Am I a fat ass???
You took the high road and didn't stoop to her level - feel good about that. You know where you came from and how wonderful you look - obviously she just came from the nut house!!
All I can say, since most of it's been said already, is you are beautiful and it's not just about the wrapping you're in!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Jen, that story is unbelievable! I am so sorry and I hope you take everyone else's words to heart. A few years ago, someone particularly close to me told me to "move my fat ass" and it hurt so much. I remember crying and crying and I still remember exactly what I was doing at the time, where I was, etc. Unfortunately, this has stuck with me. I sincerely hope it won't for you. Know that what she said could not be further from the truth and having sympathy for her, rather than anger, might actually help you feel better. You are beautiful inside and out and she is the crazy one! Sending you hugs from Boston...
Lisa :)
Me, the lady would have been eating a shoe at the very least.
I had a man who had thought I cut in front of him at Salad Works (I actually had asked his wife if I could pay for an apple juice for my 1 year old while they were still deciding what salads to order and she kindly said yes)
Well the guy now sees me at the register and said "wait your turn you fat pig" (his wife turned beet red with embarrassment) He was a tall, thin man with bad hair and a cell phone ear piece and his "wife" was a good 15 years younger than him so it really didn't suprise me. But I was floored and humiliated nonetheless. I just turned to him and said "wow, you are not a very nice person are you?" and i looked at his "wife' and said, "you poor thing"
Now, if this were to happen after I had lost 153lbs like you did he would have had a fight on his hands and apple juice down his pants.
You can't talk logic to a crazy person
Your Target woman was a crazy person. Maybe not certifiable, but crazy in her own way. There is nothing you could have said or done to make her change her mind or apologize. Not a thing.
Now, I certainly don't mean any offense to the mentally ill. On any day any of us can be the crazy person. So now if anyone is acting irrationally towards me or mean or rude I just remind myself of my little saying. You can't talk logic to a crazy person. It must be their day. It saves a lot of grief on my part.
Take care!
And by the way, I feel you should know that you are an absolute inspiration! I have been on OH for several months now & have read about you on your profile. I recognized you at the very first post-op meeting I attended at Barix a few months ago & wanted to tell you after the meeting how much I identify with what you've written, that the before and after pictures of your transformation are amazing, that no one would ever in a million years guess that you've had gastric bypass surgery or that you were once overweight, & that from what you've written, you appear to be not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. (I didn't though, because I was afraid you might think I was some kind of nut!)
So don't let some stranger who apparently doesn't think enough about herself to behalf like a decent human being negatively affect you, because for every nasty person like that, there are likely two or three times as many people that feel inspired by you & are glad you have chosen to share your journey with us and to be so honest about it to boot.
i often get emails like that...people saying they've been following along and reading my blog/posts. i WANT to know if you are. it feels good to know that people are by my side. so dont feel weird about that.
im okay now...trhanks to all these responses. yes, this lady was crazy. but i still think i have a fat ass....regardless of her comment i guess.
oh well- imtrying my hardest and that's all that really matters in life.
thanks again for your response! and everyone else too!
~ Jen
so sorry to hear that this happened to was a full moon on monday, they are all coming out of the woodwork
you have so much to be proud of...for what you have done and for your grace under fire. now go give yourself a hugg and look in the mirror and tell yourself how beautiful you are, inside and out