***Wednesday Roll Call***
I am up at my usual time. Got to bed late, but at least I slept better than the night before.
Today has me heading out to my AA meeting in a few minutes. Then, later on this morning I am having a cyst removed by a surgeon. After that, I may accomplish some of the stuff I did not get done yesterday.
Have a great day.
Albert Schweitzer

Well today has me running to the bank and then off to school to work on my classroom!! I will then come home and do some work for my class and then maybe relax!!
Enjoy the day!!
Much luv!!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Today I am heading to work. I will be meeting my prospective psychologist at 1:00pm. I do hope I like her. If I don't I have two other possiblities in the area. Did anyone else go to counceling along with the weightloss? (her name is Dr. Susan Mitchell in Exton)
I got 8 hours on my CPAP yesterday. I read for an hour after work so that helped.
Tonight I will be going to the PHX support group meeting.
Thats about it!
Jackie in Coatesville
I have been in therapy for a very long time. My initial reason for going into therapy was my eating disorder/weight. I even was in treatment for my eating disorder twice. I could not do this without my therapist's support and learning relaxation exercises from him. I recommend therapy/counseling to anyone pursuing this surgery.
Feel free to PM me if you wish to talk about anything. I am very open about my recovery.
Albert Schweitzer

Compared to everyone else on these boards I am a total bore right now - but I'll take it!! No drama or anything and that's good. Feeling in a little bit of a funk but I think that's due to my time of the month...ick.
Did take the dog for a walk this morning - foot is feeling almost 100% again - I always have some pain due to the bone spur and ganglion cyst but its tolerable - feels good to get out walking again - really looking forward to this weekend when its supposed to be a lot cooler in the mornings and we can take our long walks.
Hope everyone has a great day!
Good Hump Day Everyone!!
Today I have to take one of my dogs to the vet. Last night I noticed that his nail had come out from his paw and was turned sideways. YUCK!! It wasn't bleeding that much. I called the vet and they couldn't see him until today at 10:40. He seems to be okay, but it doesn't look very comfortable for him. Hopefully they'll be able to just cut it where it's turned.
Then I will be visiting a family friend at the hospital. My husband called me just a little while ago saying that his friend's mom has been in the hospital for a week in ICU and is asking for Garry. I can't believe they didn't call us and let us know beforehand. So I am meeting Garry at his mom's house after he's done work so he can get a shower and get changed and then we're heading to the hospital. I told him that it's not good when people start asking for certain people. I'm so sad right now, because she is the most loveliest people I have ever known. WE LOVE YOU, NAN!!! HANG IN THERE AND STAY STRONG!!!
Well, have a good day everyone.
Last night I had a tough time falling asleep, was up until 11:30, which is late for me considering my day starts at 4:30, good thing my work week started on a plus side sleepwise, otherwise I'd be dragging my butt through this day. . .
Well I'm here at work, tonight finds me going to gym and then home to hopefully get a good night's rest. . .
I sure hope you all have a wonderful day and I continue to keep you all in my prayers and positive thoughts,
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Then I made dinner for hubby tonight and me for after work tomorrow morning (sounds funny, huh?) I made some AWESOME steaks and garlic mashed taters with home made gravy - it looks awesome so I'm already excited about tomorrow's meal! Then I emptied the drainboard AGAIN (from the dishes I washed) and washed all the dishes that I had made making dinner.
I also did the litter boxes.
Now hubby just woke up so I will see how he is doing and medicate and play home health nurse and then hopefully watch the end of rachael ray and go to bed.
Back to work tonight!