****Sunday Roll Call****

Patricia R.
on 8/23/08 4:18 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I just got in from my trip to New York, so I thought I would post roll call, since I will be asleep in the morning.

Well, I went to take the kitty to the shelter, BUT, because she had bitten me last night, and drew blood, they can't take her for ten days.  Something about rabies.  So, I have to wait till after Labor Day, when I return to school, to get her there.  I was totally bummed about that.

I went to New York on the train, and the NJT trains were beautiful.  They were like double decker cars, and were brand new.

After I got to New York, I went to my son's apartment and he showed me around Astoria, and then we watched the Phillies game on TV.  After that, we went to a theater near Times Square.  The play was called "title of show."  It was hilarious, and fun to watch.  It just made it to Broadway.  After the show, we went to dinner.

I have to get to bed.  I am exhausted.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 8/23/08 5:15 pm - Easton, PA

Glad you had a good time in NYC w/ your son.  I have not been on the new NJT trains - glad to hear they are nice as I will probably be taking one in two weeks when a friend and I go into the city to see "rent".

Today when I get home I will do some things around the house.  I need to call a friend of mine as her surprise party was Saturday and I couldn't go and then couldn't remember what time it was, so I didn't want to call her to wish her a good time at her party for fear of ruining the surprise - so I will do that belated today.

I will then go to bed and sleep until it's time for work again.

Nothing exciting!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/23/08 6:30 pm - Delmont, PA
Morning folks!

I was off yesterday but got called into work.  After working 13 hours the day before..yesterday was tough.  Luckily I was able to get everything done that I needed to do in 5 hours and I went back home.  After I ate Deidre and I walked the dogs and I paid for that one.  My body still can't handle that much yet.  I took advil PM so I could sleep.  It did help with the pain some and I finally passed out.  I woke up and my feet were still hurting today so I just took some tylenol to get through the morning.  Luckily Sundays are an easy day for me.  I'll write my order and then spend the rest of the day cleaning up my department.  I'll be done at 1:30 so I'll come home and rest.

Hope you all have a great day.  Someone rest for me today since I dont seem to be able....snicker


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
on 8/23/08 9:48 pm - Douglassville, PA
Good Morning PA,

Sigh, we had a horrible day yesterday. We were at the shore and got a call from the pet sitter at 7 am telling us that our 14 y/o shep Jessie had a stroke. She fell over, threw up, and was confused. She was standing but was listing to the left. We packed and flew home. When we arrived she knew who we were but looked terrible. I was a mess and thought I would be losing her that day. We went to the ER and she was diagnosed with Vistibular Syndrome also called old dog syndrome. To make a long story short, it's common, and she will recover. Prognosis is very good.  I am so relieved that I didn't have to put her down but I was ready to do it because she looked so awful. Poor thing can walk a little better today but she has a head tilt and walks like she is drunk. I've been carrying her outside and up and down stairs which I would not have been able to do if I hadn't lost weight. So today. and the next few days we will be giving her lots of nursing care and TLC. Wed. she sees a cardiologist because she has an enlarged heart and an arrythemia, which they can treat with meds. She is resting now and seems very happy to be home with the family.

For all you dog lovers with geriatric dogs you might want to look up this syndrome on line so you recognize the signs and can find comfort that it looks worse than it really is.

Good day everyone,

Teresa O

RNY 4/1/2008


on 8/23/08 10:37 pm - Levittown, PA

I am soooooo sorry about your dog, but am happy that she will recover.  I am a total dog lover and wish I could take in every dog I see!!!  They're just the best things in the world.  I have a border collie/Australian cattle dog mix and let me tell you, he is the best dog EVER!!!  He is pure entertainment because of all the energy he has.  He worries me, though, because he's had some seizures and it scares the hell out of me.  Border collies have epilepsy and I believe that he is one of them that for sure has it.  It happens sometimes once a month or every couple of months.  He gets all tense and looks like he has cerebal palsy because of the way he paws get all contorted.  And he just stares into space.  I sit with him and keep him calm and rub his muscles and just tell him that every thing will be okay.  It takes a couple of minutes and then he's okay.  But it's horrible.  And then he's completely scared afterwards for a little while and won't leave my side.  I've told the doctors about it and they tell me to just keep track of it and to see if anything triggers it.  Which nothing ever does trigger it; it just happens.

