Places that we buy from online for WLS stuff

Shannon O.
on 9/11/08 10:51 am - Reading, PA
I have a friend that is interested in having gastric bypass... but she is worried about what she will be missing food wise... I want to show her that there are lots of great subs and recipe changes were you can still have most of your fave foods... she also doesn't handle nutrasweet products very well... so if you know of a site that has lots of splenda based ones that would be great...

BTW- have have listed for her already these places
Our message board
Eggface's blog
5 day pouch site (it has great recipes)

Thanks for any links etc that you all will give me... well off to clean for my friend that is visiting for the weekend...

Pam Hart
on 9/11/08 11:17 am - Easton, PA  (I have only ordered the DaVinci syrup from them - shipping can be pricey) (great selection of low carb products and flat shipping) (great selection of different flavored protein powders under the "bariatic" tab)
She can check out the splenda website - have to be careful though cause a lot of their recipies call for "splenda for baking" which is half sugar/half splenda blend

If I think of any more, I will let you know.


PS:  You can also cook for her and let her sample some of your fav sub recipies!!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Shannon O.
on 9/12/08 4:26 am - Reading, PA
ohhh thank you so much Pam... I just cut and pasted those into an email to her!!

Patricia R.
on 9/11/08 11:44 am - Perry, MI
I don't have any websites that I can recommend.  I was pretty much used to the idea of having to give up sugar from having tried it so many times before when in OA.  I do know that I was at the point where I did not care what I would have to give up by the time I went for my consult, because my life was at risk with being pre-diabetic, and having high cholesterol.  I also have a clotting disorder that has since taken my two brothers from blood clots.  So, for me, it was not what I was giving up, but what I was gaining, in having a healthy body and being able to live longer. 

Sorry for the babble, but that is where I am at tonight.  I am just grateful that my blood sugar normalized and I am off cholesterol meds.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Shannon O.
on 9/12/08 4:29 am - Reading, PA
yeah I don't see the pick deal in not having sugar... I could understand if this was 5 or more years ago when there wasn't a whole lot of anything sugar free... but now... there is sooooo much stuff... I don't miss it... well I miss a good chewy brownie... but I will come up for a recipe for that and make it protein packed! And I'm just glad I am happy with a little piece now too hehehe...

Lesley G.
on 9/11/08 12:33 pm - Allegan, MI
The message boards related to have some fabulous recipes.  I plan to try some once I'm on purees!  Here's the link.

I also avoid nutrasweet/aspartame, as it can be a migraine maker for me.  I bought some liquid Splenda online, and I love it even more than regular Splenda.  It doesn't have the maltodextrin that the powdered splenda has, so it doesn't have a funny taste at all.  I plan to use the liquid Splenda for recipes, once I can cook again that is.
Shannon O.
on 9/12/08 4:25 am - Reading, PA
I have never seen liquid splenda... where do you get it at?

I can now have that evil aspartame (I never remember that name unless I just call it nutrasweet)... before I would get headaches so bad that when I was younger they gave me pain killers for them... once we realized what caused it and I stayed away from the stuff I was perfect... but about 6m after surgery I tried something with it in it and didn't get the headaches or feel sick to my stomach.. so something with the surgery changed it so I could have it lol...

Lesley G.
on 9/12/08 4:29 am - Allegan, MI
It's hard to find, but I buy it from  It's great! 

I heard that my insulin resistance/PCOS was possibly to blame for my aspartame headaches, and that once the insulin resistance clears up, it shouldn't affect me that way.  I'm still afraid to try it, and so I still avoid it as much as I can for now.
Shannon O.
on 9/12/08 4:35 am - Reading, PA
well maybe that was the same for me since I also have PCOS and by 6m my hormone levels were perfect... got even better at 9m...

What I did was try boxed pudding... that way if it made me sick I could still feed it to Lorelei and Jeremy lol... so once you get hormone levels tested again and if they are good try it...

Lesley G.
on 9/12/08 4:54 am - Allegan, MI
I'm glad to hear your PCOS went away after 6 months!  I am hoping for the same. I think I've already noticed some symptoms improving, but that could be wishful thinking.
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