***Tuesday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 8/4/08 2:37 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I am still up from a very hectic, crazy Monday.  Cannot sleep.  But, according to my clock it is officially Tuesday, the 5th of August, on the East Coast.  OH has all the blogs time stamped Pacific time.  HMMMM.

Anyway, I had a day that I will never forget at the hospital on Monday.  My head was spinning and I think my eyes were rolling around in my head at one point.  I do group psychotherapy and recreational therapy at a psychiatric hospital part time.  My first group was on the most acute unit.  One very psychotic patient was totally disruptive throughout my entire group.  At the end of the group, the nurse tried to give her a med, and she went off and they had to call a code.  When they call a code, 10 big men and women rush to the unit to help make sure order is restored, and if need be the patient is restrained. 

After I recovered from that group, I headed to work with the adolescent girls.  I have been teaching them to crochet.  Well, on the way to the unit, one of the social workers told me that one young lady had just been informed that her mother had died.  This young lady's father had died three months ago.  When I got on the unit, the poor child was just in her room, totally inconsolable.  The girls on the unit were informed of the situation, and the mood was totally somber. 

I thought the day could only get better.  WRONG.  After a good group with the children, where we played picture Bingo, my next group consisted of seven psychotic patients.  One minute they were making sense, the next minute they were totally delusional.  ARGH.  Is there a full moon, or what?  Finally, my last group was good, until one patient answered a question with, "I like myself when I kill the motherf****ers."  As the rest of the patients were about to bolt from the group in fear, I had him removed to his room. 

So, I went to talk to my boss after all this fun, and asked her if it was a full moon, and she smiled and said "No, it's you, Trish."  I just burst out laughing.  What a draining day. 

The good news is, I have off the rest of the week.  So, Tuesday consists of going to an AA meeting, getting an allergy shot and going to the pool to be a bum. 

I hope everyone has a great day.  Be grateful for your family and your health.  Life is fragile and we are not guaranteed anything.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Pam Hart
on 8/4/08 3:19 pm - Easton, PA

I hate those types of days at work - and you were put through the ringer today.  Make sure you take care of yourself and work through any issues from dealing with so many issues.  As you are well aware - it can take a toll on a healthcare worker to deal with so many sad situations - especially all in one day.

I too am awake.  We went to bed earlier - and I napped here and there in the bed - but I can't seem to get into a great sleep tonight.  Just as I was on the "edge" of falling asleep Brian had a coughing fit which of course sent him into a back spasm fit, blah blah blah....and the coughing initially scared the crap outta me due to that "in between" state I was in.....so here I sit.

I have no idea what today consists of.  I definately need to call the ortho guy to see when he wants to see Brian in the office.

I also need to straighten up this place - as I was in the middle of pulling apart the living room when this happened.  So I have all of that stuff out, plus laundry out - and now multiple pillows and blankets and bags from some last minute shopping all over my house.  I would like to get that in order.

I also have to go to work tonight (Tuesday into Wednesday).  I was supposed to go in "last" night (monday - tuesday) but when I brought Brian to the ER and they knew his story and kind of figured he would need some help at home (he's not to great at getting up or down at the moment), they very kindly moved people around (my co workers were AWESOME with that to help me out) and they gave me off tonight so I could play nurse at home.  Wonder if I could get paid for private duty?  That pay is supposed to be GREAT lol

Enjoy your day all - make the best of whatever situation and know that in the words of my father "sometimes you have to look really really really hard, but there IS always a brighter side, sometimes it just seems like that side is somewhere near china"  At this point - I have to agree.

Love to all,

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/4/08 4:22 pm - Delmont, PA

Sleep is overrated anyway..snicker!  This not sleeping thing must be catchy.  I fell alseep lastnight at 10PM..or should I say passed out.  Anyways..I was in a nice deep sleep until 1AM.  I had my alarm set for 3AM but after waking up I couldnt get back to sleep.  So here I sit... posting and then I'll shower and head to work for 4:30AM.

I'm not too sure why I didnt sleep.  Yesterday was exhausting.  I got up at 4:30 for work and got there at 6AM.  I worked till 10 AM and then went to Pittsburgh for my first appointment with my surgeon.  I went back to work and worked from 1PM till 4:30 and then drove back down to Pittsburgh for my 4th class.  After class I went back home and ate dinner.  That was ready at 8PM.  After dinner Deidre and I took the dogs for their walk.  We got home at 9 and I jumped into the bath and then went straight to bed.  At the end of the day my pedometer said 18,271 steps.

Luckily today will be an easy day at work.  I will place my order for Wednesday and then the rest of my day will be spent sitting while I sort the tags for this Thursdays new sales.  A big change from yesterday when I had to unload and put up the Monday order.  I'm supposed to work till 1PM but i'm hoping I have the energy to stay til 2PM and make up the hour I missed yesterday.  After that my only plans are to come home and nap and then after dinner walk the dogs again.

