I'm Uncomfortable...
I'm not sure if it is just my little "friend" or what is going on - for a few days off and on I have had heartburn. Now last night I was vomiting because of 1/2 a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (NSA PB and Jelly) I ate plenty slow yadda yadda yadda - all came up, so I had some OJ - well that came up too so I gave up and went to bed. Things are staying down today but the pouchie is just well uncomfortable with everything, inluding water - I sure hope these stupid ulcers aren't rearing their heads again! Then every once in a while I get this "cramp" in my lower belly, and it isn't a uterine cramp - I know the feeling of those all too well - this is more of a "intenstinal" cramp, I don't have to go to the bathroom, and I am not constipated (I know so much info to share - isn't it wonderful!). And no... not gas either....
Any suggestions? If I still feel this way in the morning I will call Barix... I know that is always the answer if something feels wrong - but I like to get your opinions first!
Any suggestions? If I still feel this way in the morning I will call Barix... I know that is always the answer if something feels wrong - but I like to get your opinions first!

If you still feel bad Saturday, I would call Barix. I have not vomited since my surgery, though nausea has been around from time to time. I have had an ulcer since my surgery, and know that pain all too well. I have also had cramping in my lower adbomen, usually followed by gas, etc.
Hang in there. If the pain gets too bad, just call Barix tonight.
If you still feel bad Saturday, I would call Barix. I have not vomited since my surgery, though nausea has been around from time to time. I have had an ulcer since my surgery, and know that pain all too well. I have also had cramping in my lower adbomen, usually followed by gas, etc.
Hang in there. If the pain gets too bad, just call Barix tonight.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Yea, calling Barix is always the right option. I do hope you feel better soon!
My first thought - although scary - was a bit of an obstruction. That could cause the vomiting and what not - but considering you are keeping things down today - that's probably not the answer.
Let us know!
My first thought - although scary - was a bit of an obstruction. That could cause the vomiting and what not - but considering you are keeping things down today - that's probably not the answer.
Let us know!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Hey Liz, watch the OJ, it's very caustic due to the acidity it has. Persoanlly,I would toss PB n J with OJ regardless of what was or not done to my insides. OJ kills me unless I have a 'full' pouch and that would mean bread like substance to absorb the acid so I don't drink it.
Glad you feel better.
Glad you feel better.
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
--Mahatma Ghandi
Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom