***TGIF Roll Call***
Well yesterday after my swim I realized I really really REALLY needed a new bathing suit. I just bought this one before the pilgrmage - and well - it's just not fitting right. I did go to a bunch of stores - but end of the year stuff is hard to pick through - so I am going to look online and there are some specialty stores around - and they have bathing suits year round most of the time - so I will do some more hunting today.
Besides the hunting - I would like to get my mani/pedi done as well - and also want to try to get to bed a little early. It's supposed to be a tough night in the er due to a local concert which has "traditionally" packed our ER with belligerent druggies and alcohol poisoning issues. Last year this same group had two kids die of over doses at the concert (well - not really at the concert - brought to us from the concert....) so I plan on getting my sleep so I can be ready to rock and roll with all those kiddos who believe they are invincible.
That's about it for me!

Good morning Everyone!!
Trish that is great news about the sugar! Take it easy and watch your legs though! Kathy--careful with your foot and please let us know how it goes with your prescription problem! Pam--get as much rest as you can before work it sounds like it may be brutal!
As for my day --just doing my course work assignments, and I am starting to go through and organize all the special projects and themes I want to teach this year to my second graders. I am so excited to go back to work--the class that is coming up is sooooo adorable. I am really looking forward to them.
I will probally start laundry and tidy up our bedroom as it looks like a hurricane hit it!! Other than that just plan on staying cool and really enjoying my last month off before heading back to work--although I will be going to my classroom next week to start cleaning and setting up--but oh well !!
Enjoy the day!!!
Much luv!!
"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!
Hey there everyone, long time.
I have been very busy with work and kids and stuff. My husband lost his job of 9 1/2 years on the 17th so we have been going through some "stuff".
I have spent a lot of time in prayer, alone and with others from my church and things are turning around. We have a shut off notice for our power that I was paying with my husbands paycheck but he didnt get a whole check so we were "screwed". The Lord came through and provided him with a job with his cousin that will allow us to get through the summer and fall with no money worries.
This will sound silly but we stopped going out for dinner every night. This was my BIG way to save money, as we have not cooked a meal in our house in almost 2 years, but since he lost his job we have made all meals at home with the exception of me eating lunch out with Debby one day.
I got a new scale and have started weighing myself at home again, since I can no longer pay for doctors visits for something non emergent. I did weigh myself at Debby house last weekend and was 180 even, but my new scale says I am 191, so I dont know what to believe, but I do know that every scale is different.
Well I am getting back to work now so I can leave on time.
Have a great weekend everyone
Today... as per my post yesterday when I was whining about not being on track and all the weight I had gained... I decided to start to go back to basics. I have no intention of going nuts with it, as I will just back slide again if I do, but I started the day out with... vitamins, of course!... a protein shake, crystal light, a propel... I am going to take Adrianna outside later to play.. run around with her ball and such.. and maybe to walk around Walmart... it's where her mommy works and so gives her a chance to see her!
My goal today is just to do as well as I can, and try to stay low carb. It's a start, right???
My favorite thing in the whole wide world is to babysit my 13 month old granddaughter, but she lives in Michigan, which makes the times together few and far between.
As for the comeback from the bad habits, I am right there with you in starting over this week. I have to program my brain to apply my AA recovery mentality to the food, and see it as a one day at a time process. What happened before today is over and done with. I can manage to eat right, TODAY, and worry about tomorrow when I wake up tomorrow.
Enjoy your munchkin. I will go to Michigan next weekend to spend a few days with mine.
Albert Schweitzer