Sarah G.
on 8/15/08 2:15 am - PA
Wow has it been a while!
Well...Ive got lots to update on.
I am below the 100lb mark! Yes! I am now weighing in at 132lbs! Its amazing. I never thought Id ever loose as much as I have.
Last night I bought a shirt in a size small. So I wear it to work today...come to find out that its too big!!! I should have gotten an extra-small!!! Thats just crazy. When I look at myself, I dont see someone that looks little. Its weird.
I was having issues with energy really bad here for a while. First I was put on Provigil. I have never felt so sick. I had to stop taking it. So I went back to my Dr and asked for the B12 shot. She started me on those once a week and also Iron pills. So far it seems to be helping. Im still tired...but its an improvement.
Ive been getting a lot of attention these days. So much more than what Im used to. At first it was flattering...but now its getting old. And at times a little scary. I even had a stalker for a while. But after I threatened to call the police, he stopped. So thats good.
Is it normal to look at yourself and not see a thin person? I honestly dont see it. I mean...in pictures I see it sometimes. Ive had people tell me I need to stop loosing...that Im starting to look sick. I dont see that at all.
I posted a few new pictures on here. They are of me in a bikini! Never imagined Id get into one of them again! But anyway...you can see how Ive progressed thus far.
A little off the topic here....
My husband and I recently separated. It seems that we are going in different directions. Now some would say its because I had surgery. And Im sure that plays a part in it. I think he has a big issue with the attention I get. Also he doesnt like that I want to go out on the weekends and have fun. He expects me to sit at home on the couch. Ive tried to explain to him that I, for the first time in 5 years, feel ALIVE!!! I feel young and full of life. Like Ive been given a second chance. He doesnt understand..I guess I cant expect him to. Im not sure where things will go with this. At first I was devistated...althoug
h it was a mutual thing...you cant ever prepare yourself enough for these things. So Im just trying to figure things out right now. But any advise on this would be great. Ive never been through a divorce before.
on 8/15/08 2:50 am - Boothwyn, PA
Well first of all congratulations on your amazing journey!! WOW -you've done wonderfully!! You should be so proud of yourself - and yes, I remember your stalker! Glad you got that taken care of.

I'm not nearly as far as you are in your journey altho I have lost about what you weigh now! But I don't see the big changes in myself that others see. Sometimes my arms seem smaller and I know my face and upper body are smaller, but I still feel as big as I was sometimes. I think its all in our head and something that we'll just have to get used to and it'll take time.

I'm sorry to hear you're having marital troubles - sounds like you're both adjusting to the new you - I hope things work out the way you want them. Don't have any sound advice for you in this area as I've never been divorced either - just wish you all the best.

Again, congrats on the small size and how well you're doing! Please don't let the separation derail all of your hard work.


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
Sarah G.
on 8/15/08 4:23 am - PA
Thank you so much Kathy.
on 8/15/08 3:51 am - Gettysburg, PA
Wow, I almost felt like I was reading about myself there......only 2 years later.

First of all........I NEVER EVER see a thin person when I look in the mirror. I see the "big" me I was my entire life. And when I see pics of me, sometimes I don't even realize it's me in the pictures. It's wierd. So you aren't the only one.

And the same happened to me with my husband. About 2 years after surgery. Do what makes you happy but be respectful of yourself and marriage and things will work out the way they are supposed to.

Congrats on your success........and good luck.
Shannon O.
on 8/15/08 5:37 am - Reading, PA
congrats on the weight loss...

on the marriage stuff... are you including him when you go out on the weekends... if you aren't- then do so... also find someone that does couple counseling... but work through it... he has been there for you when you were heavy (at least I hope he was)... but it sounds like he needs some time for adjusting just like you are when you look in the mirror... maybe he is worried that now that you are the new you... you don't need him... show him you do, etc... but hang in there... I think you guys can pull it together... just make sure you are talking and with kindness in your voice as well...

Sarah G.
on 8/15/08 6:36 am - PA
Hey, thanks Shannon.
Well...he is on probation...so he is limited as to what he can do. I mean...he is allowed out...even around people that are drinking. He just cant drink. He  knows he wont be able to handle the temptation...so he wont come out with me. Even when I try to go other places..he seems reluctant to join me. He just isnt happy most of the time. He cheated on me right after I got out of the hospital from RNY surgery. While I was recovering, he was seeing another girl. Im amazed I was able to forgive him for that... Now he thinks Im going to do the same thing to him since Im thin and getting attention I didnt get before.
on 8/15/08 6:28 am - Lancaster, PA
You have done an amazing job and you look awesome. It takes a long time for your eyes and your brain to catch up with your bod. I am sorry to hear about your marriage and I hope that what is the best will work out for you. It is a long hard and exciting journey and I wish you alot of continued success.
Sarah G.
on 8/15/08 6:37 am - PA
Thanks Nicole!
Pam Hart
on 8/15/08 9:54 am - Easton, PA
Hey Sarah!

Glad to hear of all your accomplishments.  We are weighing about the same these days - I'm bouncing between 129 and 132 myself!!  It is quite amazing.   No, I don't see a thin person either.  I mean, there are outfits that I go "OMG....look at how I look" or something like that once in a blue moon - or when I see myself in the mirror of a store window as I walk past sometimes I do a double take and wonder "who is that?" until I realize it's me...so you are not the only one.  I too am getting the "to skinny" comment.  A girl at work who is literally 95 pounds (she's also very short - but she's really really thin to - naturally - always has been - and is a sweetheart) jokingly said to me this week "Are you seriously trying to make me the fat one of this place?"  We bust out laughing cause it's so far from the truth.....

Anyway - bout you and hubby - well - things have been rough for awhile now.  I remember the whole story right after surgery and commend you for being able to forgive him for that - and things will go the way they are supposed to go.  You need to do some soul searching as does he and figure out what it is you both want and need out of life.

Good luck!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/15/08 12:37 pm - Drexel Hill, PA
I find your story very interesting and inspiring.  Sorry to hear about the hubby situation....I don't have any insight there but think some of the other replies are solid.

Your story has got me thinking about when I get down to my goal weight how will people treat me differently.  Granted, I don't anticipate any stakers...but still.  Your before and after pictures really got me thinking - wow, this person must have had some real dynamic changes in certain relationships, including how strangers approach conversations.  I'm curious to see how things change in the external relationships I have.

Keep up the good work and good luck with everything.  As you know, the psycological battles are the hardest ones.  Take them one day at a time.

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