Getting Hungry again :/

on 9/7/08 11:44 pm - HAZLETON, PA
HI all
I'm almost 6 monthes out and I'm starting to get hungry all the time now.  Mainly at night.  My weight loss has slowed a bit but thats ok I don't have far to go.  I'm finding myself being very hungry and able to eat alot more at one time.  Scares me alot since I'm finding myself eating the wrong things and more of them at one time for example.   Yesterday  I ate a piece of snaps pizza and I was able to eat the entire thing with no troubles and not feeling very  full.  I felt guilty so I went on the tredmill for 30 minutes right after lol.  I'm still mainly sticking to healthy foods 95% of the time and eating a little something every 2-3 hours , drinking lots of water ,but I now have to have more control where as before I wasn't hungry at all.
I'm just worried I'm going to gain my weight back and loose my control over how much I can eat now.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to control my hunger? Or  do I just have to have the total mind control and suffer.  Also is it normal 6 monthes out to be able to eat more at one time? Did I stretch the pouch to soon?   I was always afraid of stretching it so I made sure I didn't force feed myself by eating very slow and stopping when I feel full.

One last question concerning a tummy tuck.  I'm almost nearly my goal weight and I have alot of skin hanging on my lower belly.  Should I make an appointment with a plastic surgeon now or weight untill I reach my goal?

Thanks :)
Gastric Bypass : March 19, 2008

on 9/8/08 12:27 am - SCRANTON, PA
hi :)  well, its kind of normal to eat more after some time.. and one little piece of pizza is not going to make You gain .. as long as it doesnt become a habit. We have pizza about once a month, and I sure LOVE it too, lol 

Your pouch is not stretched, otherwise You would have eaten a whole lot more then just a piece.

PS: they usually say to wait at least 1 year, because You are not done losing yet.  What PS are You going to use?  I am in Scranton, and looking for one that works with insurance ...  not an easy task! 

I have BC/BS PPO...  btw. Dr. Bono is my surgeon too, isn't he the best!!!!  :)  Karin
Pam Hart
on 9/8/08 12:48 am - Easton, PA
I'm almost 10 mos out and can eat a "considerable" amount.  It will become more and more about the choices you make and less about the surgery the further out you are.  I can definately eat a piece of pizza most times without a problem.  Beats the heck out of the three or four I used to be able to eat before surgery, though.

It's not about deprivation - most of the time.  I allow myself a treat here and there....but keep it in moderation, something the surgery has allowed me to experience for the first time.  I don't have much sugar or fat - and buy sugar free treats when I really want them.

I personally find the best way to not be "hungry" all the time is to continue eating my 5-6 small meals a day.  That way I'm eating every 2 1/2 hours or so.  I stick with the protein first, fruits and veggies next, and other things last if there's room.  Of course, I still get my fluids in each day as well.

As far as the plastics are concerned, many say wait until you are maintaining for at least a few months if not longer.  If you are gonna try to get it covered under insurance, however...the more documentation the better.  Rashes, back pain, hygeine problems to name a few.  All have to be documented by doctors (regular doc or dermatologist for the rashes, chiropractor for the back pain, gyn documentation if the skin is causing problems with the female areas....)

Good luck and realize your tool will always work if you always work your tool.  You have the rules and have been learning how to eat for the past 6 mos, and now you need to keep that up, which you can.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Laureen S.
on 9/8/08 1:05 am - Maple Shade, NJ


I've heard many say that at about 6 months out, the hunger returned, as did the ability to eat more.  For me the hunger returned earlier, I think what I learned though from others is to ask myself if I'm really hungry or feeding somethng else, boredom, social eating, emotions, in other words, head hunger.  It takes time and being in touch with yourself to know for sure which thing you are doing.  I try to schedule my meal times, not eating in between those 3 hour intervals and if I feel hungry.  If I am hungry earlier, I try drinking water or a decaf hot drink of some kind, another thing is I take a walk, maybe pick up the telephone and call someone, something to distract myself from thoughts of food. 

I can eat more now and a small slice of pizza is something I have now and again, but it takes me all of 20 minutes to be able to eat it and most times I can't eat the whole bread part, so I eat the cheese/topping with the end crust first, most of the time that's it.  If I take my time eating and focus on what I'm doing, I find I still fill up on less than a cup of food. . .  For me, if I am going to have a slice of pizza or something extra, I do it only on days that I am going to get a full exercise program in.  

As for the plastics, depends on how close to goal you are, going for a consult is not a bad idea, however, I have heard say that you should wait until you are at least 18 months WLS surgery.

Good luck, Laureen 

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

jackie j
on 9/8/08 1:11 am - Glenmoore, PA
To kick the munchies at night you need to take in a little protein.   Have either a Light N Fit yogurt (which you can freeze so its like ice cream) or even better, a profect.   It will kill the craving; keep doing it until your body realizes its not getting a carb at night.   Your mind has to give your body the message no more "real" food is coming....

Re:  the PS.   Like Pam said, if you think you might be able to get coverage on anything you will still probably need 3-6 mos. of documentation prior to that surgery so it wouldn't be a bad idea to go for a FREE consult now, be assessed for coverage, and then if you need to start working towards approval you will be right on track for having surg. done after you've been stable the 4 mos. they generally tell you you should be.   Good Luck!

    Jackie J.    hugs.gif image by LISAH900   ribbon.gif image by Ready4Achange  

1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time.   Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)


on 9/8/08 1:13 am - Boothwyn, PA
I'm just over 6 months out and find that I can eat more and feel 'hungry' but most times its just boredom or stress - not real hunger - and yeah, its scary. I still struggle with pizza - has to be a very thin crust and even then I take a very small piece. Breads don't like my pouch so I avoid them at all costs - same with sugar. Haven't really had the urge for anything fatty so I'm not certain how I'd handle that.

I agree with Pam and Laureen - the 5-6 small meals a day really help me, even tho I'm struggle with a big slow-down right now, and I know why - carbs. Not bread or pasta but salty, crunchy things - they go down very easily for me. So I really need to back off on those and concentrate on proteins and things like that.

You're not alone - don't get discouraged - just remember you have a remarkable tool and it will work - I am constantly reminding myself of that as well.

No clue or advice on the plastics - but wish you the best of luck with it.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 9/8/08 3:38 am - Lancaster, PA
This is where the real work starts. They call the first 6 mos or so the honeymoon. It really is for the first time in my life I did not stress or worry about food. Well the does end and we end up in the worry and confusion about food that has always plagued us., I have found eating 6 small meals helps. Dont do what I did and slack on your protein it is a must, I would also suggest getting in tune with why you are eating and what about being hungry scares you. There are alot of emotional issues under these as well.

My PS said I should be at goal for the best results before having surgery
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