well i sure am learning lots thru the posts today
sure am glad i joined this group...always great to have someone to tell it like it is
,...soooo, what else do i have to look forward to?
I can no longer eat Bagels, but I can fit behind the wheel of my minivan
I can no longer eat breakfast cereal, but I can walk up and down the stairs without praying my knees will give out
I can no longer eat regular ice cream, but I also dont have cholosterol so high it will kill me
I can no longer drink soda, but I can fit in a roller coaster seat belt
I can no longer eat candy, but my daugthers can reach their little arms all the way around me for the first time in thier lives.
Believe me all the changes you will feel, wether great or painful, are totally worth it.
This is different for every person, I dont get bad gas but I still cant eat cheese without great pain in the rest room. I have dumped, but I know what caused it and will never eat that stuff again. And to tell you the truth I would rather have to deal with the changes that this surgery brought into my life that to deal with going on insulin shots for the diabetes that was threatening my life.
My experience has also opened the eyes of 3 of my sisters and my mother. They are all getting healthier and losing weight.
Weigh your choices and make the decision that fits best in your life.
I have made my choice....I'm going thru with this process ..its long overdue!!! Actually I know mostly about what you posted and some of the topics ...i have researched this a long time and have walked thru the steps with my best friend who had RNY in 2002, Its nice to actually interact and read this stuff first hand for myself now!!! I am sooooo looking forward to this new beginning!
As for the potty particulars, when you get there....we've got answers

Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Other things to look forward too....have an egg for breakfast on wednesday and it's great. Make that same meal the very next day and it's as if you have asked your pouch to digest a tire off a mack truck...."prissy pouch" is my name for that....some days you tolerate things some days you don't.
Buying clothes on Tuesday cause you have somewhere to go on Saturday....and Saturday they are already to big (I know a horrible problem to have, right? It gets old sometimes though!)
Fighting your way in society for all those on lookers who don't bother asking you what you have to do to maintain your loss and all the food rules you have to follow and telling you "well, you took the easy way out" BS to them!
That's it off the top of my head, but I know for sure there are LOTS more!
As you can tell - every topic is wide open here....which is how we learn!
EDITED: I should add that this is by far the best decision I have made in my entire life....didn't want this post to sound all negative it was meant as other "oooh didn't think of THAT one" I walk all day and feel great, I work at night and even after a bad night at work have energy left to spare....I am able to exercise....and fit in spots I had never fit in before...my blood pressure, diabetic, sleep apnea, joint pain problems are all gone....it's a grand journey!

one thing to ad. the gas is horrrible at 10 months it would wake my husband out of a sound sleep. and even make the dogs get up & run from under the covers talk about bad. but that will last about a month and then it can get more normal and now in my house everyone can get a good nights sllep.
Like everyone says with all the things we can't have, we can do other more important things. I wish I did this sooner. Other then having my dauhgter and wonderful husband this WLS is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.
Yep - I dump - on sugars, big time. Both times were 'accidental' on things that I shouldn't have dumped on - it wasn't like I ate a sundae or chocolate cake!! But it happened and it passes quickly even tho you feel like dying for a short time. Foamies suck - no doubt about it - but again, they pass and after 3 months they're very few and far between. You just have to find your own comfort zones with food.
Gas? Yup, that, too - mine's not terrible but it is there - I burp more than anything so usually start out a meal with 'Excuse me' and let it go! Its gotta come out and I figure better that way than others - LOL!!
What do you have to look foward to? Well, I'm off all my asthma medicine, cholesterol meds, and down to a very minute amount of blood pressure med (I may always have to be on that - family history). I can ride my recumbant bike for 7+ miles at one time, I can walk without huffing and puffing. I don't sweat at every turn anymore, which is wonderful! I actually get COLD now. I fit into airline seats without seatbelt extenders (what a wonderful feeling) - I have more confidence - I WANT to get out and do more and be active. I enjoy shopping for clothes again - right now my favorite stores are TJ Maxx and Marshall's - I refuse to pay full price for clothes I'm only going to wear once season then be out of.
So many wonderful things will happen for you that it'll make the few not-so-wonderful things seem minor and pale in comparison. Its a wonderful, strange journey, but one I would do over and over again...
This has been a true learning experience. If I have learned one thing... it is to FOLLOW THE ADVICE OF YOUR NUTRITIONIST.
Take your protein, swallow the vitamins, try to get into an exercise routine and pay attention to what you put in your mouth.
You'll only have success. You'll never look back. It's only been 6 months for me (and 88 lbs down) and I swear this has been the best thing I've ever done for myself personally.
Every day I wake up happy. Small things matter, like being able to wrap a towel around me after a shower, and having both ends meet! Bending over to pick something up and getting up again without a struggle. Going past the plus sizes in a department store. Feeling hip bones again when laying down. Not blowing up like a balloon in the summer heat. Sitting on the train every morning and not having to squeeze into a seat. I could go on and on...