Feeding Failure
Every now and then, I find myself eating more than usual, and eating things that I know I shouldn't -- like a cookie or a bag of Fritos. That's where I find myself today. And so I've learned that this is part of my addiction, and I ask myself, "What are you feeding?" And most times, I find an answer that has nothing to do with hunger.
Today I am feeding my sense of failure. I sent in my final divorce paperwork today. The divorce is my decision. It's a long time coming. It's the absolute right and best thing for me and my family. I am happier than I have ever been, in a relationship with a caring, generous, honoring and respectful man. And, yet, as I put those papers in the mail today, I started to eat, and I know it is because on some deep level, I believe I have failed at being a wife -- the one thing I had dreamed of being all my life.
In order to stop eating, I had to start talking. This feels like a safe place to do that, so I'm putting it out there and hoping someone can relate, empathize, sympathize, kick my butt, whatever. I just needed to get it out of my mouth and stomach, and into the air.
Thanks for letting me share
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
You can come here to talk anytime! That's what these boards are about.
I'm glad your realized what you were feeding - and being able to be honest with yourself about why you were feeding that particular feeling.
I can't say I've been in your situation - but from the outside looking in - it doesn't appear that you "failed" as a wife - rather - the relationship was not what it was supposed to be. There's a million cliche's I could throw at your right now....but that wouldn't do all that much I'm sure.
You have put your life, your safety, your health, and your emotions FIRST and that is what successing is about - a healthy balance and understanding of yourself, your relationship (both with people and food) and being "balanced"
Congrats on all you have done - and will continue to do.
Now - step away from the fritos - and get your butt outside for a walk or something....
Thank you for your response. I did not continue to eat. It's amazing. Once the feelings are out in the open, the desire to stuff them (with food) seems to disappear. I went to the Phillies game last night with my new man, my son and my daughter. I cheered and booed. I took time to notice and appreciate the fact that I could easily fit into the seat (with extra room), and could jump up and down as much as I wanted. Getting out was very good advice.
Blessings, Jill
WLS 5/31/07. Maintaining a weight loss of 141 pounds and feeling amazing!
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)
Hope to see you soon.
I understand that sense of failure but you didn't fail. If it was what is best for everyone than you did the hardest thing, you let it go. Please don't forget that sometimes what feels like failure can sometimes be part grief and sadness. It is a loss, even if you feel it's for the best - it is STILL a loss. Let yourself accept the sadness and grief, it's totally part of the whole process. My divorce was due to some abuse but I still grieved {for a while I beat myself up over that! grieving that loss, was I crazy???} but we're human and it's a loss.
From your post you sound like an incredibly strong woman who is committed to health for yourself and all those you love. You're amazing. Celebrate that.