OT - Moving to pa?!

Pam Hart
on 8/21/08 1:54 pm - Easton, PA
I don't know if "news" has traveled to Pa but NJ is in a horrible "healthcare crisis"  The govenor (whom I don't like for multiple reasons) has begun closing many hospitals.  There are currently 3 in my area that have or are closing in the very near future.  Many hospitals not part of a "system" are all under great speculation and in "danger" of being next.

The hospital I work for is one of those.  We are not set for close yet - but I can definately see the signs on the wall if you will.

Hubby has not been accepted to LPN school for this September as we had thought - we were gonna wait out for a year from this September so he could finish school.  Now with that unknown - it will probably be better for us to get out sooner than later.  My hospital has closed wings already, we are in the "red" financially more so than we've ever been and it's a very stressful work environment.

I got the paperwork from the Pa board of Nursing in order to get a license to practice nursing in Pa.  As soon as I have the $$ to process that I will.  I also contacted Lehigh Valley Hospital.  They have a way to contact I believe the HR/Recruiting department without actually applying for a job.  While looking at the website, I also realized that most of the jobs would mean an increase in salary for me by at least a few dollars, with some of the specialty areas (which I am currently certified and elligible for) would almost double my salary.

I'm not ready to move in the next 2 months - but possibly by the end of the year.  Sooner if lucrative offers are made and I can make moving arrangements on short notice.

Here's basically what I'm looking for.  I will be hopefully going to Lehigh to speak to them, see the facility, and apply for a job.  I will also "tour" the areas that I already have from all of you guys when I posted earlier this year about where we should move to.  In the meantime if people could keep and eye or ear out for a rental property, preferably a house, but apartment would be fine.  Here are the basic requirements:

1)  30-45 minutes from Lehigh Valley hospital (I see they have multiple campus locations?  I assume they are all within the same basic area?  I want to work in the ER - so if one campus doesn't have that then distance to that facility doesn't matter)

2)  Preferably a 2 bedroom apartment/house

3)  Cats MUST be ok to have

3)  No more than $1200/mos (we pay $985 for a beach bungalow that has "two" bedrooms - so small that one of them has our full size bed, yes, full size for two grown adults, not a queen or king, and the other one holds our two dressers as one bedroom does not fit both the furniture and our little bed!) although as with anything cheaper is always better

4)  A garage would be a good thing, but not absolute

5)  Obviously we would like to feel "safe"  we are NOT looking to live in a city like environment.  In fact - the more rural the better.  We don't mind driving for every day things.  Small communities would be ok

I don't know if these requirements are to outlandish as I don't know the economy of the surrounding areas.  Rent to buy would be fine as well.  Our credit is awful although we have made progress in that department and we certainly have no $$ for a down payment which is why I am looking to rent and not buy.  We could probably only get approved for a card board box at this rate with mortgages and what not :)

So - if anyone knows of any places that pop up or what not give me a shout.  I appreciate it, and will keep you updated.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/21/08 3:26 pm - Lancaster, PA
what area is that?
Pam Hart
on 8/21/08 10:44 pm - Easton, PA

Lehigh Valley?  I'm not real sure - although apparantly it is by Emmaus where Norm lives.  All I know about the area is that I can see LVH from 78 and my friend, who I believe lives in Fleetwood, lives about 1/2 hour away from there.  That's why I came to all these wonderful people for advice.


Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/21/08 7:05 pm - Delmont, PA
Wow Pam,

You are going through quite alot!  I will keep my eyes and ears open for you.  As always you are in my prayers.


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Pam Hart
on 8/21/08 10:45 pm - Easton, PA
If it's not one thing, it's another Diane!  That's alright though.  We've been saying for a LONG time we want to move to pa - and have never done anything about it.  With everything going on at work, I believe that everything happens for a reason, and this is a way to get our butts in gear to do what we want!

I appreciate it!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Liz R.
on 8/21/08 8:30 pm - Easton, PA
Woohoo Pam and Brian might be moving to town! :) The house next door to me is for sale... I will look at Rentals though too. I live about 25 minutes from LVH Cedar Crest but they are all in the same general proximity.
Good Luck with the tour - LVH is a WONDERFUL hospital and OMG HUGE!

Pam Hart
on 8/21/08 10:41 pm - Easton, PA

Thanks so much!  Maybe our kitties could have play dates together, LOL  And hey - if that's close to you - I guess making it to your support group would be a lot easier, huh?  Thanks for keeping an eye out and for the info that the different campus' are in the same proximity.  I've seen LVH from 78 when we've made trips to a friends house - and yea - it LOOKS huge.  I work for a small community hospital right now so I'm sure it will be culture shock for me - but their benefits and what not by far exceed what I am doing now and it just seems (from the look of their website) that it is a fantastic hospital.

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Liz R.
on 8/21/08 10:56 pm - Easton, PA
LOL kitty play dates...

Well if you need to come up and look around for a place you are welcome to crash at my house. Doors always open.

My grandfather just had heart bypass there and everyone was fantastic. I have told Chris many times that if I have to go to the ER that's where he needs to take me. They have a bariatric program too - I have heard that they are great too.

on 8/21/08 9:00 pm - Levittown, PA

Just wanted to say good luck with your search.  I travel to the Lehigh Valley on occasion for work.  I know that you should have no problem finding something within your budget.  And not to offend anybody, but I don't really think you would want to be right in the city.  From what I've seen, you're better off oustide.  And it's so much more prettier.

I'm sure Norm would be able to help you out in this department.  I actually was at LVH on Monday.  And Liz is right...it's HUGE!!!  And I actually drove into the town of Emmaus where Norm and Mary live.  I had some extra time, so I decided to cruise and ate at the Wendy's in Emmaus.  The town was very cute.  I love old towns.  I even took a drive up the mountain on a road called South Mountain Drive and it was breathtaking.  The homes were absolutely beautiful and I was literally going up the mountain.

Sorry I can't be of much help, but I'm sure you'll make out fine.  I'm sure that any of the outside areas of the city will be just perfect for you guys.  Keep us updated.



Pam Hart
on 8/21/08 10:47 pm - Easton, PA
Yea - I have heard from a few people that I probably don't want to be "in" the city - which is fine with me.  That's why I don't mind being up to 45 minutes away from the hospital.  I understand that if I don't want to be in the city, then I will have to travel.  Oh well.  People have made the comment of "some areas of blah blah blah are ok, but you don't want to go to "x" side of town..." and really - I don't want to worry about which "side" of down we are on and what not.....I have enough of that here in jersey!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
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