Quick Update on Me
Hi gang... just want to check in and let y'all know that I'm doing well. I'm still tired, sore and the combination of the anesthesia and pain killers are once again causing me to have a very short attention span. On the positive side, the pain and soreness are getting better by the day, I'm not walking with an exaggerated "hunch" the way I was told that I would be and the hernia repair that Dr. Marymor did, while EXTREMELY tight, seems to be "taking" without a problem.
To answer one big question that I've gotten from several different people... unfortunately, NO, I have not yet gotten to experience the weight loss aspect of the surgery. I got on the scale this morning and weighed exactly one pound less than I weighed the morning of surgery. Keep in mind, though, that I still have 4 drains hooked into me, I'm swollen and heavily wrapped and still not totally "regular" in the bathroom department. Dr. Skalicky said that he removed about 10 lbs. but, with limited exercise over the next few weeks, we'll see how much of that stays off when the appetite comes back. :-) Don't worry, though, I am getting my fluids and protein... I just feel like a fresh WLS post-op again when it comes to hunger and portion size. I almost wonder if Dr. Marymor didn't do a "touch up" on my pouch while he was in there fixing the hernia. LMAO!
Before I go, let me give special thanks to Shauna and "Schnibs" who have been checking in with me via e-mail frequently, Dennis, Marla and so many others that have kept my spirits high with their positive messages, Greg for taking time out of his day to stop and see me at Barix on Thursday and everyone who has replied to messages about me on this board over the past week. It certainly makes recovery a lot easier knowing that there are so many great people in your corner.
Thanks again everyone... see you soon!
Congratulations on you surgery and keep up the great work. Dr. Marymor did my hernia in December, and I still have the tight feeling. Somedays more than others. He told me that is normal at my two year check up in August.
Albert Schweitzer

I do hope you continue to heal very well - and know we are all thinking of you daily!! Congrats on the this next phase of your life!!

It sounds like you're doing splendid. I can tell you from seeing our friends Cheryl & Shauna go through this, you are on track. Give it some time, (like what else you've got to do), and the fluid will leave, the swelling will subside and the weight will come down. You'll see some gorgeousness soon with the real deal to be revealed in the coming months. I trust you too will be "thrilled" as Cheryl and Shauna are. They are really happy!
Later bud,