fall on deaf ears last night.
Take care,
Andy Kovatch
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
It was certainly a GREAT meeting last night and I think if the leaders among us can stand up and admit they sometimes struggle, it helps the newer of us know that struggles are a real part of this journey and by supporting one another we can get through it. Silence is deadly, glad you, Andy, Nan and the others who spoke out, hopefully got some relief in knowing we all care! Your voices gave me the permission to put a voice to things when I am wobbling.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Thank you for your words. It's truly amazing how we have one great meeting after another, after another. I think the key is ALL OF YOU! Your participating, giving, and offering but Everyone being there is the foundation. We have to be there to give and receive and when we can't be there, something is really missing and we're really missed.
We hope to offer more meeting opportunities very soon. It's coming and more of us will be able to benefit. I look forward to it.