help surgery one wk ago
Hi again.... yesterday was one wk out... I am ok.... I have had mjor gas pangs.... and hicups... i do move around... but they haven't let up yet. I wonder if it's because i drink too much when drinking.... I can drink my whole shake fairly quickly.... i thought i was going to not physically be able toget it all in... but i can. and same with soups... can someone advise me on that? i don't gulp it down.... but i am not siping it for hrs either.......
I have lost 8 lbs.... i did gain 7 from the hospital so... i am now officially down from when i went in!
Well, you sound like I did early on. I tended to gulp my beverages, and sometimes still do. Slow down and sip a little at a time. Also, ask your doc about taking GasX. They make a strip that melts in your mouth. It helped me.
Congrats on your weight loss.
Congrats on your weight loss.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Walk walk walk, and SIP. They say to sip for a reason. Just because you can drink it all and fast does not mean you should. Your pouch does not have in tact nerve endings to tell you when you are full. You need to take it slow and sip. Dont get into the habit of woofing your foods or shakes. Learn to take your time this is a skill you will need later. I promise you.