***Wednesday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 9/2/08 2:18 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I made it through my first day back to school just fine.  It was great seeing everyone after the summer break, but I still miss my hospital work, and the swimming pool in my apartment complex. 

Wednesday has me back at school for another day of work in my classroom, and meetings.  After work, I am taking the evil kitty to the humane society.  It is tearing me up inside because she has been the most loving, cuddly, gentle cat since I made this decision.  BUT, each time I have had a family member come over unexpectedly, she hisses at the person, and growls.  If I had the money, I would be able to take her to my vet for an evaluation, but I cannot afford any medical care or tests that may be required to find out if there is a physical reason for her aggressive, strange behavior.  BUT, I cannot afford such an expense. 

If I had any extra money, I would send it to my daughter to help them out.  With her husband out of work since his finger surgeries and the infection getting into his bloodstream, he is not bringing in any income.  He is self-employed.  He has not worked for almost three weeks, as prior to his finger infection/surgeries, he had been laid up with a nasty kidney stone.  Now, he will be out of work for a few more weeks.  My daughter only works two and a half days a week as a Reading Specialist in her school district, as she did not want to work full time with the baby being so young.  So, they are really tight this month financially.  She did not ask for any help, I just know the situation, and have been burdened to help them if I can. 

So, I am going to have to have the cat taken to the humane society and let them put her down.  I will miss her.  I got her as a baby, still on the bottle, and had to litter train her myself. 

Sorry to babble.  I am really a bundle of mixed emotions this week.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 9/2/08 6:59 pm - Easton, PA

Glad your first day went well - and sorry to hear today is the day you have to bring the kitty back.  It must be such a difficult situation - I have two fur kiddos myself and understand what it must be like.  Good luck today.

After work I actually don't have any errands to run!  whoo hoo!!  I do however have a friend coming in Friday evening so I need to start really cleaning the house.  She is allergic to cats so I always try to do an extra good job of cleaning to help out while she is staying and make sure I have plenty of benadryl on hand!!

So, that will be the next few days...finishing up cleaning, gathering things for my interview and trying to make sure I feel "prepared" as I haven't interviewed in quite some time....and things like that.

Nothing to exciting.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 9/2/08 7:44 pm - Perry, MI
Good luck with the interview.  I am sure you will do fine.  If you can handle an active ER overnight, you can handle whatever they throw at you in the interview.

When I am preparing for the allergic family members, I spray my furniture and floor with an allergen spray.   Can't remember what it is called.  I also find that I need to vaccuum the day before, so the dust settles some.  I also turn on my air filter, and get that going really well. 

Thanks for the good thoughts about my kitty. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 9/2/08 7:28 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning Everyone!

Trish--sorry to hear about your cat..we have two kitties ourselves but last year we had to give our third one away cause he did not "socialize well" with the other two cats or people in the house. Now we have two kitties and a puppy!!

Pam--Good luck on the interview!! I'll send good thoughts your way!!

As for me today the students return to school and I am very excited!!  I think this year will be good!  But we will see how today goes..it is only a half day but it always goes looooong on the first day! But I over planned so I should be good to go!! Then it will be home and work out with weights and dye my hair...I have some grays peeking through..ugh!!!  My dad went gray at 21 and my mom went gray early so I guess it was inevitable!! LOL

Hope everyone has a terrific Wednesday!!
Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

Patricia R.
on 9/2/08 7:46 pm - Perry, MI
Good luck with the kiddos today.  Our kids return tomorrow.  I will spend the day hanging my posters, cleaning my desks, and running off my papers.

What school are you at?  I teach at Baldi Middle in the northeast.  I know you are in a parochial school.  Is it in the Northeast as well?

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 9/2/08 9:48 pm - Easton, PA

I started with grey hairs, NOTICEABLE grey hairs I might add, at the age of 24.  I didn't pay to much attention to it until, while leaning over a little boy at work one night he started smiling and said to his mother "Look mommy - she's got the same sparkley things grammy has in HER hair"  OMG....I went out the next day and started dying my hair!!

Normally I just highlight it and it covers most of them up - but just recently I dyed it a brick red color.  Had done that at the salon a few months back - and it washed out within 2 weeks - so this time I bought a box (pay $15 instead of $50) so that if it washes out I'm not so bummed about it.

Have fun!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Liz R.
on 9/2/08 9:13 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning all - Trish so sorry to hear about your kitty :( I just had to give up our kitten because we found out that he has leukemia - I have 2 other kittes.

I am at work for what promises to be a crazy day. After work I want to stop at the dollar store and michaels and then home to work on some projects.

Nothing too exciting.

Make it a great day

Jackie Smith
on 9/2/08 9:44 pm - Coatesville, PA
Good Morning,
Well, everyone is gone again by 7:15am.  I am catching up on the news and drinking my first protein latte of the day. 
Today I plan to get some girl scout stuff done.  My troop is planning to do two fund raisers (other than cookies) and I need to put flyer's together.  They are going to sell college care packages and do a Brownie card making event in November.  Both will be fun but becuase the girls are so busy with the start of school and sports I need to do a bit more work than I would like to do.  They really want to go on a 5+ day camping trip to the ocean this summer and also to overnight horse backriding camp.  Of course I would love the beach trip and the overnight  camp means no girls around for a whole week! 
I would like to get out to AC Moore and to the knife sharpening store as well. 
Have a great day everyone, Jackie

I will see some of you tonight in PHX. 
on 9/2/08 9:45 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good Morning everybody - I'm just getting back into the swing of things today - my trip to Seattle was amazing - I had such a wonderful time with the family. Its always hard to say good-bye. Keali, my middle granddaughter was the one who got to me this time - she was crying when I woke her up to say good-bye and pleaded with me to stay. Man, talk about a heart-breaker...

My flights were awesome and flying is so much better now...definitely going to be making more trips out west now.

Trying to catch up with everything - hope everyone has a great day.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Jackie Smith
on 9/2/08 10:01 pm - Coatesville, PA
I keep meaning to ask where you were in Seattle.  My hubby and I moved to PA from the north end of Tacoma about 9 years ago.  All of our family and friends are still out on the west coast.  This summer we flew to Portland to be with my nephew.  It was his first b-day.  Because I am working now we only got to stay for 1 week.  We have always spent at least a month out there.  Your so right, it is soooo hard to leave after such a short visit.  Last summer the kids and I drove to the west coast and spent 3 months between Portland and Tacoma.  If my daughter hadn't begged to go home I may still be there today! 
I'm glad to here your trip went well. 
Jackie in Coatesville
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