Sorry to babble, but I understand the love of your dog and wish the best for you.  The first dog I ever had was the cutest mix of stuff...she looked like a mini lab.  I was 7 when we got her and she was 17 years old when I had to put her down.  Talk about being the best dog in the world.  Not even my dog now could compare to my Sandy :)

Take care.



on 8/23/08 10:37 pm - Gettysburg, PA
Sorry to hear about your dog but the prognosis sounds promising so good luck!

Today will be a mundane day for me. Pretty much staying at home, doing some odds and ends around that need done. I will cook and dolaundry and all that fun stuff. And later I will do my weekly grilling of my lunches. I always grill meat on sundays and divide into portions for my lunches. I've learned to do it that way because my kids are growing and there doesn't seem to be many leftovers anymore that I can save from dinners. LOL. My mother is coming over this evening to spend a few days here so tonight we will proably be playing board games with her. We really get competitive!!!

Have a great day everyone!
on 8/24/08 2:31 am - PA
Hi Teresa,

I'm so sorry to hear about Jessie!  Just keep giving her love, I think that means so much to them, regardless of their age.

Last week was the Post-Op meeting I was going to attend but had a vet appt. for my 14 year old English Springer Spaniel Blues.  We've been having many issues with her as she has dementia and it had finally escalated to an issue of her safety.  It was a HORRIBLE appt. as we ended up putting her down and I sobbed for hours.  Needless to say I did not make the Post-Op meeting (even though my surgery is in three days I was going to attend as recommended).  Enjoy every minute with Jessie!

Laureen S.
on 8/25/08 12:08 am - Maple Shade, NJ

I hope Jessie is feeling better, your post struck my heart, as I have an almost 12 yo, Rottie mix, who my vet was nice enough to inform me, is in great shape considering his age and that whatever I'm doing I should continue because most dogs of his breed and size are gone by his age. . .  which had me in tears, like I don't already know this information and thank God for each and every day of his life, especially lately as I see him stiffening with arthritis (I do give him glocasomine) when he get up off the couch or wherever he has been sleeping and I now have to help him get up on the bed regularly, as he can't do it most days. . .  sorry, but your post just struck home so much, they give us so much for so little and my wish is that the love we give could add years to their lives and I guess in some ways it does, but knowing the eventuality of what is to come is not a happy thought, so I pet and pamer him and spend what time I can and know that we've loved one another for longer than both my marriages have lasted (lol)!

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 8/23/08 10:44 pm - Levittown, PA
Good morning everyone,

Today has me jumping in the shower and then heading to my husband's double-header softball game.  It's time for fall ball :)  Poor thing thinks this will be his last year playing.  I doubt it, but we will see.  He's starting to have problems with his shoulder; probably rotator cuff.  And he's a pitcher.  So we'll see how it goes the next couple of months with fall ball.  I mean, he is 39 years old and has been playing for I don't know how many years, but for as long as I've known him and before that.  So it's definitely over 10 years.  But there are guys older than him that play.  Do men ever grow up :)  NO!!  But I guess it keeps them young.

After that it's home to do more transcribing.  I have been working my tail off.  I know it will pay off and we'll finally have a little cushion to do a couple of things instead of staying home because we don't have the money to go out.  I hope work keeps it up, because I'd like to have that cushion all the time.  It's sometimes feast or famine in the world of court reporting.  So my checks differ all the time.  I try to keep them consistent, but it's sometimes hard to do that.

Well, have a good Sunday!!!



on 8/23/08 11:38 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good morning all - I have a busy day on tap - took the dog for a walk this morning but a guy on a Harley rode up to the stop sign by where we were, gunned the damn thing and scared the heck out of my dog, so the rest of the walk was basically him pulling me with his tail tucked to go home. He never used to be afraid of loud noises but now he is.

Doing laundry, want to get a pedicure, taking mom over to Home Goods to look at the dressers I saw there yesterday to see if she likes any - took pix with my camera phone and tried to e-mail them to my pc but they didn't come thru for some reason.

Hubby wants to hang cabinets we bought in the laundry room - that wasn't on my agenda for the day but I will be helping - need to get out there and unload the shelves that are already there full of stuff. The cabinets will be so much nicer.

Also want to start packing for Seattle - leaving Thursday - not sure I'll get a work-out in today or not - lots going on. Tonight I'm doing country ribs on the grill - hope I can eat them - this will be a first for me.

Oh and cleaning - have got to clean my bed and bath at least - they're just nasty!!

Hope you all have a good day - Kathy

'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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