Hey PA.. I'm in a rut..
I am able to tolerate alot of sugar, carbs, etc.. sometimes I react, but it doesn't keep me from eating it!
OK.. now... what I need......
I really just need support as I try to bring myself back on track. My only true weight goal is to be below 200... that's it;. should be easy, right??? well.. I thought so.. got there, and then...... well, life can really be tough sometimes. I really need to get back to where I was.. my son was soooo proud of me before he died.
Hi - I recall you posting for a short time a while back then you disappeared - why do we do that when we need the support of our friends the most? I wish we were closer to have a real support group meeting, but we're all your support group out here.
Maybe you can start getting back on track by posting here daily - reading our posts and recognizing that we're all human, we all falter and fail, but we're not failures. And everyone has their own emotional hells to deal with. But start by coming back and being part of this group - step one.
Step two - try the 5 day pouch test - many of our posters do it when they find themselves veering off track, usually after 2-3 years out from their surgery - most of them are very successful at getting their eating and exercise back in order.
I wish you all the best - please don't be a stranger. Losing a child is life's hardest punishment, but your son was so proud of you, and you know he's still in your heart and life and wants his mom to be healthy and happy again.
Hugs - Kathy
thanks again!
I would keep a daily journal or blog of your feelings, what you are eating, exercise, etc... you can make it completely private but you need a safe place to just dump all your feelings out...
Maybe seek the help of someone that you could talk to once a month to help you stay on track... a counselor, a pastor/priest, a friend... someone that will just listen and not judge...
Vent anytime here! Venting is good for ya...
Make sure you are eating protein at every meal... and weed out all BAD food from the house... get rid of the crap now... after you have done some spring cleaning in the kitchen... look for a gym if you don't have one already... and then make sure you are working out at least 3 times a week! Sure you need to do things in babysteps... but you also need a plan of attack!
You basically need to give yourself a good kick in the butt... but you also need to deal with what happened in your life... I can't even imagine going through what you did... but you needed that time to deal with such a huge loss... and you have done a great thing coming here for support... This is the best message board ever! And we are here for you! I have no idea where Butler is at... I think when I looked at the map it is near Pittsburg... here are some Pittsburg people here... so maybe they can tell you where some local support groups are...
But, hang in there! And I am wishing you all the luck in the world... and I am praying for ya!
you could do some emotional and cognitive work to determine why you eat and ways to change that. I suggest the Beck Diet Solution book. It is good and not a diet even though the title says that.
Support groups, logging your food and excercise is huge.
Actually - there are a few people here struggling with multiple issues right now who all need support for various reasons.
I can't add much more to what has already been said.
Look forward to hearing from you.

I have been in therapy for some time for eating behaviors. I have been learning, and relearning coping skills to deal with the emotional triggers that I eat over. Therapy has also helped me deal with the stuff life has been throwing at me as well. I have really benefitted greatly from it. You may want to consider therapy for a while to help you work through some of your grief, and learn new coping skills.
Posting here is also a great source of strength and encouragement as well.
Albert Schweitzer