***Tuesday Roll Call***
Good Morning Everyone,
I am actually just heading to bed, as the football game just ended, and I am seriously bummed about the final score. It sucks when the Eagles lose any game, but it majorly sucks when they lose to the Cowboys.
I went to the doctor Monday evening to have my earache checked out. It is like my fifth or sixth in a few months. The pattern had been go on the medrol dose pack, and two weeks later the ear would fill up with fluid again, and my eustachian tube would swell up from allergies. My doc checked me out and he wants me to see an Ear/Nose/Throat doc to see if I need tubes in my ear. I have a good ENT doc, as I had sinus surgery many years ago, as well as a deviated septum repair done prior to that. Pray I get an appointment in my lifetime with this guy, as I stand a better chance of seeing the Pope before seeing him right away. He is booked solid usually.
Tuesday will have a very tired me teaching the kiddos all day, then heading back to work at 6:00 p.m. for Back to School Night. Thus begins a marathon of three nights in a row when I am out for the evening, not including tonight with my doctor's appointment.
I hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.
I am actually just heading to bed, as the football game just ended, and I am seriously bummed about the final score. It sucks when the Eagles lose any game, but it majorly sucks when they lose to the Cowboys.

I went to the doctor Monday evening to have my earache checked out. It is like my fifth or sixth in a few months. The pattern had been go on the medrol dose pack, and two weeks later the ear would fill up with fluid again, and my eustachian tube would swell up from allergies. My doc checked me out and he wants me to see an Ear/Nose/Throat doc to see if I need tubes in my ear. I have a good ENT doc, as I had sinus surgery many years ago, as well as a deviated septum repair done prior to that. Pray I get an appointment in my lifetime with this guy, as I stand a better chance of seeing the Pope before seeing him right away. He is booked solid usually.
Tuesday will have a very tired me teaching the kiddos all day, then heading back to work at 6:00 p.m. for Back to School Night. Thus begins a marathon of three nights in a row when I am out for the evening, not including tonight with my doctor's appointment.
I hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Good Morning
Good luck with the ear Trish!
I am at work as typical 6-4 today. I am supposed to get my thyroid ultrasound done today at 4 so I should sneak out of work a few minutes early. AFter that I have to stop at Kohl's as the top I was planning to wear to the wedding on saturday is way too tight across my shoulders. I also have to stop at Payless and pick up a pair of shoes. Sometime this week I have to make it to Michael's and the dollar store too - so much to do so little time!
Have a great tuesday all!
Good luck with the ear Trish!
I am at work as typical 6-4 today. I am supposed to get my thyroid ultrasound done today at 4 so I should sneak out of work a few minutes early. AFter that I have to stop at Kohl's as the top I was planning to wear to the wedding on saturday is way too tight across my shoulders. I also have to stop at Payless and pick up a pair of shoes. Sometime this week I have to make it to Michael's and the dollar store too - so much to do so little time!
Have a great tuesday all!
Good morning everybody - no way was I staying up to watch that game - especially happy after I found out they lost at the end.
Today finds me at work - nothing new there. I have to run out at lunch and find something to wear to a wedding Friday - I ordered an outfit but it hasn't come yet so now I'm panicking. Need shoes, too - just don't have anything dressy enough for this affair.
Other than that not much new in my life...just another day.
Today finds me at work - nothing new there. I have to run out at lunch and find something to wear to a wedding Friday - I ordered an outfit but it hasn't come yet so now I'm panicking. Need shoes, too - just don't have anything dressy enough for this affair.
Other than that not much new in my life...just another day.
Thank you so much for the offer, Beth! That's very sweet, but this arse hasn't seen a dress on it in over 10 years (at least!). I really prefer pants - I have huge scars on both legs from my knee replacements - my right one had to be done twice so that scar is extra large and ugly. But thank you again for the offer - that's one of the things that makes these boards so great!!
Well the first thing on my agenda is to calm down. 3 weeks ago at work we got a letter asking us to participate in the "employee contribution program" which is basically where we allow $$ to be deducted out of our paycheck ("as little as $2 per pay check or as much as you can afford" in order to help build "a one mile walking path" upgrades to the lobby, upgrades to the oncology unit) etc. Excuse me - but ah when was it the employees job to redecorate the lobby? Well anywho - I did not sign up - and those payroll deductions were effective this past Friday.
Interestingly enough on timing we got a letter last night (well I guess yesterday morning) This one informing us that effective immediately, they are discontinuing their matching 403b plan - you can still contribute to your 403b (like a 401k) but the company will not match it. Convenient timing, in our opinion, that this letter went out two days after the payroll deduction began. Just cements in my mind why I'm leaving and why I don't feel safe there!!
On that same line - I will be calling LVH HR again. Nobody returned my phone call yesterday.
Then it will be finishing up a few small things around the house - packing up things for work tonight....and a whole bunch of boring nothing!! We got our butts kicked but good at work with heavy volume - and the best thing about tonight is that I have Wed night off and will be at the meeting - whoo hoo!!
Enjoy your day all!
Interestingly enough on timing we got a letter last night (well I guess yesterday morning) This one informing us that effective immediately, they are discontinuing their matching 403b plan - you can still contribute to your 403b (like a 401k) but the company will not match it. Convenient timing, in our opinion, that this letter went out two days after the payroll deduction began. Just cements in my mind why I'm leaving and why I don't feel safe there!!
On that same line - I will be calling LVH HR again. Nobody returned my phone call yesterday.
Then it will be finishing up a few small things around the house - packing up things for work tonight....and a whole bunch of boring nothing!! We got our butts kicked but good at work with heavy volume - and the best thing about tonight is that I have Wed night off and will be at the meeting - whoo hoo!!
Enjoy your day all!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Good morning!
Trish, I hope you're able to get in soon to see the ENT doc. I've had a lot of sinus and ear troubles, so I know how miserable that can be. I hope you get some relief from it soon! I was sorry to see your Eagles lose -- I'm a Giants fan myself, so I do NOT like the Cowboys, and I don't like seeing them win, esp. on Monday Night Football!
I haven't been posting as much as I should, so today I decided I should get back into the roll call habit and definitely post more too. I am now 3 weeks and 1 day out, and very happy that I am now on pureed foods. I never thought I would be so happy to eat mush but I am!
I also decided today that I should put on my big girl pants and finally post my ticker. I didn't post it before because I felt mortified about how far I have to go. Well, yeah, it is a long way, but it's *my* journey, and I *will* get there.
Have a good day all.
Trish, I hope you're able to get in soon to see the ENT doc. I've had a lot of sinus and ear troubles, so I know how miserable that can be. I hope you get some relief from it soon! I was sorry to see your Eagles lose -- I'm a Giants fan myself, so I do NOT like the Cowboys, and I don't like seeing them win, esp. on Monday Night Football!
I haven't been posting as much as I should, so today I decided I should get back into the roll call habit and definitely post more too. I am now 3 weeks and 1 day out, and very happy that I am now on pureed foods. I never thought I would be so happy to eat mush but I am!
I also decided today that I should put on my big girl pants and finally post my ticker. I didn't post it before because I felt mortified about how far I have to go. Well, yeah, it is a long way, but it's *my* journey, and I *will* get there.
Have a good day all.