A few more ER visits

Pam Hart
on 8/4/08 11:16 am - Easton, PA
So gram was in the hospital from 7/23-7/28 and hasn't been doing well at home.  Thankfully today she saw her regular doctor and seems to be doing decently but not great.  Now granted she's almost 80 - but you have to understand - we're talking about an 80 year old who drives to Maryland and Pa from NJ to babysit her great grandkids and goes bowling every week with her husband - who now can't walk across the living room without a walker.  She will get better it will take time. We've been back and forth from hospitals and doctors since.

Plus there was me in the hospital a few weeks back....

And now today hubby was lifting something with a friend and ended up hearing a "pop" in his back and then passing out.  I got there - he was conscious but flat on his back.  We let him lay for awhile - stood him up (I was gonna bring him to the ER myself just for some xrays and pain meds) - and he passed out again.  So an ambulance it was.....x rays are negative - he was initially ADMITTED as the pain meds weren't helping to much and they wanted to do an MRI - but then a good orthopedic came in and examined him and determined it was muscle (which in all honesty, I kind of expected based on his symptoms) and injected the muscle with some numbing medications and steroids - he was able to walk literally within 90 seconds of the injection - so we didn't get him admitted - I have him home on many pillows and ice packs and pain meds.  As those with back problems know - this will be a slow recovery.  He's pretty bummed about everything - and of course we know how he can get when he's bummed.  Funny how word travels though - I called my mom to tell her what happened when we are at the ER...she told my grandparents (as she was with them) they told my aunt - and I got a frantic phone call from my aunt asking "Where is the fracture in his spine and how much of him is paralyzed?"  Well - that got us all laughing about the game "telephone" when we were in grade school......at least we can laugh about it and it wasn't the truth....

So anyway - a few extra thoughts would be helpful around now......

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/4/08 11:31 am - Levittown, PA
Geez, Pam...I'm telling you, there's never a dull moment with you guys.  I thought my family was never short of dull moments, but I think you've got me beat.

I will definitely be thinking of your gram and hubby.  Please give them my best.  I hope they're both well REAL, REAL soon!!! 

Take care.



Pam Hart
on 8/4/08 3:24 pm - Easton, PA
Brian said tonight he was getting jealous of all his family (his parents) and all of my family in the ER so he decided to make THEM come see HIM for once.  LOL  He is such a sicko sometimes!   Thanks Karen!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/4/08 1:03 pm - PA
Pam - You really have not been having a good time of it lately. I hope your husband and gram get better soon. Sending good thoughts your way :)

<3 Stefanie    

way-of-life.gif image by SissyLalaSamantha
Pam Hart
on 8/4/08 3:24 pm - Easton, PA
Thanks Stefanie!  Yea - it's been quite a wild ride over the past 6 weeks or so.  Oh well!  We'll get through....

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/4/08 1:11 pm - McConnellsburg, PA
Sending Good Thoughts, Good Energy and Prayers your way! Hope Hubby feels better soon, and also your Grandmother.
Pam Hart
on 8/4/08 3:25 pm - Easton, PA
Thanks!!  I appreciate the good thoughtys, energy, and prayers - we sure could use them!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 8/4/08 1:25 pm - Perry, MI
Wow, you guys really do stay busy.  Your gram sounds like my mother.  Mom is 81, drives to and from WilkesBarre, I live near Barix and Wilkes Barre is near Scranton.  She does volunteer work at the VA hospital up there weekly.  She loves pushing those "old men" around in their wheelchairs.  She also loves to take my nephew bowling when she is in town.  My sister and I dread the day she is unable to care for herself, and be independent.  Mom thrives on doing for herself.

I sure hope Brian feels better soon.  I have had back injuries in the past, and they have to be the worst.  I don't do bedrest well.  My family was amazed at how active I was after my gastric bypass, and hernia surgery.  They expected an invalid. 

Hang in there.  Be sure to get enough rest and all that you need for your nursing duties at home and at work.

Hugs and love,
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 8/4/08 3:29 pm - Easton, PA
Well if my body would let me sleep right now, I would gladly work on that rest trish!  LOL

Hey - when my grandmother is feeling better I should send her up to your mom - those two sound like they would tear up the places wherever they went!!  Yea - it's been pretty rough not having her independence - she doesn't do well with that - and we're concerned.  And my grandfather is having a rough time of it too - so we feel bad for him. 

I appreciate the support for Brian.  He is pretty stubborn - so his hardest thing right now is lack of independence as well.  Although strong and quite able - he can be QUITE pessimistic about things and only see the bad - so I constantly have to remind him about the good in situations like this (like the fact that after the injection he was able to stand and walk without passing out - I consider that a plus, but call me crazy.  I also consider no spinal cord damage a plus - but then again, that's the silly nurse in me talking LOL)

I appreciate everything!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
Patricia R.
on 8/4/08 3:48 pm - Perry, MI
It sounds like Brian needs to start doing Gratitude Lists.  A year ago, a dear friend in Florida stood in the ER to be told her husband was gone, only to have them revive him, rush him to the OR to remove massive blood clots near his heart.  In the past year, he has had multiple surgeries, and episodes where his life was on the line.  He was in a coma at one point, and other very challenging situations because they could not get a handle on his blood thinning.  He would either hemmorhage or clot.  In the meantime, my friend is battling breast cancer herself.  The amazing thing is, this friend could always see the good in every episode, and give God the glory for everything that was happening.  She is my spiritual mentor.

So, there is always a bright side.  He is alive, and it is not life threatening. 

I am still up.  I either have a fever or hot flashes, because I can not stop sweating and feeling uncomfortably warm.  Menopause really sucks sometimes.  Can't wait till I am through it for good.  I do have to be grateful though, I could be going through this without central air conditioning.  I watch reruns of Little House on the Prairie sometimes and wonder how they survived without electricity, much less air conditioning.  There is always a bright side, as long as I keep paying my electric bill.

Hang in there.  Try to get some rest so you don't burn out.  I am taking care of myself from my emotional wringer of a day.  I called my AA sponsor, and I am heading to my AA meeting on Tuesday.  My days at the hospital are not usually that intense.  I usually only have one group that is off, not four out of five. 

Sorry to babble. 

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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