2 weeks out: hell

on 8/25/08 7:02 am, edited 8/25/08 7:05 am - the Skook, PA
oh, nevermind.

"If you want something bad enough, you'll find it.
If you don't, you'll find excuses."
on 8/25/08 8:02 am - Lancaster, PA
Shannon what do you mean never mind? Are you ok? We want to know.
on 8/25/08 8:12 am - Pottstown, PA
Let us know if you need help or support..my first two weeks out weren't great I was pretty miserable so if you need anything let me know! That's why we are all here to support and encourage each other...PM me if you want...ok?

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 8/25/08 9:26 am - the Skook, PA
Guys, it's just that this has been an awful experience for me so far.
I worry about discouraging people with not-so-positive posts, but I'm really struggling here.
At this point, I can honestly say I regret this surgery and that scares the daylights out of me, because there's nothing I can do about it.

I am trying so hard to get in all my protein... even taking protein drink one shot glass at a time (sipping it)... within the half hour I'm even sicker than my constant not-so-great feeling in my stomach (lots of indigestion, general nausea, and frequent ugly trips tot he bathroom.  I was up almost all night last night, and had a hard time getting out of bed for my twins' 1st day of Kindergarten.

I'm supposed to go back to work on the 2nd... and I'm not even comfortable wearing a bra due to the top of my incision being slightly open.  Not tomention, how I'm going to sit through classes feeling so sick.

I'm so SICK OF FEELING SICK all the time.

Everyone is so positive here ...and comfortable, ... that it gets me even more worried that what I am feeling is NOT normal 2 weeks out.

When I discussed my lack of protein intake on the 22nd at my appt., I didn't get any solutions, just that I have to try to get my protein in.  Ummm, ok.  Well, I'd love to.  I just can't.
on 8/25/08 10:32 am - Philadelphia, PA
Shannon, I felt like hell for a month after my gastric bypass.  I was in terrible pain in the hospital, while a woman down the hall was up and bopping around like nothing had happened!  Same surgeon!  Same morning!

At home, I could barely get up and down, had pain, felt nauseated all the time, had an open incision that leaked and stank to high heaven and became slightly infected.  I didn't vomit till my 3rd week and then it seemed like nothing wanted to stay down! 

It got better.  All better.  And it will for you too.  And you'll lose weight and exercise and wear clothing you love and go on the rides at the amusement park and flirt and enjoy the foods you eat and sleep better at night.  Honestly, it will get better.  Hang tough...you can do it!
"The important thing is this: To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become."
Pam Hart
on 8/25/08 12:15 pm - Easton, PA

The first couple of weeks are rough - real rough.  And for me, each time I moved through the stages of food (liquid to pureed, pureed to soft) it was hard again - cause I had to give the pouch time to get used to the new foods/new textures.

It DOES get better.  You will wake up one day and notice, hmm, I'm not as nauscious anymore.  And then that the pain is better.  And when the pain and nausea is better - well then you sleep better - and here comes the energy.

Make sure you walk - it really really really does help.  It gets all the gas and what not out and helps with that uncomfortable feeling.

Everyone heals differently and it takes some longer than others.  But it will be ok.

You are still on liquids for protein?  I know your surgeon didn't give you any info when you said you weren't getting it in.  What are you making your shakes with?  If it's milk - this could be a HUGE cause of your problems.  Many find they are lactose intolerant after the surgery.  First, experiment w/ different fat percentages (I remember reading one person got very sick w/ 2% and skim, but was fine with 1%, go figure)  Also experiment with trying your protein powder in water.  Or try soy milk. 

Full liquids also allows things like sf pudding and sf yogurt (jell-o brand and dannon lite and fit respectively are both good brands)  You can add a small amount of protein powder to these - not a whole scoop - if you add one scoop of protein powder to things you are eating throughout the day (so you only use one scoop over the course of the day) you are adding 25gm of protein there abouts to your diet.

New Whey and Profect are protein bullets  If you are really stressing about the protein - they are 3 ounces and have 40gm and 25gm protein respectively.  Granted - fluids are more important right now.

Nausea - try warm peppermint tea with some splenda (no milk) telling you it helps with nausea big time.

Please don't try to not sound upbeat - if you are having problems we NEED to know.  And as far as the newbies out there - well - they need to know that this surgery is not all rainbows and flowers all the time either.

Chin up, one day at a time, and pretty soon you will be taking those little twins and chasing after them until THEY are tired out and you are saying "c'mon let's run some more!!"

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/25/08 1:27 pm - Lancaster, PA
I Agree I lived on peppermint tea after my surgery. and SF popsicles. I cant even bare the thought of them now but at one time they were my best friend.
Christine C.
on 8/26/08 12:06 am - Port Deposit, MD
I was also unable to wear a bra because of where my top incision was ... I lived in sports bras for awhile.  Try that.  Honestly you can move the band around (up or down) to a place where it doesn't hit your incision.  If you are going to a place where you really need to wear a bra instead ... I would use some gauze pads to make a "pillow" and tape it over the incision just for the time that I had to wear the bra.

Good luck with everything ... you really are going through the worst part of this new journey.  I think most of us have been in your shoes.  I remember one night in particular where I finally had to phone a friend of mine who had the surgery also and I was crying because I was tired of being sick all of the time.  She was being very supportive and said "Christine, you WILL get through this!" and honestly I laughed.  When she asked me why I was laughing it just hit me ... I said "What choice do I have but to muddle through and get through this" ... not like I am going to have them put my stomach back together!  LOL   I think that is when it hit me that I had made a life-altering change and that I had to really take notice of what I was eating (and drinking) and what was making me feel "funny" or sick ... and make the necessary changes.  Every step you take right now is a learning experience (some are better than others unfortunately) ... but you will learn how to listen to your body ... and you will get through this.

on 8/26/08 11:46 am, edited 8/26/08 11:48 am - West Middlesex , PA

I too for the first couple of weeks keep saying to myself. Why did I do this? Why would anyone do this to them self? But everyone is right It dose get better I promise. When the sickness is gone and you are able to do the things that you couldn't before. And all of the pain is gone. You will be so thankfull for this. Till then just hang in there and use us on this board for help that is what we are here for. Done ever forget that we are here for you.

I also have trouble with my Protien and fluids and I'm 4 months out. 

Best of luck



on 8/25/08 11:41 am - Lancaster, PA
I promise you it will get better, You just had your insides rerouted. That is major surgery. Do the best you can with your protein, you are not required to get the whole amount in now. It is a goal. do what you can, staying hydrated and walking is important,. The protein will come. 

We want you to post the good bad and the ugly, Just so happens there are alot of us old timers on here. But we had the " OMG THIS SUCKS " experience as well right after. Dont push yourself too hard. You need to allow your body to recover. Please be patient with yourself.
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