Foamie Weekend...
Man, what a crappy weekend. Friday night foamies and it was the worst case of them I have ever had - I have never had that amount of pain or 'foam' and its never taken me that long to get rid of them, but they started right after dinner and lasted til about 3:00 AM. Oh man, I thought they'd never pass.
Woke up Saturday feeling better only to have my mom sicker than a dog - she had been up all night pooping and puking - poor thing - I felt so bad for her. Did her laundry and cleaned up her bathroom. She slept all day - she did get up this morning feeling better but is still in bed. Finally got her to drink some Pedialite - she gets extremely weak quickly when she doesn't eat.
Last night the foamie**** again - I think Miss Prissy Pouch was still upset after Friday night and it didn't take much to get her tuned up again last night - so today she only gets protein shakes and fluids. I can't take another night of foamies.
At 6+ months out I didn't think they could be that bad anymore - man, was I wrong!! But I'm feeling better today.
Don't worry - they're not life-threatening, but they do seem to be a part of life for most of us WLS patients.
At any point - it's when you get a little nauscious feeling (at least that's how it starts for me) My eyes water, my nose runs, and I begin to dry heave....and then end up bringing up lots of clear thick sputum. It's not's not snot....but it's kind of like snot. I've had this multiple multiple times (see my "prissy pouch" description above, LOL) My mouth gets full of the clear sputum stuff...and it's "foamy" in texture....hence the name.
Also why I was sooooo happy to have vomited last week - cause anything is better than that!

HG <-----Needs to be put in the remedial eatting class