****Saturday Roll Call****

Patricia R.
on 8/1/08 9:31 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I finally cleaned off my bed yesterday and slept in it.  My bed had been covered in boxes and crates from trying to get organized, and I was sleeping on my couch for a month.  UGH!

Today, I am heading to work at the hospital, then home to swim in the pool, and then to clean out those crates and boxes. 

Have a great day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/1/08 10:22 pm - anytown, PA
Morning all.. I am still sore from the failed litho and stent removal.....stone back in the kidney and I am afraid..very afraid.. But after being so frustrated and sad about the hanging skin preventing the positioning for lithotripsy, I realize that the skin has to come off.. I think I just wont move forward body image wise.. exercise wise or kidney stone wise unless I do.. The cat scan showed two small hernias so I think that may help pay for a tuck. My game plan is to go for consult around Jan. and have the proceedure late spring so it will run into my summer off ( this summer sure sucked and last summer iwas comsummed with depression. I feel better having a plan..so why am I so resistant to committing to exact food plans daily-even if i make good choices all day....? I wonder about me a lot. Enjot the day you wonderful special people,,,xooxox g
on 8/1/08 10:28 pm - Butler, PA
Hey world!  Here I am again.  I think I did really well yesterday.. nearly 90 gms of protein and not too many carbs.  I even put my granddaughter in her stroller and went for a walk!  That is amazing as I have been very lazy the last few months!

Blanche Jackson    352/314/258.6/180  



on 8/1/08 10:38 pm - Pottstown, PA

Good morning Everyone!!

Well I just got done doing almost an hour on the treadmill  --47 minutes but then my shoe came untied!! So I stopped! LOL

Today is just errand day and finish up this weeks assignments for my course.  It looks kinda dreary maybe a good day to stay in and read this afternoon!


Have a good day!!

Much luv!!


"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 8/1/08 10:48 pm - Culpeper, VA
Good morning all!  We just finished a nice rain storm and the sun is shining again.  Nice cool air!  It has been a wirlwind summer with medical trips, graduations, weddings, and fun!  Now before we know it, we will be shivering in the snow.  I am trying real hard to adjust to the small town culture.  I am finding it quaint but not to sure about everyone knowing my business.  I will have to "keep my nose clean" so to speak

I found an Irish dance class in Olean, NY and a tap class here so I am getting my fun exercise.  No support groups in the area that can see.  No GI doctors at the hospital here.  I will have to check Olean's hospital to see if they have anything going on.  I'd like to see if there are any wls patients in the area to see if they want to get together. I can check Bradford, PA, Wellsboro, PA and then head up to Olean.  If any of you live around these places, let me know.

on 8/2/08 2:18 am - Harrisburg, PA
HI Coudersport!!  I just wanted to hijack this post and say I'm from Wellsboro!  Well, I lived there for 10 years or so!  My parents are in Mansfield and I go home once or twice or month!  Been through Coundersport many a time!!   And it may be a drive, but Elmira, NY might have a GI Doctor, at Arnot Ogden!

Well I hope everyone has a great weekend too! 


Pam Hart
on 8/1/08 11:01 pm - Easton, PA
I finished my surprisingly decent night at work.  Wasn't as bad as in the past - looks like the security at the venue has been tightened as promised.  Phew!

I also did some shopping to no avail.  I am desperately trying to find a new bathing suit with very little luck.  Everyone is telling me "oh, but ALL the stores have them because it's end of the season and they are on sale"  Which is true.  Problem is - end of the season = slim pickings.  The styles I like the ones that are left are to big and the ones that "fit" me are basically two pieces which I am A) in NO shape to wear and B) not comfortable enough to even do that if I was in shape.  This is by far the hardest bathing suit season I've had in a long time.  When I was in women's sizes.....they all had cute little skirts on them which I liked and were obviously full coverage.  I'm finding that not to be so true in misses and what not.  I'm tempted to buy one online - but I'm a try on type of person so I'm kind of leary.

Today I will nap - my husband has a friend coming over so we'll be hanging out with him, I might hit the very few stores in my area that I haven't hit for another go round at the bathing suit thing.  We'll probably go out to dinner with his friend this evening as well.

Another friend of mine is having a party late afternoon/evening - so we might venture over there at some point.  Of course it's a pool party - if the weather holds - and I currently only have my one that my husband refers to as "the bad fitting mu mu" so add insult to injury :(

Enjoy your day!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 8/1/08 11:02 pm - Boothwyn, PA
Hi Everybody - glad everyone is up and feeling better these days. Blanche, its great to see you posting daily now - and getting that baby out for a walk is great progress! I hope it continues for you.

My foot is feeling so much better today - wore that stinking boot all day yesterday but last night decided to give it a rest. After dinner I wrapped my foot in an ace bandage, took a naproxen and a pain pill and it felt great the rest of the night and the swelling went down. Slept well, too - it didn't wake me up with pain during the night.

This morning I wrapped the foot again and actually took the dog for a short walk - probably good it was raining and thundering or I would have pushed myself to go further than I should have. But I'm doing some laundry and some house stuff - hope to get hubby out to the store (if he ever gets his lazy butt out of bed!).

Not much on my agenda today - hope everyone has a good Saturday. Now I have to go play with the dog - he's driving me nuts!! LOL!


'One shoe can change your life'...Cinderella
on 8/1/08 11:49 pm - Levittown, PA
Good morning everyone.

I actually just got up at 9:00 a.m. this morning.  We helped friends move last night and I was exhuasted.  I even fell asleep on my couch which I haven't done in I can't remember how long.

Today we actually have no plans.  I'm going to try to get my husband to do things for us instead of other people.  There are a few yard things that have to be done.  And our poor pool is suffering from neglect.  So it's time to put Garry to work HERE and not somewhere else :)  Gotta love him for helping others, though.  Well, just a litte :)

Other than that, I'm chilling.  Tomorrow we go to Clementon Park with Garry's union.  And we were able to get tickets for basically the whole family, like 16 of us on Garry's side, to go.  So it should be a fun time.  I know Connor will have fun hanging out with all his cousins. 

Well, have a great Saturday everyone.



on 8/2/08 12:36 am - PA
Good Morning PA - I haven't posted much this week b/c hubby and I are sharing a computer for a while, and well you know how that goes. Today, I already worked my part time job for a few hours and made it to the gym. I am going to take a little nap and then I have a mound of laundry to do. We are supposed to go out to dinner tonight for a friend's bday. SO we shall see. Dr. P wants me to try more red meat so today may be the day. I hope you all have a great day. - Katie

Progress not perfection




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