Yesterday I barely ate.  I had so much running to do I didnt have time to really eat.  I grabbed a few grapes and a snack pack when I had the chance.  I did manage to have a nice meal for dinner.  I have to make a point of eating better today. 

Well Its time for some yogurt and then getting ready for work.  I'll check in later if I'm still awake.

Have a fantastic Tuesday!


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Patricia R.
on 8/4/08 4:35 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Diane,
I just wanted you to know I plan to be in Pittsburgh this weekend.  My son lives there, though I am not sure which part as he just moved on Friday to a new place.  He had lived in Swissvale for a few years.  I think he lives in a section not far from there.  I guess I will learn it when I get there on Saturday.

Anywho,  I figured out that between the stress, and possible hot flashes, I am just not going to sleep much tonight.

Be sure to pack yourself some healthy, high protein snacks for hectic workdays.  After surgery, you will have a protein goal to achieve each day.  Cheesesticks, protein bars, yogurts, nuts, are a few of the things I pack for emergency snacking/meals.  It also keeps me away from the vending machine, which is full of chips and cakes.  I rarely buy food out when I work.  The only exception is the Tuesday salad day at the hospital if I work.  They make salads to order, and I always got my salad loaded with chicken, and beans, and cheese on it. 

Have a great day at work.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/4/08 5:12 pm - Delmont, PA
Smileycons!Hi Trish!

Well its 3am and my hair is done and I am dressed for work.  LOL I wasnt supposed to get up until now.  Oh well.

I am lucky that I work in a grocery store.  I can buy things that are on the good list and keep them there in my office.  Yesterday it was just too crazy to find the time to really eat well.  I usually make a point of having something small every few hours.  I've noticed that type of eating is working well for me.  I always try to get my protien first in each meal and then I just snack on the veggies, fruit & dairy throughout the day.  So far it's working for me.  I've lost 18.1 lbs since I started this process in April.

Let me know where your son is once you find out.  I would love to meet you one of the times you are in the area.  I've met Abby (Magenta) from the boards and its been wonderful getting to know her.

I've been online for longer than I care to mention and I've NEVER met anyone due the the headcases I've met..snicker.  This group is so different than anything I've ever experienced and I would love to meet everyone if I could.

I hope you have a wonderful..less stressful day.  Maybe we will both be able to sleep tonight!  If not.... you know where to find me!


Diane Stuffer's Facebook profile
Liz R.
on 8/4/08 8:54 pm - Easton, PA
Good Morning everyone! I didn't sleep well either last night, whatever this is going on in my belly had me up until about 11 deciding wether to go to the ER or not, I finally passed out around 11:30. I was up at 1 dealing with it again. I see Dr Boe this morning at 10:45, until then I am here at work.... FUN! I would have called out sick but I had to take hubby into work and it is just too far to drive back home after that. Figured I would come in for a few hours incase Dr Boe tells me to go home after the appt. So my whole day basically rests on what he tells me when I am there this morning.

I must not look well - one of my bosses just stopped in and asked me what was wrong. He did a double take as he walked past my office door... Granted I threw on whatever clothes were on the top of my dresser this morning, threw a headband in my hair and that was that.... even that was too much effort this morning! lol

Well have a great tuesday!

Patricia R.
on 8/4/08 9:13 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Liz,
I sure hope Dr. Boe is able to get to the bottom of your stomach/pouch situation.  Hang in there till then.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Liz R.
on 8/4/08 9:16 pm - Easton, PA
Thanks Trish! I hope so too - I just tried to eat my breakfast - 1/2 english muffin and a fage yogurt and it wouldn't stay down. Water is giving me heart burn. UGh... is it 10 yet?! I might try and leave a little earlier if I can sneak out of work.... *Yawn* so tired and cold too... but then the hot and sweaty will come on out of no where *humm sounds like I caught those menopause symptoms too!*

Thanks again!

Laureen S.
on 8/4/08 11:52 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

I certainly hope that you find out what is ailing you, looking forward to your post later today.

Hugs, prayers and positive healing vibes, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 8/4/08 9:41 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Good Morning everybody - Trish, hope you have a nice relaxing day today - sounds like you can surely use it! Pam and Liz - good luck at the various doctors you'll be visiting over the next few days. Liz, sure hope Dr Boe can determine what's going on with your pouch and take care of it.

Compared to all you guys I am a total bore right now - and I think I like it that way!! LOL!! My foot is coming along nicely - got up and rode my bike this morning and it didn't bother it - am only wrapping part of my foot now in an ace bandage - no sense wrapping the ankle -nothing wrong with that.

Today has me at work - probably running to the mall at lunch to return some clothes to Lane Bryant. Other than that not too much going on.

Take care everybody - and get some sleep!!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
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