Prissy Pouch? and my 1st post op sick day
Ok, I am having a sick day today. Post Nasal Drip, sore throat, head congestion....the works.
I was wondering if anyone else finds that they are going to bathroom more often? I wondered if the post nasal drip was causing a prissy pouch, which was causing the urge to go.....
I don't know how to put it w/o being far more graphic, and since 9/10 of you are women, i figured I would use polite words to explain the poopies.
I was wondering if anyone else finds that they are going to bathroom more often? I wondered if the post nasal drip was causing a prissy pouch, which was causing the urge to go.....
I don't know how to put it w/o being far more graphic, and since 9/10 of you are women, i figured I would use polite words to explain the poopies.
Steve - first of all I hope you feel better soon! I have also found that the post nasal drip can make me run to the bathroom more often - sometimes as a "false alarm".
LOL Pam is going to LOVe that a man has a "prissy pouch"! by the way... :)
Hope that you are back to normal soon - just remember tylenol products work great for head colds!
LOL Pam is going to LOVe that a man has a "prissy pouch"! by the way... :)
Hope that you are back to normal soon - just remember tylenol products work great for head colds!
I would assume that "prissy pouch" could be irritated by post nasal drip....even pre op when my post nasal ickies got bad, my tummy would get bad too. Then again...I have severe sinus problems to begin many to mention.....
I generally tend to refer to my prissy pouch when, let's say for lunch I have chicken and it's fine...and then the next day for lunch I have the exact same thing and I get the foamies...."she" decides if and when "she" will tolerate whatever foods....hence the name....but it could definately go either way.
Hmmm....what to call a guys pouch....
pecker pouch?
peter pouch?
I liked your "pissed off pouch" too
the options are endless....then again....I haven't slept yet today so don't take offense at anything I said....
I generally tend to refer to my prissy pouch when, let's say for lunch I have chicken and it's fine...and then the next day for lunch I have the exact same thing and I get the foamies...."she" decides if and when "she" will tolerate whatever foods....hence the name....but it could definately go either way.
Hmmm....what to call a guys pouch....
pecker pouch?
peter pouch?
I liked your "pissed off pouch" too
the options are endless....then again....I haven't slept yet today so don't take offense at anything I said....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.