****TGIF Roll Call****

Patricia R.
on 9/11/08 2:07 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
Well it is officially Friday.  Yippeeeeeee.  The only thing that could make Friday better would be if it were also pay day. 

I have been walking at lunchtime with a co-worker and it has been fantastic.  We get a good 15-20 minute walk in on our 30 minute lunch period.  I eat my lunch during my prep period, and have a yogurt at lunch, so it works great for me. 

Friday has me chasing the 7th graders, or attempting to impart knowledge on them at least.  Then, after work, I have my therapy appointment.  From there, it is home to knit.  I am trying to finish a baby blanket I am making for a Dinner Bingo basket auction in October. 

My sister is on the board of Bucks County Special Olympics, and they have an annual fund raiser of a dinner bingo.  I make baskets for her to raffle off each year.  It is fun.  When I was recuperating from my hernia surgery in December, I crocheted some Christmas stockings and made a Christmas basket for her to store till now for the auction.  Our nephew is an athlete, and my brother, the one who died in February, was one of the coaches.  Now, my sister-in-law is coaching for the soccer team.  Basically, it is a whole family thing for us.  

Oh, and I hope to be able to get to my AA meeting before work.  Have not been to one since Sunday.  

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Friday, and a good start to the weekend.  This is my weekend to work at the hospital.  

Huggles and love,
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/11/08 2:36 pm - Lancaster, PA
Hey all. Happy Friday. I am working a double so I just started my second shift. I will be drinking mucho coffee and yes eating more than I should. But I can deal with it as long as I recover tomorrow.
I will get off at 8am go home hopefully sleep then get up and be back here for 4:30pm
It sucks but I need the money got some PS to pay for. Then sat we are going to Gay Bingo NO ONE WANTS TO COME WITH US???? SURE YOU DO.
I hope you all have a great day. fall is in the air I love it,.
Pam Hart
on 9/11/08 5:54 pm - Easton, PA
Actually - I would be interested - but gonna be in upstate NY that day and not sure I would make the trip to pa for bingo....but it definately sounds fun!

Good luck w/ the overnight!!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 9/11/08 6:38 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Nicole,
Hope you hung in there with your double.  At the hospital I work at, there are people who only work on weekends, and they work two doubles on Saturday and Sunday.  I don't know how they do it.  They come in at 7:00 a.m. and leave at 11:30 at night.  Then, they come back in at 7:00 the next day.  UGH!  The worst is, some of them do the double on 2nd and 3rrd shift. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 9/11/08 5:53 pm - Easton, PA
Hey Trish,

Well actually, I do get paid today which is a good thing  because my poor bank account is crawling around on the floor and would probably need some cardiac shocking if that direct deposit check came much later than it did.  The only thing that would make MY friday better is if I didn't have to come back to work tonight.  And in all actuality - I don't cause there's extra staff - but then I would lose the 8 hours of OT I put in earlier in the week - and well - like I said, the bank account (and my debts) are much happier that way!!

When I get home from work this morning I plan on finishing up a few things around the house and then not much of anything.  Today will mark 1 week from my interview and have not heard anything.  Don't know when I should call.  I also don't know if because I don't have my PA license (and won't until NJ board gets a fire under their A$$ which I am igniting daily) if they can't officially offer me the job until I have the license, perhaps that is what they are waiting on.  Or perhaps they are just not interested, which would stink cause I am very interested.

In the meantime I am going back and forth with my landlord.  We are now (after the first year of renting, we've been there 5) on month to month lease.  Out of courtesy, I told them that I was interviewing in pa and that we may be out as early as November but I had no definite answers and I would keep them posted, but wanted to give them the heads up...well now they call me and tell me "do you have any answers....our niece wants to rent the place....so the sooner you give us an answer the sooner she can give her notice"  Well....hello...theoretically I didn't have to tell you yet and I don't have any answers....and when I do you will be the FIRST to know (I'm not thrilled w/ my landlords anyway...but that's a whole other story)

So that's it for me today....


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 9/11/08 6:40 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Pam,
I am not an expert, but it seems to me that it would not hurt to call the hospital and ask them if they have decided on the position for which you interviewed. 

Hang in there.  God is in control.  You will get the job which He has for you.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 9/11/08 7:42 pm - Easton, PA
Thanks Trish...I appreciate those words.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 9/11/08 9:24 pm - PA
Hi Pam,

I remember from an earlier post that you mentioned you did not have a chance to speak with them about "timing" etc ., because you were caught up in the interviews.  It's totally appropriate to call a week later and "touch base" regarding the status.  Mention that you left with the timing of their decision being a little "unclear" and thought you would follow up to check and see if there was any other information they might need from you.  Professional and appropriate AND it can ease your mind a bit.  The wheels turn slowly sometimes when hiring and it's so frustrating!  Good luck~!

Liz R.
on 9/11/08 8:41 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all _ TGIF! This week seems to have gone on forever! I am at work 6-4 then home to get some housework done (maybe! lol) and relax. I am sore and tired. Seems like my pain decides to act up about 3am waking me up. The kitties love it because it means someone is awake to pet them but I need sleep!

This weekend I don't have much planned, grocery shopping (might go tonight since it is supposed to rain tomorrow) Want to get the house clean and prepped so I don't have to think about it while I am recovering as next weekend I have a wedding to go to out of town. Was supposed to go to a pool party tomorrow but of course if it is raining that won't happen. Sunday is just a restful day at home with hubby. We are still adjusting to not seeing eachother all week - it is a bit wierd but we get by.

Pam - I would call and follow up today or monday. Landlords suck - just ignore them, thank god for caller ID! lol

Trish - good luck with the kiddos!

Have a great friday and a terrific weekend!

on 9/11/08 10:10 pm - the Skook, PA

Well, I'm at work right now waiting for the rest of my group to come in.  I caught up on sleep last night, but today I feel kind of headachey.  I have to leave work a little bit early to head to my Dr appt.  I'll hang with my kiddos later, and then head out tonight to hang with friends, which I haven't done in a long time.  Should be interesting. 

"If you want something bad enough, you'll find it.
If you don't, you'll find excuses."
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