I CAN'T POOP!!! (Sorry so blunt)
At 2 1/2 years out I was hoping I was "out of the woods". I should know better, however, after the troubles Dennis went through last year. This is my problem. For the last I don't know how long, I have been having trouble going to the bathroom. Nine out of 10 times, when I feel like I have to do #2, I sit on the toilet and stink up the whole house with gas. But, that's all it usually winds up. I got desperate this morning and took 2 exlax. It stirred things up a little, but not much. My stomach hurt so bad that I took 2 more hoping that an exlax overdose would do that trick. Nothing. I must admit, I'm a little nervous. Should I be? Or is it normal after surgery, even at 2 1/2 years out, to have trouble with bowel movements from time to time. Problem is, I haven't been able to find work since I moved to Maryland and I'm still collecting unemployment. Which, obviously means I don't have medical insurance. No way am I affording to go to the doctor as an out of pocket expense. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!
Have you tried what they wanted us to take before surgery ? I forget the name off hand now. If that didn't work I would call the Dr. just to see what they suggest. Hope things work " out" for you.
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I asked this very same question about 2 weeks ago. I was given the advice to take some stool softeners (OTC) daily or until I felt my "poo" was normal. I have been doing it and it's working great. I have gone days and days without a BM and it's painful and uncomfortable.
Other than the normal foods that help with it, I would try that. It's working for me. I was afraid to try a laxitive because of not being able to make it to the potty in time!
Other than the normal foods that help with it, I would try that. It's working for me. I was afraid to try a laxitive because of not being able to make it to the potty in time!

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
When all else fails call Barix and Dr Marymor's office - you're still his patient and he may have some other OTC stuff you can try other than Ex-Lax - that stuff is murder on your system. I don't know how the docs feel about enemas for WLS patients - if its a no-no or not? But that is always a last resort.
Hope you start feeling better soon!
Hope you start feeling better soon!
For my first 3 months - I was lucky to have a BM every 7 - 10 days. I tried the stool softners and all of that. Finally Dr. Boe told me to use the Miralax and it was my miracle. It is gentle enough to use every day. Once your body gets back into a 'normal' routine - try bumping up your fiber (fruits and vegggies). Also you might want to increase your fluid.
I no longer take the miralax - but I do get in over 100 oz of fluid a day and at least 4 servings of fruits and veggies (plus the flax/ oat cereal in the am). I find if I dont get all of that - then I have to go back to the Miralax.
I hope this helps. (PSST - buy the Miralax first - you will get the results you are looking for and it will be cheaper than the alternatives. With the $$ you save - buy poor Beth some room air freshners for the bathroom :-D )
Kim Z
I no longer take the miralax - but I do get in over 100 oz of fluid a day and at least 4 servings of fruits and veggies (plus the flax/ oat cereal in the am). I find if I dont get all of that - then I have to go back to the Miralax.
I hope this helps. (PSST - buy the Miralax first - you will get the results you are looking for and it will be cheaper than the alternatives. With the $$ you save - buy poor Beth some room air freshners for the bathroom :-D )
Kim Z
Jen, beans? Are you trying to make me shart? Actually, I think I'm heading to walgreens shortly to pick up some miralax. Thanks everybody and wish me luck. This pain is unbearable at times.
"No matter how hard life may get, no matter how many curveballs you are thrown, keep in mind, if you want to succeed - QUITTING IS NOT AN OPTION"!!!