Yom Kippur
Anyone out there Jewish
I am asking well in advance, in case I forget.
On Yom Kippur, you are not permitted to eat or drink from Sundown on Oct 8th to Sundown Oct 9th.
However, some people are not permitted to fast. Children, pregnant women, and the "sick" are not permitted to fast.
Sick includes all health issues.
Am I allowed to fast since having my RNY. My gut tells me no, especially since I can't even have water, but thought I would check w/ you guys. I also asked Dr. Pupkova on email..since I have time to wait for an answer.
I am asking well in advance, in case I forget.
On Yom Kippur, you are not permitted to eat or drink from Sundown on Oct 8th to Sundown Oct 9th.
However, some people are not permitted to fast. Children, pregnant women, and the "sick" are not permitted to fast.
Sick includes all health issues.
Am I allowed to fast since having my RNY. My gut tells me no, especially since I can't even have water, but thought I would check w/ you guys. I also asked Dr. Pupkova on email..since I have time to wait for an answer.
Depending on how religious you are, the rule is whatever your doctor says is necessary. However, if I were to disect the different levels of abstension, I would say, no music, no television, no shopping, no handling money, no cutting, no entertainment. If you must eat or drink then just the minimum. Others say that if you break the fast, you are not keeping with the holiday, however, I feel that you do the best you can do. Shalom.
I am not Jewish, but I would just encourage you to protect your health and do your best with the food fasting aspect of the Holy Day. I have a deep level of faith in God and believe that God looks at our hearts more than our behavior or observation of the Law.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

You could PM boston Lisa on this one.
I too am not Jewish (seems to be a recurrent theme of the responses)
I would say definately do NOT go without fluids. One day of no protein won't kill ya - so if you want to stick with jus****er - that should be fine in my humble opinion.
I too am not Jewish (seems to be a recurrent theme of the responses)
I would say definately do NOT go without fluids. One day of no protein won't kill ya - so if you want to stick with jus****er - that should be fine in my humble opinion.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.