Good News-Fish is still good for you
The seafood industry has a major opportunity to sell more seafood to pregnant women. A new Harvard study, involving 25,446 children born to mothers who had the highest consumption of seafood from 1997-2002, showed babie****ting milestones faster. The researchers said that when pregnant women ate seafood, their babies learned to crawl, walk and talk earlier. They also said that the issue of toxic exposures was much less significant. We have two articles. In short, the science is saying that the best outcomes in terms of intellectual and motor development come precisely from eating seafood -- these are the same outcomes that mercury campaigners say are at risk from eating seafood.
The direct ability to show that eating seafood leads to better baby outcomes is a powerful tool to counteract the mercury hysteria that has been scaring women to such an extent that in the U.S. most pregnant women eat almost no seafood. Further, by creating public awareness that seafood is needed by pregnant women also helps others - children and non-pregnant women, to also feel more comfortable eating seafood.
My boys are just fine. LOL. Hey, my mom ate Tuna almost everyday when she was pregnant with me. It was her craving! they do this too much with certain foods. I understand serious issues, but so many times little "studies" end up scaring people into avoiding a food that wouldn't really be necessary.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
however I do believe certain fish that is high in mercury is to be avoided, and raw fish as in sushi. However fish is an excellent source of Fatty Acid Omega 3 which is excellent for fetal brain development.
thankfully I am DONE ever having kids, so I'm just stuck with my totally perfect average children for now.
It is hard to keep up with what is safe and what is unsafe anymore.
My daughter gives my granddaughter organic milk because of the growth hormones in regular milk.
Albert Schweitzer